World Languages Credit for Proficiency
World language proficiency credit for Snohomish School District students in grades 8-12
Can you fluently read, write, speak, & listen in a language other than English?
- If you are a student in grades 8 through 12 in the Snohomish School District, you can earn high school credit in a world language by successfully passing district-approved assessments and demonstrating your language proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in this language. Assessments are available for many different world languages and every effort will be made to provide assessments in any language requested.
How many credits can you earn by demonstrating proficiency?
- Students will be able to earn up to 4 credits, depending on the level of proficiency they demonstrate on the assessment in reading, writing, listening and speaking. Since credits will be awarded based on the lowest level of proficiency demonstrated across the skill areas, it is important that students have strong skills in all four areas.
What is the benefit of taking this test?
- Students will earn proficiency-based high school credits, may meet the world language credit requirement for graduation, and may qualify for the Seal of Biliteracy on their transcripts.
- Register for the test at the student's high school or middle school counseling office. Questions should be directed to the school counselor.
Testing location
- The test will be administered by appointment at the student’s school.
Testing dates
- Dates will be scheduled for group testing through the student’s school. Families will be notified once a date is set.