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Health Services

Since the health status of a student bears a direct relationship to the student's ability to learn, we want to know about health problems the student may have. It's important that this information is provided when the school year begins. Our district's health services include screening for vision and the creation of individual health plans for students with life-threatening conditions. Health services are also available for pregnant students. This service is provided through a contractual agreement with the Snohomish Health District and can assist with both prenatal and post-partum needs.

Student emergencies and emergency contact information
In case of serious injury or illness of any student at school, we will call the phone number listed as primary first. If we cannot reach a parent at that number, we will call the person listed on the emergency data card next. If there is no response at this number, the child will be taken to the hospital. Please fill out the emergency enrollment form completely and accurately. If there is a change of address or phone number at any time during the school year, please inform the school promptly.

Health Room/School Nurse

In preparation for the school year, there are a couple of items that may make your student better able to stay at school. If your student suffers from headaches, menstrual cramps, etc., please come to the health room at registration and complete a medication form. This will allow your student to carry a one day’s dose of non‐prescription medication (Advil, Tylenol, Motrin, etc.).

If your student needs prescription medication at school, such as inhalers or medication for ADHD, please come into the health room and pick up a medication form. You will need to sign this and have your doctor complete it as well. All medication forms need to be completed at the beginning of the new school year. If your student had a form on file last year, it does not carry over to this year.

If your child received immunizations during the summer, please call the school nurse on those dates so the school nurse can update his/her record.

Lastly, as you probably know, if your student has a life‐threatening health condition, such as diabetes or anaphylaxis, we need to have a signed health care plan in place, as well as the appropriate medication form and any necessary medications and supplies. This needs to occur before the first day of school.

School Nurse Phone Numbers

AIM High School

Glacier Peak High School

Snohomish High School

Centennial Middle School

Valley View Middle School

Cathcart Elementary

Cascade View Elementary

Central Emerson Elementary 

Dutch Hill Elementary

Little Cedars Elementary

Machias Elementary

Riverview Elementary

Seattle Hill Elementary

Totem Falls Elementary

Parent Partnership Program