Community Relations - Series 4000
- Public Information Program- 4000
- Public Information Program Procedure- 4000P
- Confidential Communications- 4020
- Public Access to District Records- 4040
- Public Access to District Records Procedure- 4040P
- Request for Documents- 4040F1
- Distribution of Materials- 4060
- Distribution of Materials Procedures- 4060P
- Distribution of Materials Request for Distribution of Information Form- 4060F
- School Support Organizations- 4120
- School Support Organizations Procedures- 4120P
- Civility- 4123
- Title I Parent and Family Engagement- 4130
- Safe and Orderly Learning Environment- 4200
- Safe and Orderly Learning Environment Procedure- 4200P
- Regulation of Dangerous Weapons on School Premises- 4210
- Use of Tobacco, Nicotine Products and Delivery Devices- 4215
- Language Access Plan- 4218
- Language Access Plan Procedure- 4218P
- Complaints Concerning Staff or Program- 4220
- Complaints Concerning Staff or Program Procedures: General- 4220P1
- Complaints Concerning Staff or Program Complaint Form: General- 4220F1
- Complaints Concerning Staff or Program Procedures: Section 504 Grievance- 4220P2
- Complaints Concerning Staff or Program Complaint Form: Section 504 Grievance- 4220F2
- Complaints Concerning Staff or Program Discrimination Inquiry Form- 4220F3
- Complaints Concerning Staff or Program Procedures: Nondiscrimination- 4220P3
- Public Performances- 4235
- Use of School Facilities- 4260
- Use of School Facilities Procedures- 4260P
- Building, Fields PAC Use Facility Fees 4260P1
- Use of School Facilities Use of Office Equipment- 4260P2
- Use of School Facilities Building Use Permit- 4260F1
- Use of Facility Fields Application Agreement- 4260F2
- Use of Facility Performing Arts Centers Application Agreement- 4260F3
- Relations with Law Enforcement/Child Protective Agencies- 4310
- Relations with Law Enforcement/Child Protective Agencies Procedures- 4310P
- School Resource Officer- 4311
- School Resource Officers Procedures- 4311P
- School Resource Officers Complaint Form- 4311F2
- Visits to Schools- 4312
- Visits to School Procedures- 4312P
- Notification of Threats of Violence or Harm- 4314
- Notification of Violence or Harm Procedures- 4314P
- Release of Information Information Concerning Sex and Kidnapping Offenders- 4315
- Independent Schools- 4320
- Contests, Advertising and Promotions- 4321
- Contests, Advertising and Promotions Procedures- 4321P
- Senior Citizen Recognition- 4331
- Election Activities- 4400
- Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Model Airplanes- 4500
- Unmanned Aircraft System and Model Aircraft Procedures Procedures- 4500P
- Authorization use of drones application- 4500F1
- Drone Teacher Agreement- 4500F2
- Drone Safety Agreement- 4500F3
- Relations with Non-Public and Other Educational Organizations/Schools- 4520
Public Information Program- 4000
The district will strive to maintain effective two-way communication channels with the public. Such channels will enable the Board and staff to interpret school performance and needs of the community and provide a means for citizens to express their needs and expectations to the Board and staff.
The Superintendent will establish and maintain a communication process within the school system and between it and the community. Such a public information program will provide for a district annual report, news releases at appropriate times, news media coverage of district programs and events, and regular direct communication between individual schools and the community members they serve. The public information program will also assist staff in improving their skill and understanding in communicating with the public.
Community opinion may be solicited through parent organizations, parent-teacher conferences, open houses and other such events or activities that may bring staff and citizens together. Survey instruments and/or questionnaires may be developed in order to gain a broad perspective of community opinion.
The Board is a nonpartisan public body and as such will not endorse political candidates. Neither staff nor students will be asked to disseminate campaign materials from the schools nor will any of the district's facilities or communications services be used to disseminate such material.
The Superintendent will identify staff who have significant public information responsibilities and establish guidelines for their work. The guidelines will address such matters as authority for making releases and the nature and content of bulletins to parents.
Staff Communications with the Public
Staff share the responsibility for communicating and interpreting the district’s mission, its policies, programs, goals, and objectives to members of the community. Staff will perform their services and functions to the best of their ability and deal with members of the community, parents, students, and other staff in a sincere, courteous, and considerate manner. Staff will strive to develop and maintain cooperative school-community relations and to achieve the understanding and mutual respect that are essential to the success of the district.
Confidential information about students or other staff will be released only as permitted by statute and district policies and procedures.
Public Health Information
The district will post a prominent link on its website’s homepage and on each school’s homepage to information from the Department of Health that addresses substance use trends; overdose symptoms and response; and the secure storage of prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, firearms, and ammunition.
Collection of Disciplinary Data
The district will collect data on student disciplinary actions taken in each school, and the information will be available to the public on request. This information may not be personally identifiable and will not include any personally identifiable information (student’s name, address, phone number, or social security number).
Annual District Report
An annual report addressing the activities of the school district and the administration’s recommendations for improvement of student learning and district operations will be prepared by the Superintendent or designee and presented to the Board as soon as possible after the close of each school year. Upon Board approval, the report will be made available to the public and used as one means of informing parents and community members, the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and other districts in the area, of the programs and conditions of the district’s schools. The district is required to ensure awareness of and compliance with certain statutory requirements as specified in Policy 2106 (Program Compliance). When the district is not in compliance, such deviations will be incorporated into the annual report.
Cross References:
- Policy 2106- Program Compliance
- Policy 2004- Accountability Goals
- Policy 4020- Confidential Communications
Legal References:
- RCW 28A.150.230- District school directors’ responsibilities
- RCW 28A.655.100- Performance goals – Reporting requirement
Classification: Encouraged
Adoption Date: November 18, 1992
Revised Date: November 12, 1997, December 9, 1998, October 25, 2023
Policy 4000- Public Information Program
Public Information Program Procedure- 4000P
Staff Communication - Media Events
The Superintendent or designee will authorize the release of information when any topic being covered involves more than one building. The following procedure relates to the public information program:
A. Media representatives will be supplied factual information;
B. Media representatives should be kept informed on the program so that any reporting will be done based on a complete and accurate overview;
C. Students should be informed that they have the right to deny a media interview or photograph;
D. All media representatives must report to the building office for identification and authorization before going to any part of the building or contacting any individual; and
E. Staff members will secure authorization from the Communications Director before contacting the media on behalf of any school or district. This will not preclude a staff member from contacting the media as a private individual.
Public Health Information
To keep students, families, and community members informed about available health resources, the district will make public information described in the policy, from the Department of Health accessible through internet-based communications (like the district’s social media accounts) and through digital and nondigital communications. The district will post this information at least twice each school year.
Annual District Report
The annual district report will include but not be limited to:
A. A summary of student performance towards state standards;
B. Results of district-wide achievement testing; and
C. Budget information, including student enrollment, classroom staff, support staff, administrative staff, and special levy expenditures.
Revised Date: October 25, 2023
Procedure 4000P- Public Information Procedures
Confidential Communications- 4020
The Board recognizes that family engagement is very important to the district as it strives to provide a quality education for all. It is also understood that school staff must exercise a delicate balance regarding the treatment of information that was revealed in confidence. Although family engagement is paramount, a staff member may, in their professional judgment, treat information received from a student as confidential while at other times decide to disclose what was learned to the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s), school administration, law enforcement officers (including required disclosures to child protective services), the county health department, or other staff members. The staff member should advise the student regarding the limitations and restrictions regarding confidentiality and must maintain appropriate professional boundaries with students at all times. The student is encouraged to reveal confidences to their parent(s)/guardian(s).
The following guidelines are established to assist staff members in making appropriate decisions regarding confidential information and/or communications:
A. Information contained in the student's cumulative record folder is confidential and is only accessible through the custodian of student records. Information secured through the authorization of the record’s custodian will remain confidential and will be used only for the purpose for which access was granted.
B. While certain professionals may have a unique confidential relationship (e.g. attorney client privileged communications and licensed psychologists), school staff members including counselors do not possess a confidentiality privilege.
C. A staff member is expected to reveal information given by a student when there is a reasonable likelihood that suicide ideation or a crime has or will be committed, (e.g., child abuse, sale of drugs).
D. A staff member will exercise professional judgment regarding the sharing of student disclosed information when there is reasonable likelihood that the student's welfare may be endangered. Staff who are mandatory reporters may be required by law to disclose this information to appropriate authorities pursuant to RCW 26.44.030.
E. If district officials determine there is a specific threat to the health or safety of a student or any other individual, it may disclose otherwise confidential student information to appropriate parties, as allowed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
A staff member is encouraged to assist the student and/or family by offering suggestions regarding the availability of community services to assist a student and/or family in dealing with personal matters, (e.g. substance abuse, mental illness, sexually-transmitted diseases, pregnancy), but should avoid engaging students and/or families regarding personal matters unless this duty is specifically included in the staff member’s job description. The staff member should encourage the student to discuss such matters with their parent(s)/guardian(s). Staff members are encouraged to discuss problems of this nature with the school principal prior to making contact with others.
Cross References:
- Policy 2121 Substance Abuse Program
- Policy 2140 Guidance and Counseling
- Policy 3231 Student Records
- Policy 4040 Public Access to District Records
- Policy 5260 Personnel Records
Legal References:
- RCW 26.44.030(12) Reports – Duty and authority to make – Duty of receiving agency – Duty to notify – Case planning and consultation – Penalty for unauthorized exchange of information – Filing dependency petitions – Investigations – Interviews of children – Records – Risk assessment process.
Classification: Encouraged
Adoption Date: March 27, 2024
Policy 4020- Confidential Communications
Public Access to District Records- 4040
Consistent with Washington State law, the Board is committed to providing the public full access to records concerning the administration and operations of the District. Such access promotes important public policy, maintains public confidence in the fairness of government processes, and protects the community’s interest in the control and operation of its common school district. At the same time, the board desires to preserve the efficient administration of government and acknowledges the privacy rights of individuals whose records may be maintained by the District. This policy and the accompanying procedure are intended to facilitate access to school district records without compromising operational efficiency or privacy rights.
As used in this policy and the accompanying procedure, "school district records" is a broad term that includes any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the district or the performance of any District governmental or proprietary function prepared, owned, used, or retained by the District regardless of physical form or characteristic. A "writing" as used in this policy and procedure is likewise a broad term that means any handwriting, typewriting, printing, photocopying, photographing, or other means of recording any form of communication on representation. Included within these definitions are digital and electronic forms of communication, including emails, texts or messages through any medium or application, pages, posting and comments from any District-operated or District-sponsored website. The District will retain public records in compliance with state law and regulations. "School District records" do not include the personal notes and memoranda of staff which remain in the sole possession of the maker and which are not generally accessible or revealed to other persons.
The definition of “school district records” does not include records that are not otherwise required to be retained by the District and are held by volunteers who do not service in an administrative capacity, have not been appointed by the District to a District board, commission, or internship, and do not have a supervisory role or delegated District authority.
Because of the tremendous volume and diversity of records continuously generated by a public school district, the Board has declared by formal resolution that trying to maintain a current index of all of the District’s records would be impractical, unduly burdensome, and ultimately interfere with the operational work of the District. Additionally, the Board hereby finds that it would be unduly burdensome to calculate the costs of producing public records, given the multiple different electronic and manual devices used to produce public records, as well as the fluctuating costs of District supplies and labor.
The Superintendent will develop – and the board will periodically review – procedures consistent with state law that will facilitate this policy. The Superintendent will also appoint a "Public Records Officer" who will serve as a point of contact for members of the public who request the disclosure of public records. The Public Records Officer will be trained in the laws and regulations governing the retention and disclosure of records, and shall oversee the District’s compliance with this policy and state law.
