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Student Cooking Contest (4-6 grades)

Each year, the Snohomish School District holds the Kids in the Kitchen/Junior Chef Competition, which is sponsored by the Food Services Department.

2024-2025 Recipe Submittal Information

District 4th - 6th grade students are invited to submit recipes for their favorite after-school snacks. The recipes, which must be submitted by Friday, December 13, do not have to be original. A student may submit multiple recipes. They can be family recipes or from cookbooks, the internet, etc.

Finalists and competition

Student finalists will be selected and notified after Friday, February 28. Finalists will be selected from the submitted recipes and will be invited to prepare their creations at a 4 p.m. reception on Friday, April 25, in the Glacier Peak High School commons. Families, school staff, and the community will be invited to taste these culinary masterpieces at the event. A panel of judges will select the grand prize winners. Past award categories have included: 

  • Health-conscious foods
  • Simple, kid-friendly preparation
  • Fun food
  • Judge’s choice

All finalists will receive a framed certificate, a recipe book which includes all the finalists’ recipes, an apron/chef’s coat, as well as a medal. Grand prize winners will receive an additional award. Transportation will not be provided for the cook-off. Kids will need to be dropped off and picked up at Glacier Peak High School. In addition, students will be supervised by kitchen staff during the food production to help ensure that safe food practices are followed and that no one gets hurt. 

Finalists & Competition

Student finalists will be selected and notified after February 1. Finalists will be selected from the submitted recipes and will be invited to prepare their creations at Glacier Peak High School. Families, teachers and principals will be invited to taste these culinary masterpieces at a Friday, March 1, event. The young chefs will feature their creations at a 4 p.m. reception on Friday, March 1, in the Glacier Peak High School commons. A panel of judges will select the grand prize winners. Past award categories have included:

  • Health-conscious foods
  • Simple, kid-friendly preparation
  • Fun food
  • Judge’s choice

All finalists will receive a framed certificate, a recipe book which includes all of the finalists’ recipes, an apron/chef’s coat, as well as a medal. Grand prize winners will receive an additional award. Transportation will not be provided for the cook-off. Kids will need to be dropped off and picked up at Glacier Peak High School. In addition, students will be supervised by kitchen staff during the food production to help ensure that safe food practices are followed and that no one gets hurt.

Recipe Books