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Graduation Requirements


Students must meet all Snohomish School District requirements and all Washington state graduation requirements.


Students must attend eight semesters of high school or its equivalent and earn 24 credits. One-half credit is equal to one period of instruction for one semester of 90 days.

Credit Requirements

The subjects and required credits listed below are required for graduation and must be included in the 24 credits.

District high school graduation requirements document


Glacier Peak High School
Mikayla West
Career Center Specialist

Snohomish High School
Patty Stapleton 
Career Center Specialist

AIM High School
Derek DeGroot

Graduation Board Policy & Procedures

Minimum High School Graduation Requirements

Subject Credits Specific Courses
English 4.0
  • Freshman year- 1.0 credit for Freshman English or Freshman Honors English
  • Sophomore year- 1.0 credit Sophomore English or Sophomore Honors English
  • Junior year- 1.0 credit Junior English or AP English Language
  • Senior Year- 1.0 credit English elective or AP English Literature
Social Studies 3.0
  • Sophomore year – 1.0 credit World History or AP World History
  • Junior year – 1.0 credit U.S. History or AP U.S. History
  • Senior year – 1.0 credit Civics or AP Government
Math 3.0
  • Three consecutive credits of math- Algebra, Geometry (or higher), and a third credit of math* based on the student’s High School & Beyond Plan
Science 3.0
  • One credit of Life science – strongly suggested
  • One credit of Physical science – strongly suggested
  • One credit based on the student's College/Career Pathway
  • Two of the above credits must be lab-based science
Physical Education 1.5
  • Three semesters of Physical Education
Health Education 0.5
  • One semester of Health
Career &Technical Education 1.0
Fine Arts 2.0
  • Two credits Fine Arts


  • One credit Fine Arts and one credit Personal Pathway**
World Language 2.0
  • Two credits World Language***


  • Two credits Personal Pathway**
Electives 4.0 Any classes in addition to the above requirements
Total 24.0



* The 3rd credit of science and the 3rd credit of math are chosen by the student based on the student's interest and High School and Beyond Plan, and approved by the parent or guardian, or if the parent or guardian is unavailable or does not indicate a preference, the school counselor or principal (WAC 180-51-068).

** Personal Pathway Requirements: Three credits that lead to a specific post-high school career outcome chosen by the student, based on the student’s interests and High School & Beyond Plan. For 2021 and beyond, 1.0 credit of Art and 2.0 World Language credits may be replaced with courses that are part of the student's High School & Beyond plan. World Language is specifically required for 4-year college directly out of high school.

*** Students who can fluently read, write, speak and listen in a language other than English can earn up to 4 high school credits depending upon the level of proficiency they demonstrate on a district approved assessment. See page 44 for additional information.