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Teaching & Learning Services

Welcome to Teaching & Learning Services

Dear Snohomish students, families and staff,

Greetings! As executive director of Teaching and Learning Services, I am truly grateful for the opportunity to serve Snohomish School District.

Our district's academic mission is to ensure that all students receive the time and support needed to access and surpass essential grade level learning. We advance this academic mission principally through the implementation of Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS), which provides a framework for all students receiving effective core instruction and targeted academic support, enrichment, and intervention. Teaching and Learning Services is one of the departments in the district office dedicated to advancing the district's academic mission by supporting our school staff, primarily through professional development around curriculum, instruction, and assessment.

Our purpose statement reads: "In order to maximize student learning, Teaching and Learning Services encourages, supports and facilitates professional growth opportunities for district staff." This purpose statement guides our department in our ongoing efforts to systematically support the instructional practices of district staff so that they can provide the best possible learning experiences for our students. In addition, we also manage various state and federal grants and oversee state and district assessments as well as the process for instructional materials adoption, ensuring that resources are responsibly allocated to best support learning goals.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I would love to hear from you.

Monica Bauer
Executive Director, Teaching and Learning Services


Monica Bauer


What We Do