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Panorama Survey

We ask our 3rd through 12th grade students to participate in the Panorama survey for social-emotional learning. This survey has typically been given to students since 2021 in the fall, winter, and spring.

Panorama helps schools and districts transform their approach to education, so that every student thrives in school, every student benefits from an excellent education, and every student graduates prepared with the knowledge, skills, and mindsets they need to thrive in the modern, ever-changing world. Through our work to improve education, we help create a world where every child has equitable access to opportunities in school and in society more broadly. Panorama is a tool used by the district in conjunction with multiple other resources, such as attendance, behavior, grades, etc.

For elementary, the Panorama questions center on their current knowledge, how they feel about the school environment, and whether they have access to staff and resources to feel safe and successful. For secondary, the questions center on the same areas and further explore whether students feel they have the skills, opportunity, or ability for personal and academic growth along with social awareness and positive relationships. The survey window will be open in February. Survey results will be available in the spring after the survey window closes. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child's principal.

Our goal as a district and community is to ensure that each student feels safe, welcomed, and supported in our schools and while attending school activities. The information provided through this survey is one tool we can use to hear student voice and perspective. Other considerations will continue to include conversations with students, families, and staff along with monitoring of academic progress and social-emotional awareness. It is ok to not feel ok, but please know that there is help and support so that it does not have to remain that way.