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Photos & Social Media Guidelines

There are times during the year when photos or audio-visual recordings of students may be taken for use by the district, school or teacher. When possible, we will alert parents in advance, but this is not always possible. In addition, the district's Photo Consent/Opt Out Form only pertains to photos and audio-visual recordings taken for district, school or teacher exclusive use and purposes. The consent form does not include or pertain to those photos taken by parents, parent organizations, clubs, etc.

It is important to be aware that student family members, community members and attendees at school events may take and publish photos and other recordings of students without coordinating such with school district personnel, and it is possible that your student could appear in a third party's photos and other recordings. The Snohomish School District is not responsible for the use of any students' likeness (photo, voice, etc.) that appears in those photos and recordings.

Below are some simple guidelines we ask parents and others to follow in regard to taking personal photos/videos and posting them online or on social media. These guidelines are encouraged to protect student confidentiality and safety.

  • Only take photos/videos of your own child.
  • Do not tag or list student names on photos/videos.
  • Any photo/video taken by a company is copyrighted and should not be posted (e.g. yearbook, class and individual student pictures).
  • Many parents do not want their child’s photo/video online. Permission from the child’s parent/guardian must be received prior to posting any pictures/videos from school/classroom events. For your own protection, documentation of this permission (handwritten note, copy of an email message, etc. ) should be obtained should questions arise in the future.
  • Pictures/videos should not be taken at school for the purpose of posting online. Prior permission from the school office must be obtained any time you take pictures on campus.
  • Student photos/videos are not to be used to promote a business of any kind.

Student Photographs

There are times when photographs of students may be taken for district and school websites, social media applications, printed/electronic publications or other district use. If you do not want your child to appear in photographs or videos, please complete the photo opt-out form located online or in your school office, and return to your school office by September 30 so that we may honor your request. Forms must be filled out each year.