Medication at School
Washington state law allows school nurses and school employees to administer oral medication to students when certain requirements have been met. If the child has a life-threatening condition in which the administration of epinephrine by injection is necessary, school employees can administer this medication as well. Please note that non-medically trained personnel may administer medication to your child. All eye, ear, nose drops or topical medications (including sun screen) also must be approved for administration within the school and on our campuses.
If your child needs to take medication during school hours, the medication must be sent to the school in the original pharmacy container. The label should state the child's name, date of prescription, name of physician, name of drug, route of administration, and when to take it. We must have a written, unexpired request from the parent/legal guardian along with a written, unexpired prescription from a licensed professional to administer the medication; these must be accompanied with instructions. The medication and necessary paperwork should be reviewed by the school nurse.
Medication means all drugs, whether prescription or over the counter. Medication forms must also be completed for all medication students will have in their possession. This includes medication needed for field trips and all after-school activities, including athletic and non-athletic extra-curricular activities.