Title I & Learning Assistance Program
Title I
Title I is a federally funded program that provides extra support in reading and math to raise the achievement of low-achieving children. This program currently serves Title I students in the following schools: Central Primary Center (school-wide) and Emerson Elementary (school-wide). Funding is based on the number of low income children in the district. Services are provided to a select group of children - those identified as failing, or most at risk of failing, to meet the state’s student achievement standards. Title I instruction is provided by highly qualified teachers and para-educators.
Learning Assistance Program (LAP)
LAP is a state-funded program that provides extra support in reading and math. Funds for LAP are based on student performance. Students qualify for this program based on performance on state and district assessments. LAP currently serves students in the following schools: Centennial Middle School, Valley View Middle School, Snohomish High School, Glacier Peak High School.Parents have the right to request information on the professional qualifications of their student’s classroom teachers. For more information, contact Teaching & Learning Services at 360-563-7257.
Washington State Report Card
Click here to view the Washington State Report Card from OSPI. (Note: The annual report card is found at the Washington State Report Card page, by choosing the “Search by School” option, entering Snohomish in the search field, and selecting the Snohomish school you are specifically interested in seeing. If you do not have internet access, contact your child’s school office and a hard copy can be provided.)