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Traversa My Ride K-12

Traversa My Ride K-12 provides secure access to student routing information. Traversa My Ride K-12 provides quick access to your child's routing information, which can include the bus stop, route, and bus number. This is accessible on mobile devices, and confidential and secure. This program can be accessed via the web or mobile app and is free to download and use. The user guide can be downloaded by clicking one of the links below:

Parents/guardians will still need to use their student ID# and student date of birth to add their student to the app.

Traversa My Ride K-12 website -

Scan cards

My Ride K-12 provides secure access to student routing information and provides quick access to your child's routing information, which can include the bus stop, route, and bus number. This is accessible on mobile devices, and confidential and secure. This program can be accessed via the web or mobile app and is free to download and use. Scan ridership cards will be distributed to every student throughout the school year and will act as their ID when riding the bus during the school year.

You can download the Traversa My Ride K-12 app or visit the website at Parents/guardians will need to use their child's ID# and date of birth to add their children to the app. Links to the Traversa My Ride K-12 app are below:

At each bus stop, the driver will be able to see a display of the names and photos of students assigned to that stop so they can confirm that the correct students are boarding or getting off the bus. Please note that these scan cards are not trackers. No student information is stored on these cards, and they are not used to track a student’s location. The school buses are used to locate students while on the route. The student scan cards simply help to accelerate the process of recording student check-ins while also mitigating errors. Knowing where and when a student is during a bus route is paramount to ensuring the safety of every child in real-time.

Click here to download a handout for parents/guardians with more information about scan ridership cards.

Posted bus routes and pick-up and drop-off times are approximate. Please remember that traffic, weather and other unforeseen circumstances may cause some routes to be early or delayed. Also, as students choose not to ride or to ride the bus during the school year, pick-up and drop-off times are adjusted. For example, the elimination of just one bus stop (because students no longer ride or are absent from stop on a particular day) can affect a route by 2–3 minutes. It is recommended that parents and students arrive at their bus stops at least five (5) minutes prior to the published times.

It is our district’s practice that kindergartners will not be let off the bus unless the student’s parent/guardian (or designated adult) is at the bus stop at the time of student drop-off. Kindergartners whose parents/guardians are not at the bus stop will be returned to the student’s elementary school where the parent/guardian (or emergency contact) will be called for student pick-up.

Note: Parents/guardians of students on Choice Transfer/variance will be responsible for providing student transportation to and from school. Bus passes will be approved on space availability, and we will not be reviewed until four (4) weeks after school starts. 


If you have a question about your child’s transportation information, transportation assistance is currently available Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. 


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