Cross References:
- 3231 Student Records
Legal References:
- Chapter 13.04.155(3) RCW Notification to school principal of conviction, adjudication, or diversion agreement – Provision of information to teachers and other personnel – Confidentiality
- Chapter 26.44.010 RCW Declaration of purpose
- Chapter 26.44.030(9) RCW Reports – Duty and authority to make – Duty of receiving agency – Duty to notify – Case planning and consultation – Penalty for unauthorized exchange of information – Filing dependency petitions – Investigations – Interviews of children – Records – Risk assessment process
- Chapter 28A.605.030 RCW Student education records – Parental review – Release of records – Procedures
- Chapter 28A.635.040 RCW Examination questions – Disclosing – Penalty.
- Chapter 40.14 RCW Preservation and destruction of public records
- Chapter 42.17A RCW Campaign Disclosure and Contribution
- Chapter 42.56 RCW Public Records Act WAC 392-172A Rules for the provision of special education
- Public Law 98-24, Section 527 of the Public Health Services Act, 42 USC 290dd-2
- 20 U.S.C. 1232g Federal Education Rights Privacy Act (FERPA) 20 U.S.C. 1400 et. seq. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
- 42 U.S.C 1758(b)(6)
- 34 CFR, Part 300 – Assistance to States for the Education of Children with Disabilities
- 45 CFR, Part 160-164 – General Administrative Requirements, Administrative Requirements and Security and Privacy
Adoption Date: November 18, 1992
Revision Dates: May 24, 1995, October 10, 2012, November 8, 2017
Classification: Priority
Policy 4040- Public Access to District Records
Public Access to District Records Procedure- 4040P
Purpose of these Procedures and General Principles
These procedures have been established by the Superintendent and published pursuant to Board Policy 4040 and RCW 42.56.040 to explain the process for public access to school district records and to provide guidance in how the District will respond to such requests.
School district records relating to the conduct of operations and functions of the District that have been prepared, owned, used, or retained by the District in any format are, in fact, public records to which members of the public may request access consistent with this procedure.
When processing such requests, the District will provide the fullest assistance to the requestor and provide a response in the most timely manner possible.
District Public Records Officer
For the most timely and efficient response, requests for school district records should be directed in writing to the Public Records Officer listed below, whose responsibilities include serving as a point of contact for members of the public in this process and overseeing the District’s compliance with the Washington Public Records Act, Chapter 42.56 RCW, and Policy 4040.
The current Public Records Officer of the District may be reached at the District’s Central Administrative Building as follows:
Public Records Officer
1601 Avenue D
Snohomish, WA 98290
Phone: 360-563-7280
Fax: 360-563-7279
Information regarding contacting the Public Records Officer is also available at the District website at
Public Records Officer Training
Consistent with state law, the Public Records Officer shall complete trainings related to the Washington Public Records Act and public records retention no later than ninety (90) days after assuming the responsibilities of the Public Records Officer. After the initial training(s), the Public Records Officer must complete refresher training at intervals of no more than four years as long as he or she remains the District’s Public Records Officer. Training must address particular issues related to the retention, production, and disclosure of electronic documents, including updating and improving technology information services.
Public Records Custodian: At each facility where district records are kept, the administrator shall serve as public records custodian who shall be responsible for the maintenance of district records in accordance with district policy. The custodian shall permit access to, and copying of, district records by the public with authorization from the public records coordinator.
Availability of Public Records
Hours for Inspection
Public records are available for inspection and copying during normal business hours of the District. Records must be inspected at the Resource Service Center.
Organization of Records
The District will maintain its records in a reasonable, organized manner and take reasonable actions to protect records from damage and disorganization. A requestor shall not take District records from District offices without the permission of the Public Records Officer or designee. During the inspection of records, a District employee will typically be present to protect records from damage or disorganization.
The District will also maintain a log of public records requests that have been submitted to and processed by the District. This log shall include, but not be limited to, the following information for each request: the identity of the requestor if provided, the date the request was received, the text of the original request, a description of the records produced in response to the request, a description of the records redacted or withheld and the reasons therefor, and the date of the final disposition of the request.
Information Online
A variety of records and information are available on the District website at Requestors are encouraged to view the documents available on the website prior to submitting a records request.
Making a Request for Public Records
Requests for Inspection and Copying: Upon written request, the district shall make available to any person for inspection and copying any record or records not exempted by district policy. The request may be made in person during the District’s normal office hours, or in writing by letter, fax, or email addressed to the Public Records Officer and including the following information:
- Name, address, telephone number, and email address of the requester;
- Identification of the public records adequate for the Public Records Officer or designee to locate the records; and
- The date the request is submitted to the District.
Identifiable Records
A request under the Washington Public Records Act, Chapter 42.56 RCW and District Policy 4040 must seek an identifiable record or identifiable records. A request for all or substantially all of the records prepared, owned, used, or retained by the District is not a valid request for identifiable records. General requests for information from the District that do not seek identifiable records are also not covered by Policy 4040. A request for all records discussing a particular topic or containing a particular keyword or name will not be considered a request for all of the District’s records.
Requesting Electronic Records
The process for requesting electronic public records is the same as for requesting paper public records. However, to assist the District in responding to a request for electronic records, a requestor should provide specific search terms that will allow the Public Records Officer or designee to locate and assemble identifiable records responsive to the request.
Creating New Records
The District is not obligated by law to create a new record to satisfy a records request for information. The District may choose to create a record depending on the nature of the request and the convenience of providing the information in a new document, such as when data from multiple locations is requested and can be more easily combined into a single new record.
Copies of Records
If the requestor wishes to have copies of the records made instead of inspecting them, he or she shall make this clear in the request and make arrangements to pay for copies of the records or a deposit.
Requests Not in Writing
The Public Records Officer or designee may accept informal requests for public records by telephone or in person. To avoid any confusion or misunderstanding, however, requestors should be mindful that a request reduced to writing is always the preferred method. If the Public Records Officer or designee receives a request by telephone or in person, the Public Records Officer will confirm his or her understanding of the request with the requestor in writing.
Processing of Public Records Requests
Order of Processing Requests
The District will typically process requests in the order received. However, requests may also be processed out of order if doing so allows the most requests to be processed in the most efficient manner.
Central Review
Records requests not made to the Public Records Officer of the District will be forwarded by building level administrators, program administrators, or other staff receiving the request to the Public Records Officer for processing - except that student records requested by students, parents or other school agencies may be processed at the individual school level or department level.
Five-Day Response
Within five (5) business days of receipt of a request, the Public Records Officer will do one or more of the following:
1. Provide copies of the records(s) requested or make the record available for inspection – or, in the alternative provide an internet address and link to the District’s website where the specific record can be accessed (provided that the requestor has not notified the District that he or she cannot access the records through the internet); or,
2. Acknowledge that the District has received the request and provide a reasonable estimate of the time it will require to fully respond; or
3. Acknowledge that the District has received the request, and ask the requestor to provide clarification for a request that is unclear, while providing to the greatest extent possible a reasonable estimate of the time the District will require to respond to the request if it is not clarified; or
4. Denial of the request (although no request will be denied solely on the basis that the request is overbroad).
If the requestor fails to respond to the District’s request for clarification within 30 days and the entire request is unclear, the District may close the request and not further respond to it. If the requestor fails to respond to the District’s request for clarification within 30 days, and part of the request is unclear, the District will respond to the portion of the request that is clear and may close the remainder of the request. In unusual circumstances, the District may also seek a court order enjoining disclosure pursuant to law.
The District may deny a bot request that is one of multiple requests from the requestor within a twenty-four hour period if the District establishes that responding to the multiple bot requests would cause excessive interference with the District’s other essential functions. The District may deem a request to be a bot request when the District reasonably believes the request was automatically generated by a computer program or script.
If the District does not respond in writing within five business days of receipt of the request for disclosure, the requestor should contact the Public Records Officer to determine the reason for the failure to respond.
Purpose of Request
The District may inquire into the purpose for which a rec ord is requested and may use the answer to aid in gathering responsive records and determining whether the public has a legitimate interest in obtaining the information. provide a purpose and the District may not decide. However, a requester is not required to line to furnish the records solely because the requester refuses to furnish a purpose for the request.
Protecting Rights of Others
In the event that the requested records contain information that may affect rights of others and may be arguably exempt from disclosure, the Public Records Officer may, prior to providing the records, give notice to such others. The notice may make it possible for others to contact the requestor and ask him or her to revise the request, or, if necessary, seek a court order to prevent or limit the disclosure. The notice to the affected persons may also include a copy of the request.
Records Exempt from Disclosure
Some records are exempt from disclosure, in whole or in part, under a specific exemption contained in chapter 4 2.56 RCW or another statute which exempts or prohibits disclosure of specific information or records.
If the District believes that a record is exempt from disclosure and should be withheld, the Public Records Officer will state in writing the specific exemption (and statutory section) which applies and provide a brief explanation of how the exemption applies to the record being withheld or redacted. This exemption and explanation will be provided to the requestor in a withholding index or log.
If only a portion of a record is exempt from disclosure, but the remainder is not exempt, the Public Records Officer will redact the exempt portions, provide the nonexempt portions, and indicate to the requestor why portions of the record are being redacted in the withholding index or log.
List of Laws Exempting or Prohibiting Disclosure
Pursuant to RCW 42.56.070 (2), these rules contain a list of laws—other than those specifically listed in the Washington Public Records Act, Chapter 42.56 RCW—which may exempt disclosure of certain public records or portions of records. The District has identified the following laws:
- The Family Educational and Privacy Rights Act (FERPA), 20 USC § 1232g (regarding student educational records);
- Washington State Student Education Records Law, RCW 28A.605.030;
- The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 20 U.S.C. § 1400 et. seq. and 34 C.F.R. Part 300 (protecting the confidentiality of personally identifying information contained in student records of students with disabilities).
- Privileged communications and attorney work product, such as set forth in Chapter 5.60 RCW;
- Criminal Records Privacy Act (CRPA), Chapter 10.97, RCW;
- Information on students receiving free or reduced lunch, 42 USC § 1758(b)(6);
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 45 CFR parts 160-164 (regarding health care information privacy and security);
- Abuse of Children – Protection and Procedure, RCW 26.44.010; RCW 26.44.030(9);
- Notification of Juvenile Offenders, RCW 13.04.155(3);
- Examination question for teachers or pupils prior to the examination, questions, RCW 28A.635.040;
- Public Law 98-24, Section 527 of the Public Health Services Act, 41 USC § 290dd-2 (confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records);
- United States and Washington Constitutional provisions including, but not limited to, the right of privacy and freedom of association.
In addition to these exemptions, RCW 42.56.070(9) prohibits providing access to lists of individuals requested for commercial purposes, and the District may not do so unless specifically authorized or directed by law.
The above list is for informational purposes only and is not intended to cover all possible exemptions from the public records law. The above list includes only exemptions which may be in addition to those set forth in Chapter 42.56 RCW. Under appropriate circumstances, the District may rely upon other legal exemptions which are not set forth above or contained within the public disclosure law.
Inspection of Records
Consistent with other demands, and without unreasonably disrupting District operations, the District shall promptly provide for the inspection of nonexempt public records. No member of the public may remove a document from the viewing area without the permission of the Public Records Officer, nor may he or she disassemble or alter any document, indicating which documents he or she wishes the District records.
Providing Electronic Records
When a requestor requests records in an electroni c format, the Public Records Officer or designee will provide the nonexempt records or portions of such records that are reasonably locatable in an electronic format that is used by the District and is generally commercially available, or in a format that is reasonably translatable from the format in which the District keeps the record.
Providing Records in Installments
When the request is for a large number of records, the Public Records Officer or designee has the right to provide access for inspection and copying in installments. If, within thirty (30) days, as the requestor fails to inspect the entire set of records or one or more of the installments, the Public Records Officer or designee may stop searching for the remaining records and close the request discussed further below.
Completion of Inspection
When the inspection of the requested records is complete and all requested copies are provided, the Public Records Officer or designee will indicate that the District has completed a diligent search for the requested records and made any located nonexempt records available for inspection.
