- Cathcart Elementary
- High School Grizzly Cub Registration
Grizzly Cubs
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High School Grizzlies Online Registration - Registration open August 28 through September 26, 2024
Glacier Peak High School students - Click here to register
What is it?
Grizzly Cubs is a mentoring program between Glacier Peak High School 10th through 12th grade students and 4th and 5th grade elementary students from the four elementary schools that feed into Glacier Peak High School: Cathcart Elementary, Little Cedars Elementary, Seattle Hill Elementary and Totem Falls Elementary.Once a month you will have planned, super fun activities to do with your Grizzly Cubs. The schedule of events will be released soon. The parents/guardians of your Grizzly Cubs are responsible for their transportation to all events. You, as the High School Grizzly, are not allowed to transport them under any circumstances.
By participating in Grizzly Cubs and attending the majority of the activities, you will receive an honor cord to wear at graduation!
Communication is the big key to the Grizzly Cubs. Text or call your Grizzly Cubs and ask them how they are doing, maybe help them with their homework, invite them to one of your sports games or performances, attend one of their activities etc. It is not a huge time commitment, but it is a commitment. You MUST communicate with your Grizzly Cubs.
- Registration open August 28 through September 26, 2024.
- Click here for a copy of the 2024-2025 parent/guardian letter.
When do I find out who my Grizzly Cub is?
In mid-October you will find out who your Grizzly Cub is. You will need to contact them and introduce yourself. Then, you will come and meet your cub at our introduction event.Who do I ask questions of?
Please contact Grizzly Cubs advisor Sheila Proctor-Long in room 310.Follow us on Instagram at gphsgrizzlycubs