SAT & ACT Testing

  • Most colleges do not have a preference as to which of the tests to take. Most students take the SAT or ACT for the first time in the spring of their junior year and then again in the fall of their senior year by choice or to try to increase their scores.

    Explore these two tests at the links below and check your college websites for specific test requirements. It is imperative that you check each individual school that you are applying to to see whether there is a preference or need for taking subject tests. Students may also find dates for the tests and register.

    Note: There are registration deadlines for each test date - please plan ahead.

    The testing applications will ask for GPHS SCHOOL CODE: 481211

    The PSAT is a preparatory test for the SAT. Students who take this test will receive detailed feedback that may help them to better prepare for the SAT. Students generally take the PSAT in the fall of their junior year; some will elect to take it during the sophomore year as well. Students who wish to attempt to qualify for the National Merit Scholarship Program must take the test in their junior year and then take the SAT. The PSAT is in October, and counselors will be visiting classrooms to help with registration. For more information on the PSAT and National Merit Scholarship Program, please click here.

    To prepare for the tests, be sure to sign up to receive any practice materials on the website when you register. In addition, the Glacier Peak High School Parent Organization routinely offers test prep help in the fall and again in the spring. Click here for more information about SAT test prep.