Closing Withdrawn or Abandoned Request
The requestor must claim or review the assembled records within thirty (30) days of the District's notification to him or her that the records are available for inspection or copying. The District should notify the requestor in writing of this requirement and inform the requestor that he or she should contact the District to make arrangements to claim or review the records. If the requestor or a representative of the requestor fails to claim or review the records within the thirty-day period or make other arrangements, the District may close the request and refile the assembled records. When the requestor either withdraws the request or fails to fulfill his or her obligations to inspect the records or pay the deposit or final payment for the requested copies, the Public Records Officer will close the request and indicate to the requestor that the District has closed the request.
Later Discovered Documents
If, after the District has informed the requestor that it has provided all available records, the District becomes aware of additional responsive documents existing at the time of the request, it will pro mptly inform the requestor of the additional documents and provide them on an expedited basis.
Costs of Providing Records, Waiver of Costs, and Agreements Regarding Costs
Cost of Printed Copies and Mailing The cost of providing photocopies or printed copies of electronic records is 15 cents per page. Alternatively, if the District determines and documents that the fees allowed under this procedure are clearly equal to, or more than, two dollars, the District may instead charge a flat fee of two dollars to provide the records. If the District charges a flat fee for the first installment, the District will not charge an additional flat fee or a per page fee for any subsequent installments. Payment may be made by cash, check, payable to the District.
The District may also charge actual costs of mailing, including the cost of the shipping container or envelope. The Public Records Officer or designee may require the payment of the remainder of the copying costs before providin g all the records, or the payment of the costs of copying an installment before providing that installment.
If requested, the District will provide a summary of the applicable charges before any copies are made. The requestor will be allowed to revise the request in order to reduce the applicable charges.
Customized Service Charge
A customized service charge may be imposed if the District estimates that the request would require the use of information technology expertise to prepare data compilations, or to provide customized electronic access services when such compilations and customized access services are not used by the District for other District purposes. The customized service charge may reimburse the District up to the actual cost of providing the services in this paragraph.
The District will not assess a customized service charge unless it has notified the requestor of the customized service charge to be applied to the request, including an explanation of why the customized service charge applies, a description of the specific expertise, and a reasonable estimate cost of the charge. The notice will also provide the requestor the opportunity to amend his or her request in order to avoid or reduce the cost of a customized service charge.
Cost for Electronic Records
The cost for providing electronic records is as follows:
1. Ten cents per page for public records scanned into an electronic format or for the use of District equipment to scan the records;
2. Five cents per each four electronic files or attachment uploaded to email, cloud-based data storage service, or other means of electronic delivery;
3. Ten cents per gigabyte for the transmission of public records in an electronic format or for the use of District equipment to send the records electronically; and 4. The actual cost of any digital storage media or device provided by the District, the actual cost of any container or envelope used to mail the copies to the requestor, and the actual postage or delivery charge.
The District will take reasonable steps to provide the records in the most efficient manner available to the District in its normal operations;
Alternatively, if the District determines and documents that the fees allowed under this procedure are clearly equal to, or more, than two dollars, the District may instead charge a flat fee of two dollars to provide the records. If the District charges a flat fee for the first installment, the District will not charge an additional flat fee or a per page fee for any subsequent installments.
The Public Records Officer or designee may also require the payment of the remainder of the copying costs before providing all the records, or the payment of the costs of copying an installment before providing that installment.
If requested, the District will provide a summary of the applicable charges before charges are imposed under this procedure. The requestor will be allowed to revise the request in order to reduce the applicable charges.
The District will not impose copying charges for access to or downloading of records that the District routinely posts on its website prior to the receipt of a request, unless the requestor has specifically requested that the District provide copies of such records through other means.
Before beginning to make the copies, the Public Records Officer or designee may require a deposit of up to ten percent of the estimated costs of copying all the records selected by the requestor, including the cos t of a customized service charge according to the provision above.
The Public Records Officer may waive any charge assessed for a request. On behalf of the District, the Public Records Officer may also enter into any contract, memorandum of unde rstanding, or other agreement with a requestor that provides an alternative fee arrangement to the charges authorized in this Procedure, or in response to a voluminous or frequently occurring request.
Internal Review of Denials of Public Records
Petition for Internal Administrative Review of Denial of Access
Any person who objects to the initial denial or partial denial of a records request may petition in writing (including email) to the Public Records Officer for a review of that decision. The petition shall include a copy of or reasonably identify the written statement by the Public Records Officer or designee denying the request.
Consideration of Petition for Review
The Public Records Officer shall immediately consider the petition and shall eitther affirm or reverse the denial within two business days following the receipt of the petition, or within such other time as the District and the requestor mutually agree to.
Reporting Costs of Producing Public Records
The District will provide the information specified in RCW Chapter 40.14 to the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee as required by law.
Revised: November 18, 1992, May 24, 1995, April 10, 1996, January 12, 2005, November 8, 2017
Procedure 4040P- Public Access to District Records Procedures
Request for Documents- 4040F1
Distribution of Materials- 4060
The Board recognizes that valuable social, recreational, and educational opportunities are available to families and students through nonprofit organizations and government entities that provide services for students. The district may choose to make information available to students, staff, and families about these programs, activities and/or events, provided that doing so does not interfere with the educational process.
Nonprofit organizations or governmental entities may submit information about activities for possible distribution through district channels, but any information distributed must meet certain standards and be approved according to the procedures accompanying this policy.
Cross References:
- Board Policy 2340 Religious-Related Activities and Practices
- Board Policy 3220 Freedom of Expression
Classification: Discretionary
Adopted: May 14, 2008
Revised Date: June 28, 2023
Policy 4060- Distribution of Materials
Distribution of Materials Procedures- 4060P
Parent organizations within the district are authorized to distribute their materials to students, consistent with the standards stated below.
Other non-profit organizations seeking distribution of information about their programs or events must submit to the Superintendent or designee a request to for approval of their information, a copy of the information they wish to distribute and a copy of current official documentation of Washington state or U.S. non-profit (501(c)(3)) status.
The district will publish its approval process for the posting of electronic fliers on the district and school websites and will verify that submitting organizations have valid nonprofit or governmental status. In order to be considered for posting, the flier must:
- Promote the academic, vocational, or social/civil/cultural growth of students;
- Contain an expression disclaimer that the school district does not endorse or sponsor the organization promoting the activity;
- Be screened for the appropriateness of its content, and may not contain any language proselytizing or disparaging religion;
- Be made available in designated quantities for students who do not have online access; and
- Prominently display scholarship availability.
Dissemination of the information does not reflect the district or school’s endorsement or sponsorship of the activity. All materials approved for distribution must contain the disclaimer : “The Snohomish School District has approved this information for distribution through its schools. The district does not, however, assume sponsorship of or responsibility for the actual content of any of the activities offered.”
The district or the school will not distribute materials that:
- Are obscene, lewd, or vulgar;
- Are libelous;
- Contain language that is intimidating, demeaning, harassing, threatening on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin or ancestry, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, marital or veteran status, including, but not limited to racial, sexual or ethnic slurs;
- Promote commercial enterprises or solicitation of funds, except for events that are fundraisers for the district, the Snohomish Aquatic Center, a school or program in the district, or a school booster club or parent organization;
- Request information for non-school organizations, including surveys and questionnaires.
- Promote or oppose political candidates, memberships or issues
- Promote the violation of existing laws, regulations, ordinances, or district/school policies, rules or regulations; or
- Solicit, proselytize, or disparage religious beliefs.
The Communication Office will review and determine whether the materials are approved for distribution. Any further review will be made by the Superintendent or designee whose decision is final.
Upon request, schools with available space and resources to do so, are authorized, but not required, to allow equal access for nonprofit organizations and government entities to leave paper copies of fliers. Approved in advance by the district, up to 30 hard copies may be accepted at each school and will only be made available in a central place in the school’s main office to those requesting them. Hard copies must be provided and delivered to the schools by the requesting organization. Fliers will not be sent home with students and will not be displayed or posted throughout the school on bulletin boards or in other areas.
Organizations and government entities that approach individual schools with requests to distribute materials to students will be directed to the Communication’s Office.
Adoption Date: May 14, 2008
Revision Date: May 18, 2011, June 28, 2023
Procedure 4060P- Distribution of Materials
Distribution of Materials Request for Distribution of Information Form- 4060F
School Support Organizations- 4120
The board encourages the formation of a parent-teacher-student association or similar organization at each school building for the purpose of providing an opportunity through which parents, teachers and students may unite their efforts and interests to enhance the school program. Although groups are encouraged to organize they are separate entities from the school district.
Booster clubs and/or special interest organizations may be formed to support and strengthen specific activities conducted within the school or district. All such groups must receive the approval of the school principal or Superintendent in order to be recognized as a booster organization. Staff participation, cooperation and support are encouraged in such recognized organizations.
Legal References:
- RCW 9.46.0321 Bingo, raffles, amusement games -
Adoption Date: January 10, 2018
Classification: Discretionary
School Support Organizations- 4120
School Support Organizations Procedures- 4120P
The following guidelines are provided for use by booster and/or parent groups which are involved in money-raising activities:
A. Local booster clubs and parent groups are encouraged to incorporate as nonprofit corporations meeting the requirements of chapter 24.03 RCW.
B. The board of directors of the school district has established a fee schedule that governs the use of facilities by school-support organizations.
C. Any nonprofit organization that supports district programs and/or activities must do so without cost to the district.
D. All support organizations must adhere to state laws applicable to their fundraising activities. For example, the Washington State Gambling Commission, the Department of Licensing and the Internal Revenue Service have licensing and other regulations covering fund raising activities by nonprofit corporations, and the district expects nonprofit corporations that support district programs and/or activities to comply with these and all other applicable legal requirements at no cost to the district.
Adoption Date: January 10, 2018
Classification: Discretionary
Procedure 4120P- School Support Organizations
Civility- 4123
In order to provide a climate where issues and concerns regarding the operation and delivery of educational services of the Snohomish School District can be resolved in an orderly fashion, this policy is written to articulate the behavioral expectations by all affected parties in the conduct of affairs.
It is the intent of the Snohomish School District to promote mutual respect, civility, and orderly conduct between and among students, staff, volunteers, parents and the public in all modes of interaction. The intent of this policy is to maintain, to the greatest extent reasonably possible, a safe, respectful workplace for students, staff, parents, and other members of the community. School District staff members will treat students, parents, and other members of the public with courtesy and respect.
Students, parents, and other members of the public will treat Snohomish School District staff members with courtesy and respect. Conduct that violates this policy will be addressed through policies and procedures applicable to the situation, including but not limited to: Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (3207), Nondiscrimination (3210), Student Conduct Expectations and Reasonable Sanctions (3240), Classroom Management, Discipline and Corrective Action (3241), Visits to Schools and District Facilities (4311), Complaints Concerning Staff or Programs (4220), Safe and Orderly Learning Environment (4200), Distribution of Materials (4060), Notification of Threats of Violence or Harm (4314), Maintaining Professional Staff and Student Boundaries (5253), Sexual Harassment of Students Prohibited (3205) and Sexual Harassment of District Staff Prohibited (5011).
Cross References:
- Policy 3207 Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
- Policy 3210 Nondiscrimination Policy 3241 Student Discipline
- Policy 4311 Visits to Schools and District Facilities
- Policy 4220 Complaints Concerning Staff or Programs
- Policy 4200 Safe and Orderly Learning Environment
- Policy 4060 Distribution of Materials
- Policy 4314 Notification of Threats of Violence or Harm
- Policy 5253 Maintaining Professional Staff/ Student Boundaries
- Policy 3205 Sexual Harassment of Students Prohibited
- Policy 5011 Sexual Harassment of District Staff Prohibited
Legal References:
- RCW 28A.635.010 Abusing or insulting teachers, liability 0f Penalty.
- RCW 28A.635.020 Willfully or disobeying school administrative personnel or refusing to leave public property, violations, when Penalty.
- RCW 28A.635.030 Disturbing school, school activities or meetings Penalty.
