Employee Recognition Program
Golden Apple
Is there a district employee who you would like the district to recognize for helping our students thrive? We are excited to share the launch of Golden Apple - an employee recognition program that will recognize two staff members quarterly for their student-centered service to students, staff, families and/or community. Staff members selected for this quarterly honor will be recognized for helping “create an educational community that ignites a passion for learning where every student is known and empowered.”
Students, parents/guardians, district staff, and community members are encouraged to nominate a staff member at any time!
A district committee will review nominations and will recommend to the district Superintendent each quarter’s Golden Apple recipient. Quarterly award recipients are selected by the Superintendent’s Executive Cabinet. Golden Apple awardees will be recognized by the Superintendent, their building principal/administrator, and the School Board. Shout-outs and information about award recipients are included in district newsletters, on social media, and on the web. Golden Apple recipients will be chosen and presented with the awards quarterly through the school year (October, January, March and June).
To have your nomination considered, please submit by the following dates. Nominations received after the dates below will be considered for the following quarter:
- October - Please submit a nomination no later than October 1.
- January - Please submit a nomination no later than January 1.
- March - Please submit a nomination no later than March 1.
- June - Please submit a nomination no later than June 1.
Snohomish School District’s core values:
- Student-focused
- Culture of belonging
- Equity
- Accountability
Snohomish School District’s commitments:
- Teaching & Learning Excellence
- Family & Community Engagement
- Student & Staff Well-Being
- Resource Management
Please see our strategic plan to learn more about the Snohomish School District’s long-standing commitment to each and every child.