Centennial Partnership

  • A partnership between Centennial Middle School, students and parents/guardians

    Teamwork - At Centennial Middle School we believe that the best way to help students achieve their greatest potential is to work as a team. The team consists of:

    • The school whose job it is to offer a safe place and a challenging education in which the student can learn.
    • The student whose job it is to learn and prepare for his/her life.
    • The parents whose job it is to encourage and support their child’s education.

    When each party does their part, students can achieve their greatest potential. To this end, we propose the following partnership which helps define each team member’s responsibilities.

    As a school, Centennial Middle School will:

    • Provide a safe, supportive, and academically vigorous place to learn
    • Help students see the connection between school and their lives
      • Provide relevant lessons and materials
      • Align curriculum and assessment to standards
      • Assess and monitor student growth frequently
    • Provide a system to help students stay organized:
      • Provide a weekly assignment calendar
      • Encourage calendar use and binder organization
      • Every teacher will use a calendar system in every class

    As a student, I will:

    • Use school as a tool to prepare for my life:
      • Come to school to learn
      • Bring needed books and materials to class
      • Work in class
      • Complete and hand-in assignments
      • Attend consistently
      • Take home school communications (grades, parents forms, etc.)
    • Learn to be organized:
      • Use the Centennial Middle School calendar (or other organizational system)
      • Keep an organized, neat binder

    • Respect myself, others, and the school

    As a parent/guardian, I will:

    • Make learning a priority
      • Help my child see the connection between school and his/her life
      • Provide a consistent place and time to study
      • Assure my child attends school consistently, with proper materials, and is physically and mentally ready to learn
    • Help my child learn to be organized:
      • Help my child use the Centennial Middle School calendar (or other organizational system)
      • Help my child keep an organized, neat binder
      • Encourage my child to respect him/herself, others and the school