- RCW 28A.635. 090 Interference by force or violence-Penalty
- RCW 28A.635.100 Intimidating any administrator, teacher, classified employee, or student by threat of force or violence unlawful - Penalty
- RCW 28A.635.110 Violations under RCW.28A.635. 28A.635.100 - Disciplinary authority exception 090 and
Adoption Date: March 28, 2007
Revision Date: April 25, 2018
Title I Parent and Family Engagement- 4130
The board recognizes that parent and family engagement contributes to the achievement of academic standards for students participating in District Title I programs. The board views the education of students as a cooperative effort among school staff, parents and members of the community.
General Expectations and Objectives
The Snohomish School District agrees to implement the following statutory requirements:
A. Involve parent(s) and family members in jointly developing the District’s Title I, Part A plan under the section 1112 of the Every Student Succeeds (ESSA) section 1111 (d).
B. Provide the coordination, technical assistance, and other support necessary to assist and build the capacity of all Title I schools within the District in planning and implementing effective parent and family engagement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance.
C. Coordinate and integrate Title I parent and family engagement strategies to the extent feasible and appropriate, with parent and family engagement strategies under other relevant Federal, State, and local laws and programs;
D. Conduct, with the meaningful engagement of parent and family members, and annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the parent and family engagement policy in improving the academic quality of all Title I schools, including identifying:
- Barriers to greater participation by parents and families in activities authorized by section 1116 of the ESSA (with particular attention to parents who are economically disadvantaged, are disabled, have limited English proficiency, have limited literacy, or are of any racial or ethnic minority background);
- The needs of parent(s) and family members to assist with the learning of their children, including engaging with school personnel and teachers; and • Strategies to support successful school and family interactions
E. Use the findings of such evaluation to design evidence-based strategies for more effective parental and family engagement, and to revise, if necessary, this parent and family engagement policy; and
F. Involve parent(s) and families in the activities of Title I schools.
Parent and Family Engagement
A. Convene an annual meeting to which all parent(s) and families of children in Title I schools will be invited and encouraged to attend, to inform parent(s) and families of their school’s participation in the Title I program and to explain the Title I program requirements, and the right of the parent(s) and families to be involved.
B. Involve parent(s) and families, in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review, and improvement of Title I programs, including the planning, review, and improvement of the parent and family engagement policy and the joint development of the schoolwide program plan under section 1114(b) of the ESSA.
C. Provide parent(s) and families in Title I schools with the following:
1. Timely information about Title I programs;
2. A description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the school, the forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress, and the achievement levels of the challenging State academic standards; and
3. If requested by parent(s) or families, opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children, and respond to any such suggestions as soon as practically possible.
D. Each Title I school will jointly develop with parent(s) and families a school-parent(s) and family compact that outlines how parent(s) and family, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the schools, parent(s) and families will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve the State’s high standards. Such compact will include:
1. Describe the school’s responsibility to provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the children in Title I schools to meet the challenging State academic standards, and the ways in which each parent/guardian will be responsible for supporting their children’s learning; volunteering in their child’s classroom; and participating, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children and positive use of extracurricular time; and
2. Address the importance of communication between teachers and parent(s)/guardian(s) on an ongoing basis through, at a minimum:
- Parent/guardian-teacher conferences in elementary schools at least annually, during which the compact will be discussed as the compact relates to the individual child’s achievement;
- Frequent reports to parent(s)/guardian(s) on their children’s progress;
- Reasonable access to staff, opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class, and observation of classroom activities; and
- Ensuring regular two-way, meaningful communication between family members and school staff and, to the extent practicable, in a language that family members can understand.
E. Provide assistance to parent(s)/guardian(s) of children in Title I schools, as appropriate, in understanding topics as the challenging State academic standards, State and local academic assessments, the Title I requirements, and how to monitor a child’s progress and work with educators to improve the achievement of their children.
F. Provide materials and training to help parent(s)/guardian(s) to work with their children to improve their child’s achievement, as appropriate to foster parent and family engagement.
G. Educate teachers, specialized instructional support personnel, principals, and other school leaders, and staff, with the assistance of parents, in the value and utility of contributions of parent(s) and family, and in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with family members as equal partners, implement and coordinate parent/guardian programs, and build ties between families and the school.
H. To the extent feasible and appropriate, coordinate and integrate parent and family engagement programs and activities with other Federal, State and local programs that encourage and support parent and families in more fully participating in the education of their children.
I. Ensure that information related to school and parent and family engagement programs, meetings, and other activities is sent to the parent(s) and families of the children in Title I schools in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand.
J. Involve the parent(s)/guardian(s) of children served in Title I schools in decisions about how the Title I funds reserved for parent and family engagement are allotted for parent and family engagement activities.
K. Provide such other reasonable support for family engagement activities that parent(s)/guardian(s) may request.
Legal References:
- 20.U.S.C. 6318
Adopted: June 8, 2005
Revised Date: January 24, 2018
Classification: Essential
Policy 4130- Title I and Family Engagement
Safe and Orderly Learning Environment- 4200
Contact with Staff
The learning environment and the staff’s time for students will be free from unnecessary interruption. Except in emergencies, staff will not be interrupted during instructional time. Other staff members, parents, and community members are encouraged to leave brief messages or voicemails so as to permit the staff member to respond when available. Students and community members are urged to make appointments with staff to assure an uninterrupted scheduled conference.
No one will solicit funds or conduct private business with staff on school time and premises.
The Board welcomes and encourages visits to school by parents/guardians, community members, and interested educators. There are established guidelines governing school visits in policy and procedure 4312 and 4312P to insure orderly operation of the educational process and the safety of students and staff.
Disruption of School Operations
The Superintendent or authorized designee will direct a person to immediately leave any motor vehicle, building, grounds, or other property that is owned, operated, or controlled by the school district if the person is:
A. Under the influence of controlled substances, including marijuana (cannabis) or alcohol; or
B. Disrupting or obstructing any school program, activity, or meeting; or
C. Threatens to do so, or is committing to threaten, or imminently commit; or
D. Inciting another to imminently commit any act which would disturb or interfere with or obstruct any lawful task, function, process, or procedure of the school district or of any student, official, employee or invitee of the school district.
If such a person refuses to leave, the Superintendent or authorized designee will promptly call for the assistance of a law enforcement officer.
Cross Reference:
- 3510 – Associated Student Bodies
- 3124 – Removal-Release of Student During School Hours
- 4312 – Visits to Schools and District Facilities
Legal References:
- RCW 28A.605.020 Parents’ access to classroom or school-sponsored Activities - Limitation
- RCW 28A.635.010 Abusing or insulting teachers, liability for- Penalty
- 28A.635.020 Willfully disobeying school administrative personnel or refusing to leave public property, violations, when - Penalty
- 28A.635.030 Disturbing school, school activities, or meetings
- 28A.635.090 Interfering by force or violence-Penalty
- 28A.635.100 Intimidating any administrator, teacher, classified Employee, or student by threat of force or violence unlawful – Penalty
- 20 U.S.C. 7908 No Child Left Behind Act, Military Recruiter Provision
Classification: Essential
Adoption Date: November 18, 1992
Revised Date: February 13, 2019, February 28, 2024
Policy- 4200- Safe and Orderly Environment
Safe and Orderly Learning Environment Procedure- 4200P
Disruption at School
The following procedures are basic security measures to prevent/reduce disruptive activities in the school:
A. During school operations, all visitors are required to check into the office upon entering a school building or desiring to use school grounds to obtain a visitor’s badge;
B. A visitor’s badge will be worn conspicuously at all times;
C. Visitors whose purpose is to influence or solicit students will not be permitted on the school grounds unless the visit furthers the educational program of the district. Military recruiters will be provided the same opportunities to meet with students as higher education and employer representatives.
D. The principal or designee may withhold approval of a visit if particular event such as testing would be adversely affected by the visit. If a visitor’s presence becomes disruptive, the principal or designee may withdraw approval of visitation.
E. Staff members are responsible for monitoring hallways and playgrounds. Unfamiliar persons are to be directed to the office;
F. Guidelines pertaining to the rights of noncustodial parents should be readily accessible to direct staff about what to do if a noncustodial parent shows up demanding to:
1. Meet with the teacher of his/her child;
2. Visit with his/her child;
3. Remove his/her child from the school premises.
Adoption Date: February 13, 2019
Revised Date: February 19, 2024 (Cabinet approved)
Procedure 4200P- Safe and Orderly Learning Environment Procedure
Regulation of Dangerous Weapons on School Premises- 4210
Regulation of Firearms and Dangerous Weapons on School Premises or District Owned Facilities
It is a violation of District policy and state law for any person to carry a firearm or dangerous weapon onto or possess a firearm or dangerous weapons on school premises, school-provided transportation or areas of other facilities being used exclusively for school activities unless specifically authorized by state law. Carrying a dangerous weapon onto school premises, school-provided transportation, or areas of other facilities being used exclusively for school activities in violation of RCW 9.41.280 is a criminal offense.
The Superintendent or designee is directed to see that all schools facilities post “Gun-Free Zone” signs, and that all violations of this policy and RCW 9.41.280 are reported annually to the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI).
Dangerous Weapons
- The term “dangerous weapons” under state law RCW 9.41.280 and RCW 9.41.250 includes: Any firearm;
- Any device commonly known as “nun-chu-ka sticks,” consisting of two or more length of wood, metal, plastic, or similar substance connected with wire, rope, or other means; • Any device, commonly known as “throwing stars,” which are multi-pointed, metal objects designed to embed upon impact from any aspect;
- Any air gun, including any air pistol or air rifle, designed to propel a BB, pellet, or other projectile by the discharge of compressed air, carbon dioxide, or other gas;
- Any portable device manufactured to function as a weapon and which is commonly known as a stun gun, including a projectile stun gun which projects wired probes that are attached to the device that emit an electrical charge designed to administer to a person or an animal an electric shock, charge, or impulse;
- Any device, object, or instrument which is used or intended to be used as a weapon with the intent to injure a person by an electric shock, charge, or impulse;
- The following instruments:
- Any dirk or dagger;
- Any knife with a blade longer than three inches;
- Any knife with a blade which is automatically released by a spring mechanism or other mechanical device;
- Any knife having a blade which opens, or falls or is ejected into position by the force of gravity, or by outward, downward, or centrifugal thrust or movement; and o Any razor with an unguarded blade;
- Any pistol or revolver;
- Any slung shot, sandbag, or sandclub;
- Metal knuckles;
- A sling shot;
- Any metal pipe or bar used or intended to be used as a club;
- Any explosive;
- Any weapon containing poisonous or injurious gas;
- Any implement or instrument which has the capacity to inflict death and from the manner in which it is used, is likely to produce or may easily and readily produce death.
In addition, the District considers the following weapons in violation of this policy:
- Any knife or razor not listed above, except for instruments authorized or provided for specific school activities;
- Any object other than those listed above which is used in a manner to intimidate, threaten, or injure another person and is capable of easily and readily producing such injury.
Reporting Dangerous Weapons
An appropriate school authority will promptly notify the student’s parents or guardians and the appropriate law enforcement agency of any allegation of known or suspected violations of this policy.
Students who are determined to have possessed or used a dangerous weapon in violation of this policy and/or Board Policy 3241 will be subject to discipline, up to and including long-term suspension or expulsion. Any student who is determined to have carried or possessed a firearm in violation of this policy will be expelled from school for not less than one year pursuant to RCW 28A.600.420. The Superintendent may modify the expulsion of a student on a case-by-case basis. The District may also suspend or expel a student for up to one year if the student acts with malice as defined under RCW 9A.04.110 and displays an instrument that appears to be a firearm on school premises, school-provided transportation or areas of other facilities being used exclusively for school activities.
