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Welcome to Safety

As many of us watch and read the all-too-frequent news reports and social media posts about school-related violence and other events, it's natural for each of us to struggle to understand things like this could happen. It's also natural at times like this that we think about the safety of our own children.

The safety of students in Snohomish is our highest priority. We have a district committee comprised of public safety officers, administration, principals and parents who meet on a regular basis to discuss ways we can improve safety in our schools. Some practices you should be aware of include:

  • Our schools practice regular lockdown and evacuation drills in preparation for emergencies.
  • Our building administrators have been trained by local law enforcement about what to do in the event of an emergency or disaster.
  • We have close working relationships with local law enforcement and have provided all police and fire departments with details about each of our school buildings that would be useful should they need to respond to such an emergency.
  • It has long been our policy, but not always our day-to-day practice, that each person who comes onto a campus checks in and checks out with the main office of the school. This is meant to ensure that in the unlikely event there is a safety concern the main office staff in each building can quickly identify who is or is not on campus.
  • We are making every effort to improve how we manage access to our buildings and schools.
  • Our Watch DOGS volunteers serve as an unobtrusive, reassuring presence and as positive male role models for children at school. More than 1,500 Snohomish dads and father figures are involved in their students' schools through the Watch DOGS program.
  • We have commitments with the Snohomish County Sheriffs Department and Snohomish City Police Department who provide School Resource Officers (SROs) to our staff. These SROs are based at Snohomish High School and Glacier Peak High School, but work closely with the feeder schools serving each.
  • Open communication between home and school is also critical to the safety and well-being of our students and your children. Be observant and let us know if you see or hear something that makes you feel uncomfortable, nervous or frightened. Please contact us if you have a concern or question about school policies or your child's safety.

Throughout this section of our district website, you will find information and resources that we hope you find informative and useful. We encourage you to look and read through them. Please feel free to reach out to me or your child's principal if you have any questions or concerns. We welcome your feedback.


Jeff Scott
Manager, Safety and Security

Jeff Scott