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Free/Reduced Meals & Applications

Snohomish School District participates in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program sponsored by the USDA. All families who meet federal income eligibility may apply for meal benefits and can access additional district and community benefits with this annual eligibility. We want to encourage any family to apply to receive these great benefits if you think your household will qualify.

Free/reduced meal applications are now available online and in paper form. Compare the size and income of your household to the USDA Income Guidelines.

Only one application should be completed per household. The school district will notify you if the application is approved or denied.  

Update for 2024-2025

Families with students that participate in the College Bound program will be required to complete the Free/Reduced Meal Application and Consent to Share Form to waive ASB related fees.

Free/Reduced Meals & Applications

Online applications

 Online forms can be completed through parent/guardian Skyward/Family Access accounts.

Free/reduced meal applications


Print the appropriate application, complete it and return to the district's Resource and Service Center (1601 Avenue D in Snohomish). Completed forms may also be mailed to Snohomish School District, Attn: Meal Applications, 1601 Avenue D, Snohomish, WA 98290

Click here to be redirected to the forms in English, Spanish, and Russian for downloading and printing.

Paper applications

Printed copies of the forms are available at all district schools and at the district's Resource and Service Center (1601 Avenue D in Snohomish).

Or you may request an application from the district office. To request an application, contact Amanda Davis at 360-563-7332 and leave your name, address, phone number and email address if possible.

When Completing the Application

Who Should Fill Out An Application?

Fill out the application if:

  • Total household income is the same or less than the amount on the chart.
  • You receive Basic Food, take part in the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR), or receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) for your children.
  • You are applying for foster children that are under the legal responsibility of a foster care agency or court.

Foster children that are under the legal responsibility of a foster care agency or court are eligible for free meals regardless of personal use income. If you have questions about applying for meal benefits for foster children, please contact us at 360-563-7314.

Important Notes

What counts as income? Who is considered a member of my household?

Look at the income chart below. Find your household size. Find your total household income. If members in the household are paid at different times during the month and you are unsure if your household is eligible, fill out an application and we will determine your income eligibility for you. The information you give will be used to determine your child's eligibility for free or reduced-price meals.


USDA Child Nutrition Program Income Guidelines

Household is defined as all persons, including parents, children, grandparents, and all people related or unrelated who live in your home and share living expenses. If applying for a household with a foster child, you may include the foster child in the total household size.

Household income is considered to be the income each household member received before taxes. This includes wages, social security, pension, unemployment, welfare, child support, alimony, and any other cash income. If including a foster child as part of the household, you must also include the foster child’s personal income. Do not report foster payments as income.