Exceptions to State Law and this Policy
The prohibition against carrying a firearm onto, or possessing a firearm on school property does not apply to:
A. Persons engaged in military, law enforcement, or School District security activities;
B. Persons involved in a convention, showing, demonstration, lecture or firearm safety course authorized by school authorities in which the firearms of collectors or instructors are handled or displayed;
C. Students while involved in a convention, showing demonstration, lecture, or firearm safety course authorized by school authorities in which the rifles of collectors or instructors are handled or displayed, but not other firearms;
D. Students participating in a rifle competition authorized by school authorities;
E. Persons participating in firearm or air gun competitions authorized by the school or School District;
F. Any person in possession of a pistol who has been issued a license under RCW 9.41.070, or is exempt from the licensing requirement by RCW 9.41.060, while picking up or dropping off a student;
G. Any nonstudent who is at least eighteen years of age legally in possession of a firearm or dangerous weapon that is secured within an attended vehicle or concealed from view within a locked unattended vehicle while conducting legitimate business at the school;
H. Any nonstudent who is at least eighteen years of age who is in lawful possession of an unloaded firearm, secured in a vehicle while conducting legitimate business at the school; and
I. Any federal, state or local law enforcement officer
Personal Protection Spray
Persons over 18 years of age and persons between 14 and 18 years of age with prior written parental or guardian permission, and with approval of the principal or designee, may possess personal protection spray devices on school property. No one under 18 years of age may deliver such devices, nor may anyone 18 years or older deliver a spray device to anyone under 14, or to anyone between 14 and 18 who does not have written parental permission. Personal protection spray devices may not be used other than in self-defense as defined by state law. Possession, transmission or use of personal protection spray devices on District property under any other circumstances is a violation of District policy. Any student who violates this Policy and/or Board Policy 3241 will be subject to discipline, up to and including long-term suspension or expulsion.
Cross References:
- Policy No. 3241 Student Discipline
- Policy No. 4260 Use of School Facilities
Legal References:
- RCW 9.41.010 Terms defined
- RCW 9.41.250 Dangerous weapons - Penalty
- RCW 9.41.280 Dangerous Weapons on facilities – Penalty - Exceptions
- RCW 9A.16.020 Use of Force - When Lawful
- RCW 9.91.160 Personal Protection Spray Devices
- RCW 9.94A.825 Deadly weapon special verdict - definition
- RCW 28A.320.130 Weapons Incidents – Reporting
- RCW 28A.600.010 Enforcement of rules of conduct – Due process guarantees – Computation of days for short-term and long-term suspensions – Emergency expulsions- Discretionary discipline
- RCW 28A.600.420 Firearms on School Premises, Transportation, or Facilities - Penalty - Exemptions
Classification: Essential
Adoption Date: October 25, 1995
Revision Dates: January 14, 2009, April 8, 2009, August 22, 2018
Policy 4210- Regulation of Dangerous Weapons on School Premises
Use of Tobacco, Nicotine Products and Delivery Devices- 4215
The Board of Directors recognizes that to protect students from exposure to the addictive substance of nicotine, employees and officers of the school district and all members of the community must refrain from the use of tobacco and vapor products on school property at all times. Tobacco and vapor products include, but are not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, snuff, smoking tobacco, smokeless tobacco, nicotine, electronic smoking/vapor devices, nonprescribed inhalers, nicotine delivery devices or chemicals that are not FDA-approved to help people quit using tobacco, devices that produce the same flavor or physical effect of nicotine substances and any other smoking equipment, device, material or innovation.
All use of tobacco and vapor products by staff, students, parents/guardians, visitors and community members is prohibited on district property and within five hundred feet of schools. District property includes all district buildings, on school grounds, in personal vehicles on school grounds, and in district-owned vehicles. Possession by or distribution of tobacco or vapor products to any person under twenty-one years of age is prohibited.
The use of Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approved nicotine replacement therapy in the form of a nicotine patch, gum or lozenge is permitted. However, students and employees must follow applicable policies regarding the use of medication at school.
Notices advising students, district employees, parents/guardians and community members of this policy will be posted in appropriate locations in all school buildings and at other district facilities as determined by the Superintendent or designee and will be included in the employee and student handbooks. Employees and students are subject to discipline for violations of this policy, and district employees are responsible for the enforcement of the policy.
Cross References:
- Policy No. 3200 Rights and Responsibilities of Students
- Policy No. 3241 Student Discipline
- Policy No. 3416 Medication at School
- Policy No. 5201 Drug-Free Schools, Community and Workplace
- Policy No. 5281 Disciplinary Action and Discharge
- Policy No. 5280 Separation from Employment
Legal Reference:
- RCW 28A.210.260 Public and private schools – Administration of medication – Conditions
- RCW 28A.210.270 Public and private schools – Administration of medication – Immunity from liability – Discontinuance, procedure.
- RCW 28A.210.310 Prohibition on use of tobacco products on school property
- RCW 70.345.150 Use of products in public places – When prohibited
- Chapter 70.155, RCW Tobacco-Access to Minors
- Chapter 70.160 RCW Smoking in Public Places
Classification: Essential
Adoption Date: February 22, 1995
Revised Date: January 13, 1999
Revised Date: August 26, 2020
Policy 4215- Use of Tobacco, Nicotine Products and Delivery Devices
Language Access Plan- 4218
The Board of Directors is committed to improving meaningful, two-way communication and promoting access to District programs, services, and activities for students and their parents and families. The Board recognizes that students whose family members have limited English proficiency might also speak or be learning multiple languages and are assets to the community. It is crucial that the district seek to address language barriers and do so free of charge. As required by law, the district will develop and adopt a plan for implementing and maintaining a language access program that is culturally responsive, provides for systematic family engagement developed through meaningful stakeholder engagement, influenced with special consideration of the district’s current population of students and families who have limited English proficiency.
Protecting the Integrity of Learning Environments The Snohomish School District is committed to protecting the integrity of its learning environments. To that end, the district will provide information to the parents and guardians of enrolled students regarding students’ rights to a free public education, regardless of their immigration status or religious beliefs. The district will ensure families with limited English proficiency have meaningful access to this information.
At a minimum, the district’s plan for a language access program will adhere to the principles of an effective language access program for culturally responsive, systematic family engagement, which are: •
- Accessibility and equity. This means that schools provide access to all; two-way communication is a priority and is woven into the design of all programs and services.
- Accountability and transparency. This means that the language access program and decision-making processes at all levels are open, accessible, and usable to families, readily available, continuously improved based on ongoing feedback from families and staff and regulated by a clear and just complaint process.
- Responsive culture. This means that schools are safe, compassionate places where each family’s opinions are heard, needs are met, and contributions are valued. School staff are humble and empathetic towards families.
- Focus on relationships. This means that schools seek to understand families without judgment on an individual level, building trust through respectful relationships that recognize the unique strengths that each family and student possesses.
Identification of Families Needing Language Access Services
The district will accurately and in a timely manner identify parents/family members of students with limited English proficiency and provide them information in a language they can understand regarding the language service resources available within the district.
Oral Interpretation
The district will take reasonable steps to provide parents/family members with limited English proficiency with competent oral interpretation of materials or information about any program, service, and activity provided to parents who do not have limited English proficiency and to facilitate any interaction with district staff significant to the student’s education. The district will provide such services upon request and/or when it may be reasonably anticipated by District staff that such services will be necessary.
Written Translation
The district will provide a written translation of vital documents for each limited English proficient group that constitutes at least 5 percent of the district’s total parent population or 1,000 persons, whichever is less. For purposes of this policy, “vital documents” include, but are not limited to, those related to:
- Registration, application, and selection;
- Academic standards and student performance;
- Safety, discipline, and conduct expectations;
- Special education and related services, Section 504 information, and McKinney-Vento services;
- Policies and procedures related to school attendance;
- Requests for parent permission in activities or programs;
- Opportunities for students or families to access school activities, programs, and services;
- Student/parent handbook;
- The District’s Language Access Plan and Program and related services or resources available;
- School closure information; and
- Any other documents notifying parents of their rights under applicable state laws and/or containing information or forms related to consent or filing complaints under federal law, state law, or district policy.
If the district is unable to translate a vital document due to resource limitations or if a small number of families require the information in a language other than English such that document translation is unreasonable, the district will still provide the information to parents in a language they can understand through competent oral interpretation.
The Superintendent will designate a staff member to serve as the Language Access Liaison / Coordinator, who will monitor and facilitate compliance with state and federal laws related to language access and family engagement. The Language Access Coordinator’s name and contact information will be widely shared so parents, school staff, and community members may contact them to inquire about language access services.
All school administrators, particularly those who have the most interaction with the public, such as registrars and enrollment staff, certificated staff, and other appropriate staff as determined by the Language Access Coordinator/Liaison, will receive guidance on meaningful communication with parents/family members with limited English proficiency, best practices for working with an interpreter, how to access an interpreter or translation services in a timely manner, language services available within the district and other information deemed necessary by the Language Access Coordinator/Liaison to effectuate the language access plan and program.
Appropriate district staff, as determined by the Language Access Coordinator/Liaison, will also receive guidance on the interaction between this policy and the communication with students, families, and community members with disabilities.
Review and Update
The Board will periodically review, evaluate, and further update this policy and its associated procedure based on pertinent data, including the data collected according to the accompanying procedure. This review will also include community feedback collected according to this policy and procedure and with opportunity for participation from the school community, including school personnel, students, parents, families, and the community members.
The Board will annually review the district’s spending on language access services and consider whether budget adjustments are needed to effectively engage with families who would benefit from Language Access services.
The district will provide effective communication for students’ families who are deaf, deaf and blind, blind, hard of hearing, or need other communication assistance.
Cross Reference:
- Policy 3210 Nondiscrimination
- Policy 4130 Title I Parental Involvement
Legal References:
- Chapter 28A.155 RCW Special Education
- Chapter 28A.642 RCW Discrimination prohibition
- Chapter 49.60 RCW Discrimination – Human Rights Commission
- Chapter 392-400 WAC Pupils
- WAC 392-400-215 Student Rights Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Classification: Essential
Adoption Date: August 23, 2023
Policy 4218- Language Access Plan
Language Access Plan Procedure- 4218P
The following procedures are intended to implement Policy 4218, establish meaningful, two-way communication between the district and parent(s)/guardian(s) with limited English proficiency, and promote access for such parent(s)/guardians to the programs, services, and activities of the district.
A. Definitions
1. Persons with limited English proficiency are individuals who are unable to communicate effectively in English either verbally or in writing, or both, because their primary language is not English, and they have not developed fluency in the English language. A person with LEP may have difficulty in one or more of four domains of language: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Staff are urged to remember that LEP may be context-specific—e.g., a parent/guardian may have sufficient English language skills to understand, communicate and/or exchange basic information with a teacher, but they may not have sufficient skills to communicate detailed, specific information needed in a particular context, like an IEP meeting, a 504 meeting, or a student discipline hearing.
2. Primary language means the primary language spoken by a student’s parent or guardian, or the predominant language spoken in the student’s home. Parents/Guardians may have more than one primary language and/or dialect.
3. Language services refers to a broad spectrum of services used or required to facilitate communication and understanding between speakers of different languages, and typically includes interpretation and translation services.
4. Interpretation means the process of first fully understanding, analyzing, and processing a spoken or signed message and then faithfully rendering it into another spoken or signed language.
5. Interpreter means a spoken language or sign language interpreter working in a public school, as defined in RCW 28A.150.010, to interpret for students’ families, students, and communities in educational settings outside the classroom.
6. Translation means the process of communicating the meaning of a written source-language text into an equivalent target language text in such a way that the content of both texts can be considered the same.
7. Qualified Interpreter means an interpreter who is able to interpret effectively, accurately, and impartially, both receptively and expressively using necessary specialized vocabulary.
B. Language Access Program
The district’s language access program will include completion of the following activities:
- Adopting or developing a language access plan that outlines how the district will identify language access needs, allocate resources, establish standards for providing language access services, and monitor the effectiveness of the language access program (additional information about how to develop the language access plan is provided in a subsequent section of this procedure).
- Administering the self-assessment developed by the Language Access Technical Assistance Program Center for Improvement of Student Learning, established in RCW 28A.300.130 for evaluating the provision of language access services (additional information about the self-assessment is provided in a subsequent section of this procedure).
