
  • Serena Preston
    Guest Teacher and Substitute Services

    Substitute Hiring
    New Substitute Orientations
    Payroll Support 
    Frontline Absence Management Support

Substitute Services

  • Welcome to the Snohomish School District. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for choosing our school district. As a substitute teacher or substitute paraeducator, you play an important role in the educational process of our district. It has been determined that children today will spend one full year of their K–12 classroom education with a substitute teacher. With that in mind, you can see just how important your role is.

    Once you have completed the application process and been approved, you will receive an email from technology with an invitation to set-up your district username and password that you can use to log into the district's single sign on portal HelloID. From there you'll be able to access Frontline Absence Management.  Frontline is the software program that we use to fill classroom assignments.

    Click here to download the Frontline Absence Management QuickStart Guide.

    Substitute Teachers
    Please read the subsitute teacher and paraeducator handbook. This is where you will find information on our policies and procedures along with other important information. Please don’t hesitate to contact the substitute service office or Human Resource Services if you have questions.

    Online Training Modules
    Shortly after you are hired, you will receive an e-mail from Vector Solutions with an invitation to complete mandatory online training modules. You may begin subbing prior to completion of this training. However, this requirement must be satisfied within 14 days in order to continue subbing for Snohomish School District. If you have satisfied this with another district or employer in Washington state, please forward proof of completion to substitute services.