Bond FAQs (historical background)

  • How old are the schools that are part of the bond proposal?
    The average age of the seven elementary schools in the bond proposal (Cascade View Elementary, Cathcart Elementary, Central Primary Center, Dutch Hill Elementary, Emerson Elementary, Seattle Hill Elementary and Totem Falls Elementary) is about 42 years old.

     Timeline of school and building construction and renovation

    What were the projects included in the 2004 and 2008 bonds?
    These are the capital projects completed as part of the 2004 bond:

    These are capital projects completed as part of the 2008 bond:

    Wasn't there supposed to be a phase 3 that addressed these issues at the remaining elementary schools?
    The 2004 Citizens Facilities Advisory Committee report proposed a third bond for 2012. Due to the economic downturn, that bond proposal could not be submitted to the voters. As a result, the seven remaining elementary schools were not renovated or rebuilt.

    Was the 2008 bond completed on time and within budget?
    The 2008 bond was completed on time and under budget. Savings from the capital program were used to fund many additional projects including safety and security measures for seven elementary lobbies and additional district-wide improvements.

    How do we prevent running out of funds like what happened in 2006?
    Monies have been built into each project to include projected construction escalation costs. Projected project costs include permitting, design, site costs, construction, technology, utilities, furniture, sales tax and escalation costs. For example, the cost to replace Totem Falls Elementary (2026 construction) is about 13% more than the other schools which would be constructed in 2023.

    Why did it take two bond issues to finish Snohomish High School?
    The proposed construction budgets for Little Cedars Elementary, Glacier Peak High School and Snohomish High School were developed prior to the 2004 bond's passing. Construction costs significantly escalated between 2004-2006. Construction of Little Cedars Elementary and Glacier Peak High School, which were also part of the 2004 bond, could not be phased.

    How much of our existing property taxes are earmarked for the 2004 and 2008 bonds?
    Throughout the years, the school district has refinanced some of the bonds to benefit the taxpayer and take advantage of lower interest rates. In 2019, the portion of your school district property taxes that was earmarked for bond repayment (2004 and 2008 bond measures) was $2.8752 per $1,000/assessed value.

    What is the Citizens Facility Advisory Committee (CFAC)?
    The Snohomish School District’s Citizens Facility Advisory Committee (CFAC) is an appointed community group that studies district facilities for educational usefulness based on facility conditions, educational standards and enrollment projections. Together, this community group:

    • Reviews the physical conditions of the district facilities,
    • Evaluates the physical conditions for adequacy and longevity of district operation,
    • Reviews district demographic and student growth projections,
    • Reviews the previous CFAC recommendations,
    • Studies current and future instructional and educational models,
    • Prioritizes facility needs and,
    • Updates the Board of Directors on a regular basis as determined by the Board of Directors. Ultimately the group will make a recommendation to the Board that helps guide the district’s vision for its facilities.
    • CFAC formed in 2003 to review and recommend to the Board of Directors facilities improvements based on need. The group reconvened 2007 to provide next phase of facility improvements recommendations to the Board of Directors. The group reconvened again in 2018 and continued with its facilities review. In May 2019 CFAC formulated a recommendation to the Board of Directors.
    • Learn more about CFAC, its members and its recommendations at