- Administering the self-assessment developed by the Language Access Technical Assistance Program Center for Improvement of Student Learning, established in RCW 28A.300.130 for evaluating the provision of language access services (additional information about the self-assessment is provided in a subsequent section of this procedure).
- Reviewing, periodically, the district’s language access policy and procedures to incorporate necessary updates.
- Collaborating with community-based organizations on how to work effectively with interpreters and families.
- Reviewing, updating, and publishing, at least annually, information about the school district's language access plan, policy and procedures, and language access services, including the need for, and spending on, language access services. The information must include notice to families about their right to free language access services and the contact information for any school district language access coordinator and any building points of contact for language access services. The information must be translated into common languages understood by students' families.
Developing a Language Access Plan
The district will develop a language access plan for ensuring the district complies with the language access policy adopted by the Board and all other language access requirements. The language access plan will establish the following:
- Who is responsible for implementing the plan, including district-level administrators, workgroups, committees, or other district and school staff who will be responsible for overseeing the language access work in the district and schools, developing and modifying the language access plan, establishing and implementing operational procedures (i.e., how staff may access interpretation and translation services), and monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the district’s language access plan and services.
- Staff training on the district’s language access policy, procedure, and plan, including the frequency, curriculum, and target personnel who will participate in the training.
- Identification of the language access needs in the district and the services that will be provided. The plan will include a list of the languages that students, parent(s)/guardian(s), and families communicate in and the prevalence of those languages. The plan will also identify the languages in the district that vital publications most commonly must be regularly translated into, in alignment with this procedure.
- How the District will conduct outreach to parent(s)/guardian(s) and communities with language assistance needs and the actions needed to implement an effective system for gathering feedback.
- What resources will be allocated for the provision of language access services.
- A description of the timeframe, objectives, and benchmarks for work to be undertaken.
- The district’s approach to monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the district’s language access plan and services, and the district’s process for modifying the language access plan and operating procedures in response to feedback and changing language needs.
- In developing and modifying the language access plan, the district will use self-assessment data and other collected feedback and data required in this procedure and/or the policy adopted by the Board.
- In developing the language access plan, the district will adhere to the standards for providing language access services as outlined in this procedure and the policy adopted by the Board.
- In developing the language access plan, the language access coordinator/liaison will administer a self-assessment to understand whether the district is effectively communicating with people with language assistance needs and to inform the district’s language access planning, including evaluating the following areas:
- How individuals with language access needs interact with the district;
- How well the district is providing language assistance services;
- How well the district is identifying individuals with language access needs;
- Whether school staff receive appropriate training on the district’s language access and policy and plan;
- How the district provides notice of language assistance services to its community; and
- Whether the district has an effective process for monitoring and updating its language access policy and plan.
- In implementing the self-assessment, the language access coordinator/liaison will engage with community members, leaders, and organizations that have the inherent knowledge about cultural and language access needs.
- The coordinator/liaison may administer the self-assessment tool developed by the OSPI Language Access Technical Assistance Program of Center for Improvement of Student Learning, established in RCW 28A.300.130 for evaluating the provision of language access services.
- The coordinator/liaison will re-administer the self-assessment on a periodic basis as part of the district’s monitoring of the effectiveness of its language access program.
Identification of Families Needing Language Access Services
1. Upon student enrollment and periodically through a student’s education, schools will utilize a survey to identify parent(s)/guardian(s) who need language access services and the languages in which they may need assistance. The survey will be translated into the most commonly known languages spoken in the district and will be included in the standard enrollment packet provided to all district parent(s)/guardian(s).
2. Schools must determine within thirty (30) days of a student’s enrollment the primary language spoken by the parent of each student enrolled in the school, and if such language is not English, whether the parent(s)/guardian(s) requires language services to communicate effectively with the school or district.
3. Schools will maintain an appropriate and current record of students’ families’ primary language and use that information to inform its language access plan and program.
Interpretation and Translation Services
1. The district will collaborate with community-based organizations on how to work effectively with interpreters and families.
2. As materials become available, the district will make reasonable efforts to implement the toolkit developed by the Language Access Technical Assistance Program of the Center for the Improvement of Student Learning, established in RCW 28A.300.130, including the self-assessment, guide, and best practices.
3. Each school and district office will, consistent with this policy and procedure, provide free oral interpretation services to those family members who require language services to communicate effectively during any interaction with the district that is significant to the student’s education. Additionally, each school and district office will provide free translation of vital documents as required below.
4. All interpretation and translation will be provided by competent professionals as demonstrated by certification or similar means. The district will take reasonable steps to ensure that interpreters and translators have the knowledge in both languages of any specialized terms or concepts to be used in the communication at issue, and that they have been trained in the role of an interpreter or translator, the ethics of interpreting and translating, and the need to maintain confidentiality. The district will take reasonable steps to ensure that the interpreter utilized is trained regarding the role of an interpreter, the ethics of interpreting and translating, and the need to maintain confidentiality.
5. The parent(s)/guardian(s) are welcome to invite additional persons for support and that person may participate in discussions. Although a parent/guardian may decline the district’s offer to provide an interpreter, the district or school should consider whether having a qualified interpreter present as the communication lead is still required. Students and other minor children under the age of 18 may not serve as interpreters for school staff and parent(s)/guardian(s) during any formal or informal meeting or process.
6. The district will facilitate staff access to appropriate interpretation and translation services in order to communicate with families with limited English proficiency consistent with federal and/or state law and this policy and procedure. The district will strive to be aware of and plan for the language access needs within the district. For a planned program, activity, meeting, or event, staff should initiate the request for language aid or services at least three days ahead of time. The district or school will take steps to respond to such a request as soon as possible after it is received. For unplanned and urgent communication, staff should request language assistance and try to arrange for such as soon as it is known that language assistance is needed. If an interpreter cannot be found that day, the school, or district should maintain open communication with the requester to schedule an interpreter meeting as soon as possible. If no interpreter can be present, district staff should utilize remote interpreting services to communicate with parent(s)/guardian(s) and families.
7. The following interpretation and translation services are currently available in the district: Note: Include here a list of interpretation and translation services available within the district, with instructions for accessing them.
a. Language Link – provides immediate or scheduled phone call interpretation or video conferencing option within their system platform (1-888-338-7394), or
b. Refugee Services through Everett Community College – provides translation services, scheduled phone calls or on-site interpretation services, including interpreters joining a district-scheduled virtual meeting
District staff will be informed of when and how to access interpretation and translation services available within the district and the administrator responsible for ensuring the availability of such services. Note: "District staff may contact, Teaching and Learning, by phone at 360-563-7257 or with questions or concerns, or to obtain information or assistance regarding interpretation and translation services."
8. District administrators, including those involved with registration and enrollment, certificated staff, and other appropriate staff as determined by the Superintendent or designee, will receive guidance and information regarding:
a. The rights of parent(s)/guardian(s) and families with limited English proficiency under state and federal law to language access services provided by the district;
b. The importance of meaningfully and effectively communicating with parent(s)/guardian(s) and families with limited English proficiency;
c. The most effective ways to communicate with parent(s)/guardian(s) and families with limited English proficiency regarding the district’s available language services;
d. The importance of utilizing competent translation and interpretation services when communicating with parent(s)/guardian(s) and families with limited English proficiency;
e. The availability of translation and interpretation services within the district, whether through in-person interpretation, telephonic services, online services, or video-conferencing;
f. The mechanisms and processes for accessing translation and interpretation services when working with parent(s)/guardian(s) and families with limited English proficiency, including ensuring the correct language service is being accessed, checking for parent/family understanding once interpretation has commenced, and proper vetting of translations for audience-approprate content; and
g. The process for reporting concerns or complaints.
9. Interpretation Services: Whenever requested by a parent/guardian or families or whenever school staff or district officials can reasonably anticipate that interpretation services are necessary to meaningfully communicate with parent(s)/guardian(s) or families regarding important information about the student’s education or school activities, the district will provide interpretation services in accordance with this procedure. Such interpretation services may be provided either at the location where the family member is seeking to communicate or by electronic means, such as telephone or video conferencing. Upon three days’ notice that such services are required, the district will provide interpretation services at public meetings organized or sponsored by the district (e.g. Board meetings).
10. Translation of Vital District Documents: The district will identify vital documents that are distributed or electronically communicated to all or substantially all parent(s)/guardian(s) containing important information regarding a student’s education, including but not limited to:
a. Registration, application and selection;
b. Academic standards and student performance
c. Safety, discipline, and conduct expectations;
d. Special education and related services, Section 504 information, and McKinney-Vento services;
e. Policies and procedures related to school attendance;
f. Requests for parent/guardian permission in activities or programs;
g. Opportunities for parent(s)/guardian(s) to access school activities, programs, and services;
h. Student/Parent handbook;
i. The District’s Language Access Plan and related services or resources available;
j. School closure information; and
k. Any other documents notifying parent(s)/guardian(s) of their rights under applicable state laws and/or containing information or forms related to consent or filing complaints under federal law, state law or district policy.
The district will provide a written translation of vital documents for each language group that constitutes at least 5 percent of the district’s total parent/guardian population or 1000 persons, whichever is less. If the district is unable to translate a document due to resource limitations or if a small number of parent(s)/guardian(s) require the information in a language other than English such that document translation is unreasonable, the district will still provide the information to parent(s)/guardian(s) in a language they can understand, such as through oral interpretation of the document.
Written translations of vital documents by machine/computer translation programs will not be used or issued to families with limited English Proficiency without prior review and editing by a certified translator for those languages where testing for certification exists. For all languages where testing for certification does not exist, the district will use a qualified translator as determined by the district.
All documents and information posted or issued by the district for parent(s)/guardian(s) and families should contain a notice in appropriate language(s) that free translation and/or interpretation services are available and how to request a free translation or interpretation of the document.
11. Translation of Student-Specific Documents: The district will take all reasonable steps to provide parent(s)/guardians(s) and families, in a language they can understand, a translation of any document that contains individual, student-specific information regarding, but not limited to, a student’s:
a. Health;
b. Safety;
c. Legal or disciplinary matters; and
d. Entitlement to public education services, placement in the Multi Language Learner Program, the Highly Capable Program, accelerated courses such as Advanced Placement, or any other non-standard academic program.
12. Alternatives to Translation: When translation for a document otherwise required to be translated is unavailable or cannot be done, such as in an emergency situation, a school or district office will provide a notice to families in an appropriate language(s) that free translation and/or interpretation services are available in and how to request a free translation or interpretation of the document.
E. Providing Information to Parents/Guardians and Families
1. The district will review, update, and publish, at least annually, information about the school district’s language access plan, policy and procedures, and language access services. The information must include notice to families about their right to free language access services and the contact information for any school district language access liaison/coordinator and any building points of contact for language access services. The information must be translated into common languages understood by students’ families.
2. The district will notify staff, at least annually of this policy. Staff will be regularly provided written guidance regarding how and when interpretation and translation services should be accessed, and such guidance will be updated as needed to reflect available services.
3. Parent(s)/guardian(s) and families will also be annually notified regarding the process for filing complaints through the district’s nondiscrimination policy and procedure if they believe that such services have not been appropriately provided.
4. The district will take steps to ensure that, at the time of enrollment, information regarding available interpretation and translation services and the district’s complaint process is provided to any parent(s)/guardian(s) or family members when there is reason to believe that the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) or family members may have limited English proficiency (e.g., results of home language survey, a parent/guardian or family member’s request for an interpreter). The district will take reasonable steps to provide information required by this section in the primary language spoken predominantly in the home.
5. Schools and district offices will post in a conspicuous location at or near the primary entrance to the school or office a sign in primary languages spoken in the district concerning the rights of parents to translation and interpretation services and how to access such services.
6. To the extent practicable, the district website will provide information in designated languages concerning the rights of parent(s)/guardian(s) to translation and interpretation services under federal and state law and how to access such services.
