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Human Resource Services

Welcome to Human Resource Services

The Snohomish School District employs approximately 615 certificated staff and 550 classified staff members. Human Resource Services creates, encourages, and maintains an environment that supports, develops and sustains the well-being of the Snohomish School District employees, students and community.

The district recruits skilled and dedicated professionals that are committed to our students and community. We do this by being a knowledgeable, approachable, and professional resource in providing quality services in the areas of employee relations, benefits, recruitment and retention, compensation and human service information management. We develop and communicate sound policies and procedures that balance the needs of employees and the needs of the school system while ensuring compliance with federal and state law. We deliver our services in support of the school district’s focus on leadership and service. We maintain a dedicated focus on customer service and relationships, and we are committed to fostering an environment that sustains the commitment to our students, families and greater community.


Darryl Pernat
Executive Director, Human Resource Services

Darryl Pernat

What We DO


Human Resource Services Office

  • Employment inquiries
  • General HR inquiries
  • Work experience
  • Loan forgiveness

Sub Desk (6 a.m.-3 p.m.)


  • Verification of employment
  • Financing lending
  • DSHS
  • Housing authority
  • Rentals

Snohomish School District Positions

Human Resource Services

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Snohomish Aquatic Center Positions

Snohomish Aquatic Center
Chris Bensen, Director

apply for a position with the snohomish aquatic center

Chartwells K-12 (district's food service provider) positions

Marty Grasa, Supervisor

Apply for a position with snohomish school district food services