Timesheet Tips for Staff
- Your timesheet is the employee's responsibility. Please don’t expect or ask your administrative assistant to complete it for you.
- Please use your full legal name, as it appears on your pay warrant. No nicknames or middle names (legal name = per social security card).
- Print your name at the top and sign (full name) and date at the bottom.
- Use ink only. Do not use pencil. Any timesheet done in pencil will be returned. This could delay the receipt of payment.
- No white out. For corrections, use a single line, cross out the error, write in the correct information and initial next to the correction.
- Please use one timesheet per month and not multiple months on one timesheet.
- Record the date the extra hours were worked – no date ranges.
- Record the number of extra hours worked, not the start and stop times of the extra hours.
- Round hours and minutes to the nearest quarter hour, .25, .50, .75, 1. Please do not use hours and minutes. Example - 4 hours and 32 minutes should be recorded as 4.5
- Do not leave the explanation blank. Make sure there is a proper description for the extra hours worked.
- Certificated staff – Loss of planning must be on a separate timesheet.
- Classified staff - if you gave up your contracted work hours to sub for another position, note on the timesheet how many hours you gave up and from what position (Example - “Did not work 3.5 hours of my Para A hours and 2.0 of my MOS hours.”) It is important to be specific, many of you work in multiple positions.
- Properly record the position held (i.e. Para A, MOS, Para B).
- Please leave your completed timesheet with your building representative as early in the month as possible, as many timesheets require additional approving signatures before they can be paid.
- Incomplete timesheets or those not received in Payroll & Benefits by the cut-off date will not be paid until the following month.
- If you have any questions on how to complete your timesheet, please contact Diana Hensley at 360-563-7241 for classified staff or Kim Latimore at 360-563-7336 for certificated staff.
Classified staff:
Diana Hensley
Certificated staff:
Kim Latimore