F. The Collection and Analysis of LEP Data
The district will annually collect and periodically analyze the following language access and language access service information:
- The language in which each student and student’s family prefers to communicate;
- Whether a qualified interpreter for the student’s family was requested for and provided at meetings reported in OSPI's Comprehensive Education Data and Research (CEDARS) student data system.
- Other data on provision of language access services, as required by OSPI.
The district will submit the information collected as required by OSPI.
The district will provide an opportunity for participants in each interpreted meeting to provide feedback on the effectiveness of the interpretation and the provision of language access services.
G. Discrimination Complaints
Discrimination based on national origin, which includes language and limited-English proficiency, is prohibited. The language access liaison/coordinator will communicate with the district’s Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator. Anyone may file a complaint alleging discrimination based on language or the district’s failure to provide language access services using the complaint process outlined in the district’s Nondiscrimination Procedure 3210P.
Adoption Date: August 23, 2023
Procedure 4218P- Language Access Plan
Complaints Concerning Staff or Program- 4220
The board welcomes public concerns pertaining to the operation of the district and directs all complaints to follow proper protocol as outline in the procedures 4220P.1 (general complaints concerning staff or programs), 4220P.2 (section 504 complaints concerning staff or parents) or 4220P.3 (nondiscrimination complaints concerning staff or programs). The Board has confidence in its staff and programs and will not allow unwarranted criticism, offensive, or disruptive interference. Any such claim that does not go through proper policies and procedures but is received directly by the board or board member will be referred to the Superintendent.
The Superintendent will establish procedures to handle complaints concerning staff or programs. Complaints regarding instructional materials should be pursued in the manner provided in Policy 2020, Course Design, Selection and Adoption of Instructional Materials.
Cross References:
- Policy 2020 – Course Design, Selection and Adoption of Instructional Materials Policy 2161 – Education of Students with Disabilities
- Policy 2107 – Section 504 Compliance
- Policy 3210 – Nondiscrimination
- Policy 4123 – Civility
Legal References:
- RCW 28A.405.300 Adverse change in contract status of certificated employee—Determination of probable cause—Notice—Opportunity for hearing
- RCW 42.30 Open Public Meetings Act
- RCW 28A.155 Special Education
- WAC 392-172A Rules for the Provision of Special Education
- RCW 28A.640 Sexual equality
- RCW 28A.642 Discrimination prohibition
- RCW 49.60 Discrimination – human rights commission
- RCW 28 CFR 35 American Disabilities Act
- WAC 392-400-215 Student rights
- WAC 392-190 Equal Education opportunity unlawful discrimination prohibited 20 U.S.C 7905-Boys Scouts of America equal access act 42
- U.S.C. 12101-12213 Americas with Disabilities Act
Adoption Date: November 18, 1992
Revised Date: May 23, 2018
Policy 4220- Complaints Concerning Staff or Program
Complaints Concerning Staff or Program Procedures: General- 4220P1
Most complaints can be resolved by informal discussions between the parents/community members and staff members. It is imperative that throughout the complaint process all parties act in a civil and respectful manner. Complaints should be warranted and presented in a productive manner that is not disruptive, intimidating, or offensive. In instances where the supervising administrator perceives that interactions between parties is inappropriate, offensive, intimidating or disruptive, he/she may require communications and interactions be facilitated directly by him/her or by his/her designee until the matter is resolved.
Should the matter not be resolved, the principal or supervisor will attempt to resolve the issue through a conference with the parent/community member and the staff member.
The following procedures apply to the processing of a complaint which cannot be resolved in the manner described above:
1. If the problem is not resolved to the parent/community member’s satisfaction at the building or department level, the parent/community member may file a written complaint with the Superintendent or his/her designee using form 4220F1 within (10) school days after the conference with the principal or supervisor unless the school district grants and extension for good cause. The complaint must describe the problem and a suggested solution.
2. If the complaint raises allegations or issues that are more appropriately address under another policy and procedure (e.g. Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB). Discrimination (Title IX), Special Education, or Section 504), the complaint will be transferred for processing under the appropriate policy and procedure;
3. The Superintendent or designee will provide the principal/supervisor and staff member will l a copy of the written complaint. The principal/supervisor and staff member will be provided an opportunity to respond to the complaint in writing or in person;
4. The Superintendent or designee will then attempt to resolve the matter through a conference with the parent/community member, staff member, and principal or supervisor. If a resolution is not reached, the Superintendent will issue a written response to the complaint within (20) twenty school days of the conference or, if a conference is not held, within (30) thirty school days of the Superintendent’s receipt of the complaint unless otherwise agreed to by the complainant or if exceptional circumstances related to the complaint requires an extension. If an extension is needed, the school district will notify the complainant in writing of the reasons for the extension and the anticipated response date;
5. If the parent/community member is not satisfied with the Superintendent’s response, he/she may submit a written request for review by the board.
6. The written request must be submitted within (5) five school days of receiving the Superintendent’s response unless the school district grants an extension for good cause. If the complaint is against a staff member, the staff member may request that the board discuss the issue in an open meeting, or in an executive session in the presence of the staff member. The board will consider the request for review and issue a response within (5) five school days following the board’s next regular board meeting. The board may discuss the complaint in an executive session, but any formal actions by the board must take place at an open meeting. If such action may adversely affect the contract status of the staff member, the board shall give written notice to the staff member of his/her rights to a hearing.
Revised: November 18, 1992
Revised: October 9, 1996
Revised: May 23, 2018
Procedure 4220P1- Complaints Concerning Staff or Program Procedures: General
Complaints Concerning Staff or Program Complaint Form: General- 4220F1
Complaints Concerning Staff or Program Procedures: Section 504 Grievance- 4220P2
The Snohomish School District has adopted an internal grievance procedure providing for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging any action prohibited by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) or Title II of the American Disabilities Act (Title II). Both Section 504 and Title II prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability.
Complaints regarding Section 504 should be addressed to: Executive Director, Special Services, Snohomish School District No. 201, 1601 Avenue D, Snohomish, Washington 98290, (360) 5637308, who has been designated to coordinate Section 504/Title II compliance efforts.
Most complaints can be resolved by informal discussions between the parent/community member and the staff member. It is imperative that throughout the complaint process all parties act in a civil and respectful manner. Complaints should be warranted and presented in a productive manner that is neither disruptive, intimidating, nor offensive. In instances where the supervising administrator perceives that interactions between parties is inappropriate, offensive, intimidating or disruptive, he/she may require communications and interactions be facilitated directly by him/her or his/her designee until the matter is resolved. Should the matter not be resolved, the principal or supervisor will attempt to resolve the issue through a conference with the parent/community member and the staff member.
The following procedures apply to the processing of a 504 grievance which cannot be resolved in the manner described above:
1. If the problem is not resolved to the parent/community member’s satisfaction at the building or department level, the parent/community member is encouraged to file a written complaint with the Executive Director of Special Services using form 4220F.2. The complaint must contain the name and address of the person filing the complaint, describe the alleged discriminatory action, identify the date the action occurred, the name(s) of the person(s) responsible, and suggested solution. The Executive Director will send copies of the complaint to the principal or supervisor, staff member, and Superintendent.
2. The written complaint must be filed within ten (10) days after the complainant becomes aware of the alleged discrimination unless the school district grants an extension for good cause.
3. Unless the matter can be promptly resolved informally, an investigation will be conducted with respect to all timely-filed complaints which raise issues under Section 504 and/or Title II. The investigation will be conducted by the Executive Director of Special Services. These rules contemplate informal but thorough and impartial investigations, affording all interested persons and their representative, if any, an opportunity to submit evidence relevant to a complaint.
4. A written determination as to the validity of the complaint and a description of the resolution, if any, will be issued by the Executive Director of Special Services and a copy forwarded to the complainant no later than thirty-five (35) school days after its filing unless otherwise agreed to by the complainant or if exceptional circumstances related to the complaint requires an extension. If an extension is needed, the school district will notify the complainant in writing of the reasons for the extension and anticipated response date;
5.The Section 504/Title II coordinator will maintain the files and records relating to the complaints filed;
6. The complainant can request reconsideration of the case in instances where he or she is dis-satisfied with the resolution. The request for reconsideration must be submitted within ten (10) days to the Superintendent or designee unless the school district grants an extension for good cause. The Superintendent will issue a response within (20) twenty school days of receiving the request for reconsideration unless otherwise agreed to by the complainant or if exceptional circumstances related to the complaint requires an extension. If an extension is needed, the school district will notify the complainant in writing of the reasons for the extension and anticipated response date;
7. If the parent/community member is not satisfied with the Superintendent’s response, he/she may submit a written request for review by the board. The request must be submitted within (5) five school days of receiving the Superintendent’s response unless the school district grants an extension for good cause. If the complaint is against a staff member, the staff member may request that the board discuss the issue in an open meeting, or in an executive session in the presence of the staff member. The board will consider the request for review and issue a response within (5) five school days following the board’s next regular board meeting. The board may discuss the complaint in an executive session, but any formal actions by the board must take place at an open meeting. If such action may adversely affect the contract status of the staff member, the board shall give written notice to the staff member of his/her rights to a hearing.
8. The right of a person to a prompt and equitable resolution of the complaint filed under this procedure will not be impaired by the person’s pursuit of other remedies, such as the filing of a Section 504 or Title II complaint with the responsible federal department or agency. Utilization of this grievance procedure is not a prerequisite to the pursuit of other remedies.
9. These rules are construed to protect the substantive rights of interested persons, to meet appropriate due process standards, and to assure that the Snohomish School District complies with Section 504, Title II, and their implementing regulations.
Cross Reference:
- Policy 2161 Education of Students with Disabilities
- Policy 2107 Section 504 Compliance
Adoption Date: October 9, 1996
Revised Date: May 23, 2018
Procedure 4220P2- Complaints Concerning Staff or Program Procedures: Section 504 Grievance
Complaints Concerning Staff or Program Complaint Form: Section 504 Grievance- 4220F2
Complaints Concerning Staff or Program Discrimination Inquiry Form- 4220F3
Complaints Concerning Staff or Program Procedures: Nondiscrimination- 4220P3
To ensure fairness and consistency, the following grievance procedure is to be used when a parent/community member raises allegations of discrimination in violation of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and/or Washington Administrative Code (WAC 392-190). No parent/community member will be adversely affected in any way because such person utilized these procedures.
A “complaint” shall mean a charge alleging specific acts, conditions or circumstances, which are in violation of Title IX or its implementing regulations or Washington Administrative Code (WAC 392-190.
The primary purpose of this procedure is to secure an equitable solution to a justifiable complaint; to this end, the following steps shall be taken.
Most complaints can be resolved by informal discussions between the community members and the staff member. It is imperative that throughout the complaint process all parties act in a civil and respectful manner. Complaints should be warranted and presented in a productive manner that is neither disruptive, intimidating, nor offensive. In instances where the supervising administrator perceives that interactions between parties is inappropriate, offensive, intimidating or disruptive, he/she may direct that communications and interactions be facilitated directly by him/her or designee until the matter is resolved.
Informal Review Procedures
When a parent/community member has an issue with a staff member, he/she will discuss the issue with the staff member within sixty (60) days of the circumstances which gave rise to the problem. The parent/community member may also ask the district Title IX officer to participate in the discussion. It is intended that the informal discussion will resolve the issue. If the parent/community member feels the staff member cannot be approached directly, the person/community member may contact the Title IX officer directly to discuss the issue. If discussion with the Title IX officer or staff member does not resolve the issue, the parent/community member may proceed to the formal review procedures.
Level One – Formal Review
A. The complainant is encouraged to complete district form No. 4312F.3 (Title IX Discrimination Inquiry Form) and submit it to the Title IX Officer (Executive Director of Human Services) within one year of the occurrence that is the subject matter of the complaint.
B. The complaint form should be signed by the complainant and must set forth the specific acts, conditions or circumstances alleged to be in violation. The Title IX officer will conduct a prompt and thorough investigation into the allegations and provide the Superintendent with a full written report of the complaint and the results of the investigation. The Superintendent will respond to the complainant, in writing, as expeditiously as possible, but in no event later than thirty (30) calendar days following receipt of the written complaint, unless otherwise agreed to by the complainant or if exceptional circumstances related to the complaint require an extension. If an extension is needed, the school district will notify the complainant in writing of the reasons for the extension and the anticipated response date.
