October Cultural Awareness and Recognitions

  • October Cultural Awareness and Recognitions: Global Diversity Awareness Month

    In the Snohomish School District and community, we honor and recognize our diversity. Recognizing diversity facilitates our collective ability to support each and every student and family regardless of ethnicity, socioeconomic class, gender, sexual orientation, religion, physical ability, cognitive ability, background, personality, and more. Diversity presents the opportunity for critical thinking to occur through exposure to different viewpoints, life experiences, and beliefs allowing us to explore and examine our world. Check out this article communicating the benefits of inclusion and diversity in the classroom.

    According to census.gov, the U.S. Census Bureau was one of the first government agencies to hire men and women of many ethnicities. The diversity in staff provided the agency with local knowledge, language skills and cultural understanding to engage with various community groups. The census website also provides a diversity index which tells us the chance that two people chosen at random will be from diverse ethnic groups. The numbers range from 2.2% in Puerto Rico to 76% in Hawaii.

    With October being Global Diversity Awareness Month, several groups are recognized during this time. Please see the list and links below:

    For more information on recognitions throughout the year please check out this link from pta.org.

    "Diversity is a fact. Equity is a choice. Inclusion is an action. Belonging is an outcome." ~ Arthur Chan