Who's Who in Teaching & Learning Services
Monica Bauer
Executive Director, Teaching and Learning Services
Shana Fogg
TOSA, Curriculum and Instruction Specialist
- Support elementary curriculum adoptions and instruction
- Elementary professional development
- New teacher curriculum onboarding
- WaKIDs training
David Greene
Director, Teaching and Learning Services (Elementary & Categorical Services)
- Support elementary
- Elementary counseling
- Threat assessments
- Categorical programs: Title, LAP, highly capable, migrant
- Summer academy
- Attendance
- Human growth and development (sexual health)
Dr. Jennifer Harlan
Director, Teaching and Learning Services (Secondary & Instructional Technology)
- Support secondary
- Instructional technology
- Digital Learning Leaders (DLL) support
- Secondary intervention
- Secondary counseling
- Credit recovery and secondary summer programs
- Secondary health and sexual health
Nina Hoffar
Administrative Assistant
- Provide support to directors and TOSAs
- McKinney-Vento support
- Organize and order curriculum
- Clock hour support
Emily Hoskins
Administrative Assistant
- Provide support to multi-language learners program
- Process multi-language learners students home language survey
- Attendance support
- Translation and interpretation services
Teresa Jackson
TOSA, Grants
- LAP, Title I, Title II and Title IV
- Paraeducator Certificate Program (FCS and GPC)
- Secondary math support
- TPEP grant
- Private school grant support
- Educator equity data collection point person
Belinda Kelly
Educational Records
- Assessment support
- Assist with highly capable program
- World Language
- Competency tests
- Special education records management
- Teaching and Learning Services support
Brianne Loomis
TOSA, Highly Capable Program Specialist
- 4-6 highly capable coordinator
- K-3 referral process, communication, placement, appeals, and learning plans
- Organize CogAT testing, MDC placement meeting and notification letters to families, including new students
- Middle school and high school honors and AP
- Professional development for teachers of highly capable and twice exceptional students
- Support elementary curriculum adoptions and instruction
Karla Reyes-Sanchez
Migrant and ML Family Liaison
- Identify and recruit eligible migrant students
- Supports the Parent Advisory Council (PAC)
- Serves as a liaison between schools, home and community agencies
- Provides workshops, advocacy and support to migrant students and families
Maryna Ruzhyna-Welker
TOSA, Multilingual Language Learners (MLL) and Migrant Bilingual
- Plan, develop, implement and monitor district multilingual language learners (MLL) and migrant bilingual programs
- Coordinate, direct and support the delivery of services to migrant and MLL students, parents and instructional staff
- ELL and migrant state and federal grant funding
- Coordinate and facilitate the administration of WIDA screener and annual ACCESS for ELLs assessment
- Support teachers in developing skills in differentiation of instruction and working with MLL
- Support secondary curriculum adoptions and instruction
Kathy Silveira
Administrative Assistant
- Provide support to Executive Director of Teaching and Learning Services
- Purchasing for department
- Early entrance kindergarten and Transition to Kindergarten (TK) program placement
- Professional development assistance
- Summer program support
- Timesheets and budget management
Katie Sizemore
TOSA, Assessment
- State assessments (WaKIDS, Early Literacy Screener, SBA Math/ELA, WCAS (science) and WA-AIM
- District benchmark assessments (STAR, ESGI) and ACT
- World language competency assessments
- Homeroom
- Building Assessment Coordinators (BACs)
- Assist with data mining and development of assessment literacy
Tony Smith
TOSA, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
- Provide support and planning assistance with challenging student behaviors
- Assist school teams in developing and improving systems of support within the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) framework
- Mentor beginning teachers as part of the Beginning Educator Support Team (BEST)
- Provide professional development in behavioral management and other areas as needed
- Support operations and functions of the Teaching and Learning Services team as needed