All newsletters available through ParentSquare

  • Beginning with the 2024-2025 school year, all district families and staff from a particular school will automatically receive school and district newsletters through ParentSquare.

    Please note that through the “Participate” button on the ParentSquare dashboard, registrants can additionally click to join a school “Community Group” to receive the community-relevant information from any other school they are not a parent/guardian or staff member at.

    Those with no students enrolled in a Snohomish School District School or you do not work for the Snohomish School District can enroll in a "Community Group" by clicking here to receive district newsletters (ex. Dear Friends).

Dear Friends - 2023-2024

Dear Friends - 2022-2023

Dear Friends - 2021-2022

Dear Friends - 2020-2021

  • Letter from the Superintendent - August 13, 2021

    Letter from the Superintendent - August 13, 2021

    As we continue our preparations for the coming year, I want to assure our families that our #1 priority is safely returning our students to our schools and classrooms full time. As we continue to finalize those back-to-school plans, health and safety remain the utmost priority. And as we work hard to maintain a safe and healthy environment for our students and staff, we are working hard to balance that with creating as normal as possible school environment.

    As we work through the details of the return to school, I want you to be aware that our district continues to have regular discussions with the Snohomish Health District, Washington Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal’s office and leadership from other school districts in Snohomish County and the region.

    Some current examples of decisions that have been made and communicated to us by the Washington State Department of Health are included in this letter.

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  • Back-to-School News (2021-2022)

    Back-to-School News (2021-2022)

    As we have shared with our school community, we are planning for a full-time return to in-person learning for the 2021-2022 school year.

    As we continue to finalize our back-to-school plans and adjust to any new guidance, our students’ and staff’s health and safety continues to remain our highest priority. Back-to-school information is located below. Please watch for details from your child’s school regarding additional school-specific information. In addition, more information is available on our school and district websites. We can’t wait to welcome you back to our schools and classrooms soon!

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  • Dear Friends - August 3, 2021 Issue

    Dear Friends - August 3, 2021 Issue

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  • Dear Friends - July 21, 2021 Issue

    Dear Friends - July 21, 2021 Issue

    Comments (-1)
  • Dear Friends - June 30, 2021 Issue

    Dear Friends - June 30, 2021 Issue

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