February Cultural Awareness and Recognitions

  • February Cultural Awareness and Recognitions: Black History Month 

    In the Snohomish School District and community, we honor and recognize our diversity. Please join with us this month as we acknowledge Black History Month.

    Black History Month origins date back more than 100 years. The Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), founded in 1915, originally designated the second week of February as a time for researching and promoting the achievements of Black Americans. The second week of February was chosen to coincide with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass.

    By the late 1960s, the week had evolved into a month on many college campuses. In 1976, President Gerald Ford officially recognized Black History Month and called upon the public to honor the often-over-looked contributions of Black Americans to American history. Since 1928, the ASALH has selected a theme for each year. The theme for 2023 is Black Resistance

    For some more information on recognitions throughout the year please check out this link.