Schedule Change and Drop Guidelines

  • General scheduling considerations
    1. In order to fulfill all graduation requirements within four years, students are encouraged to enroll in six classes each semester.

    2. Late arrival/early dismissal is granted to students who meet specific requirements. A late arrival/early dismissal form can be obtained in the counseling office. Students with late arrival/early dismissal may not be on campus during their late arrival/early dismissal.

    3. Students who have failed a class need to meet with their counselor to discuss credit retrieval or summer school options in order to stay on track for graduation.

    4. The Course Description Book is a wealth of information to help students choose courses based on their future education and career goals. During registration, students should carefully read course descriptions when choosing their alternate courses. Most students will end up with at least one of their alternates.

    Schedule changes

    If any of these specific scheduling errors exist on your schedule, please alert your counselor and the error will be corrected:

    • Missing a graduation requirement - Priority is given to juniors and seniors.
    • Misplaced in a sequential class (example - in Art 2 but did not pass Art 1).
    • Completely missing a class or period in his/her schedule.

    Dropping a course
    If due to extenuating circumstances, students must drop a class after ten days, they will receive a "W" or an "F." Students failing at the time of a drop will receive an “F” on their transcript. Students passing at the time of a drop will receive no credit and a “W” on their transcript. Students may not drop classes after the tenth week of each semester.