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Meal Prices & Online Payment

Meal prices

  • Elementary breakfast - $1.75
  • Middle/high school breakfast - $2.50
  • Adult breakfast - $3
  • Elementary lunch - $3.25
  • Middle/high school lunch - $3.50
  • Adult lunch - $5 
  • Elementary free and reduced breakfast and lunch - Free
  • Middle/high school free and reduced breakfast and lunch - Free
  • Milk - $0.50
  • Milk for elementary free and reduced meals - Milk free with meal


School full meal requirements

For a full meal, which is partially or fully reimbursed by the state and federal governments, there are requirements as to what must be taken. Items offered must be meats, grains, fruit (juice included at breakfast), vegetables, and milk. For a full breakfast meal, all students are offered at least four items and must take at least three. For a full lunch meal, all students are offered at least five items and must take at least three. For either meal, one item must be a serving (1/2 cup) of either fruit or vegetables. If a student does not take all of the required items for a full meal, the food will be charged at ala carte prices.

For more information, contact Tom Laufmann

Meal accounts

A meal account is automatically set up for every Snohomish student. Parents/guardians can add funds to meal accounts by sending cash or a check to school with their child or by paying online through our TouchBase online payment portal. Parents/guardians may pre-pay for meals so that students do not need to carry money to school each day. All schools use an electronic point-of-sale system that keeps a running balance. This can be used for breakfast, lunch and a la carte purchases.

Students will use their school ID card or a meal card to access their account. Students’ meal status is confidential. The system for paying for meals is designed to protect students’ confidentiality, so there is no difference between free, reduced or regular meal payment. Elementary students are issued a meal card. As students go through the meal line, their card is scanned, and the meal price is deducted from their account. Secondary students enter their ID number into a keypad to have the meal price deducted from their account.

Payment by check

If paying at your student's school, checks should be made payable to Snohomish School District. Be sure to put your child’s name in the “note” section at the bottom of the check; student numbers are also very helpful. Checks payable to Snohomish School District can also be sent to Snohomish School District, Attn: Chartwells K12/Food Service Dept., 14308 Broadway Avenue SE, Snohomish, WA 98296

Child graduate or no longer a district student?

Any balance remaining on your student’s food service account from the previous school year will move forward to the new school year. If your child is graduating, funds are automatically transferred to a younger sibling's account. If your child has graduated and there are no younger siblings, or if your child is no longer a district student, a refund of any remaining account balance can be requested by contacting Food Service at or 360-563-7357. Please include your child's name, school, student ID number and address.

This document includes important information regarding food benefits for your child. If you need dietary accommodations for your child, additional assistance, or this information translated into another language at no cost to you please contact us at 360-563-7357.