School Funding

  • How are Snohomish schools funded?

    Washington state school districts receive funding from four sources: Washington state, the federal government, local taxpayers, and other local fees.

Snohomish School Funding Questions & Answers

  • What is a replacement levy?

  • Why do we have local levies?

  • How long does a levy last?

  • If property values go up, do local schools get more funding?

  • Why aren’t school district levy elections in November?

  • Why is state funding inadequate?

  • Does the district have unfunded mandates that the levy covers?

  • Didn't the McCleary decision require the state to fully fund education?

  • What is the difference between bonds and levies?

  • What is the history of community support for Snohomish schools?

  • What do other school districts in Snohomish County pay for levies?

  • Have Snohomish schools received federal pandemic relief funds?

  • How does the amount of Snohomish schools’ pandemic relief compare to other schools?

School Funding Laws

  • How do schools get “local” money?

  • Do all public schools receive state funding?

  • Why are voters asked to approve levies so often?

  • Is there a limit on the amount a district may propose for levies?

  • What do federal funds pay for?

Growing Education: What's the Difference Between a Levy and a Bond?

School Bonds & Levies and Property Values

Bonds & Levies - What is the difference?

Senior Citizen Tax Exemptions

  • Some senior and disabled homeowners may be eligible for a property tax exemption, based on income. For details, call the Snohomish County Assessor’s Office at 425-388-3540 or visit their website.

    Questions? We are committed to openness and transparency. Please call 360-563-7263 or send an email to with any questions you may have about how Snohomish schools are funded.