The Superintendent’s response, will include:
A. A summary of the results of the investigation;
B. Whether the district has failed to comply with Title IX or its implementing regulations or WAC 392.190;
C. Notice of the complainant’s right to appeal to the Board of Directors, including where and to whom the appeal must be filed;
D. If the district failed to comply with Title IX or its implementing regulations or WAC 392-190, the corrective measures deemed necessary to correct the noncompliance.
Such corrective measures deemed necessary will be instituted as expeditiously as possible, but in no event later than thirty (30) calendar days following the Superintendent’s mailing of a written response to the complaining party, unless otherwise agreed to by the complainant.
Level Two – Appeal to Board of Directors
If a complainant remains aggrieved as a result of the action or inaction of the Superintendent in resolving a complaint, the complainant may file a written notice of appeal with the Board of Directors by the tenth calendar day following:
A. The date upon which the complainant received the Superintendent’s response, or
B. The expiration of the thirty (30) calendar day response period stated in Level One, whichever occurs first.
The board will schedule a hearing to commence by the twentieth calendar day following the filing of the written notice of appeal, unless otherwise agreed to by the complainant. Both parties will be allowed to present such witnesses and testimony as the board deems relevant and material. The board shall render a written decision by the tenth calendar day following the termination of the hearing, unless otherwise agreed to by the complainant, and will provide a copy to all parties involved. The board’s decision will include notice of the complainant’ right to file a complaint with the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Level Three – Appeal to the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction
If the complainant is not satisfied with the board’s decision, the complainant may appeal the board’s decision to the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI).
A. A notice of appeal must be received by OSPI within (20) twenty calendar days following the date upon which the complainant received written notice of the board’s decision, unless OSPI grants and extension for good cause.
B. A notice of appeal must be in writing in the form required by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and must set forth:
1. A description of the specific acts, conditions, or circumstances alleged to violate WAC 392-190 and the facts on which the complaint is based;
2. The name and contact information, including address, or the complainant;
3. The name and address or the school district;
4. A copy of the school district’s complaint and appeal decisions;
5. A proposed resolution of the complaint or relief requested and;
6. If the allegations regard a specific student, the complaint must also include the name and address of the student and name and address of the student’s school and school district.
Preservation of Records
The files containing copies of all correspondence relative to each complaint communicated to the district and the disposition, including any corrective measures instituted by the district, will be retained in the office of the district Title IX compliance officer for a period of five (5) years, or as otherwise required by law.
Cross Reference:
- Policy 3210 - Nondiscrimination
Adoption Date: March 11, 1998
Revised Date: May 23, 2018
Procedure 4220P3- Complaints Concerning Staff or Programs: Nondiscrimination
Public Performances- 4235
The Board recognizes the educational and social values that may be derived from student participation in various activities sponsored by community organizations.
Students may perform as representatives of the district subject to the approval of the principal. A staff member representing the group, club or class must fill out a form requesting approval prior to the performance. Permission and approval to perform as a representative of the school or district will be contingent upon the principal's determination that such participation is in the best interests of the student, school, and district.
While students may perform in traditional musical events during the holiday season, a school-sponsored group will not perform or make such presentations in a worship service.
The activity, program, performance, or contest under consideration will have educational value consistent with the goals and objectives of the district. Participation will not result in exploitation of or liability to the student, school, or district. Students will not receive any remuneration for performing as representatives of the school or district.
Classification: Discretionary
Adoption Date: November 18, 1992
Revised Date: August 23, 2023
Policy 4253- Public Performances
Use of School Facilities- 4260
The Snohomish School District encourages life-long learning for all citizens and will extend opportunities to the community to use district facilities through a variety of programs that contribute to the achievement of the district’s goals and objectives. The public investment in school facilities and the general welfare of the community provide strong justification for the use of school buildings and grounds by community groups for cultural, civic, and recreational purposes.
The Superintendent or designee is authorized to establish procedures for use of school facilities, including rental rates, supervisory requirements, restrictions, and security. Those using school facilities will maintain insurance for accident and liability covering persons using the district’s facilities under the sponsorship of the organization.
In accordance with District Policy 3210, “Nondiscrimination,” the district does not discriminate base on race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability and provides equal access to any youth groups listed as a patriotic society in Title 36 of the United States Code. The district’s nondiscrimination statement will be provided on district facility rental forms.
Community athletics programs that use district facilities will not discriminate against any person on the basis of sex in the operation, conduct or administration of their programs.
For rental rate purposes, organizations seeking the use of school facilities have been divided into four categories:
A. District Sponsored Events and School-Partner Non-Profit Groups
B. Non-Profit Groups Serving Youth, Non-Profit Organizations Conducting Community Education or Community Service and Public Entities
C. Non-Profit Organizations and Individual Users
D. Commercial or For-Profit Organizations
Use of district facilities by third-party groups will be limited to times when students are not present as part of the regular school program, and any religious activities will otherwise be clearly separate from school-sponsored or school-related activities so that the district does not support, or appear to support, the practice of religion. The fee schedule will be established in a manner that is commensurate with the proposed use of the group renting the facility. The Superintendent or designee will approve district facility use agreements that deviate from the fee and priority use schedule. Such special agreements must be based upon benefits received, services rendered, compensation for the district’s costs for providing the use, and/or to comply with state law, federal law, and district policies.
Cross Reference:
- Policy No. 2150 Co-Curricular Program
- Policy No. 3422 Concussion, Head Injury and Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Legal References:
- RCW 28A.230.180 Access to campus and student information directories by official recruiting representatives – informing students of educational and career opportunities.
- RCW 4.24.660 Liability of school districts under contract with youth programs
- RCW 28A.320.510 Night schools, summer schools, meetings, use of facilities for
- RCW 28A.335.150 Permitting use and rental of playgrounds, athletic fields, or athletic facilities
- 20 USC Sec. 7905 Boy Scout of America Equal Access Act
- 34 CFR Sec. 108.6 Equal Access to Public School Facilities for the Boys Scouts of America and Other Designated Youth Groups
- AGO 1973 No. 26 Initiative No. 276 – School districts - Use of school facilities for presentation of programs – Legislature - Elections
Classification: Essential
Adoption Date: November 18, 1992
Revised Date: January 12, 1994, March 23, 1994, November 01, 2001, December 5, 2005, December 9, 2020
Policy 4260- Use of School Facilities
Use of School Facilities Procedures- 4260P
To ensure the safety of all guests using the facilities, that the use does not negatively affect the cleanliness and maintenance of the building, and that the funds intended for the education of students are not used for other purposes, the following procedures have been established.
Applicant Categories
A. District-Sponsored Events and School Partner Non-Profit Groups District-sponsored events occurring outside the normal school day and non-profit groups partnered with the Snohomish School District whose purpose is to support the mission of the Snohomish School District (i.e., PTA’s, Snohomish School District Foundation, Booster Clubs, etc.). The only fees charged will be under certain circumstances involving significant use of utilities (such as weekends), excessive cleanup, or extensive use of the stadium lighting as determined by the district, the district reserves the right to assess fees according to the established fees.
B. Non-Profit Groups Serving Youth, Non-Profit Organizations Conducting Community Education or Community Service and Public Entities To qualify for this category non-profit organizations must submit a 501(c)3 documentation. Non-profit groups serving youth must have open enrollment and open participation of all ability levels. Non-profit groups serving youth who do not have open participation of all ability levels will pay Category B1 fees. Public entities and other organizations with an inter-local agreement with Snohomish School District will be charged according to that interlocal agreement.
C. Non-Profit Organizations and Individual Users To qualify for category C, non-profit organizations must submit a 501(c)3 documentation. All other non-profit organizations, groups and individual users who do not fall into Category B fall into Category C. If the Category C user charges admission, collects an offering or donation, or sells merchandise (other than to off-set activity/meeting costs), fees will be assessed as described in Category D.
D. Commercial or For-Profit Organizations This group includes organizations and activities that do not qualify in the groups listed above and commercial and for profit promotional activities. Also included are Category C organizations that will be charging an admission and/or a participation fee (other than to offset activity/meeting costs).
Facility Use Agreements
Agreements will not be granted for any use which in the judgment of the district:
1. May conflict with the district’s educational mission, policies, or procedures.
2. Lacks satisfactory sponsorship or adequate adult supervision.
3. Might result in undue damage or wear.
4. Is not consistent with the use for which the space was designed.
5. Presents a distinct, undue risk of potential district liability.
6. Presents a reasonably foreseeable risk of substantial disruption or material interference with school activities or operations.
Requests will be reviewed after school programs have been scheduled. Scheduling will be done according to the Guidelines for Facility Use Scheduling (4260G). Space remaining after the seasonal assignments will then be awarded on a first-come basis.
Persons or groups without properly approved Facility Use Agreements will not be allowed to use any school facility.
The district reserves the right to revoke any agreements at any time without liability.
Application Procedure
A Facility/Field Use Permit application form must be submitted to the facilities coordinator at the Resource Service Center at least ten (10) business days in advance of the facility use to allow adequate consideration by the district. Application forms are available on the district website. A single application may be made for a series of meetings or meetings of like character at a single facility; however, if any of the meetings are found to conflict with school programs, or school holidays, such meetings will be canceled, rescheduled for another time/place or scheduled on a case-by-case basis with the involvement of the building administrator and the Facility Use Office.
All applications will be made in accordance with the school calendar year. Activities extending beyond the school year or that fall within a school holiday will require a separate permit. Additional fees may be assessed to cover the additional personnel costs associated with such usage.
To qualify for nonprofit categorization, professional fund raisers representing charities must provide evidence that the fund raiser:
A. Is recognized by the Philanthropic Division of the Better Business Bureau;
B. Is registered and bonded by the State of Washington; and
C. Will give the charity at least sixty (60) percent of the gross revenues.
Indemnity and Insurance
As a condition of obtaining an Agreement, the applicant agrees that Snohomish School District and its agents or employees will not be liable for any damage to person or property by reason of applicant’s use or occupancy of the facility or any negligent acts of the applicant, its agents, employees, invitees, or subcontractors. The applicant further agrees to protect, indemnify, and hold harmless the Snohomish School District and its officers, employees, directors and agents, as well as their successors and assigns, from claims, liabilities, suits arising from injury to person or property from applicant’s use or occupancy of the facility or any negligent acts of applicant, its agents, employees, invitees or subcontractors.
A certificate of liability insurance and an additional insured endorsement will be required for all activities that are not directly sponsored by the district. The user must provide a certificate of insurance satisfactory to the district prior to use of the facility. This insurance must be primary and written for a minimum of $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit per occurrence. The insurance certificate will list the Snohomish School District #201, its officers, directors, agents and employees as an additional named insured and will provide for notification to the district in the event of cancellation or termination, or material change in the policy, with not less than ten (10) days’ notice.
The requirement to provide insurance and the amount of the insurance required may be waved or reduced at the discretion of the district administration based upon the nature of the scheduled event or activity, including the risk of injury, educational benefit to the school and students, and reasons that the user cannot obtain insurance.
For any activity involving youth sports, athletics, or recreation, prior to use of the facility the user must also provide statements of compliance with the policies for management of concussion and head injury in youth sports and for sudden cardiac arrest awareness as set forth in RCW 28A.600.190 and .195.
General Provisions
- Tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, controlled substances and weapons are not permitted at any time on school district premises, including all grounds and playfields.
- Animals, except trained guide dogs and service animals, are not allowed on district grounds and playfields.
- Officials representing the school district reserve the right to enter the school building at any time.
- Failure to comply with facility use rules or policies may result in the revocation of the facilities use agreement and/or denial of the future use of school facilities.
- Users must not charge fees for parking on school grounds without written permission from the district.
Fee Assessment/Payment
- The Superintendent or designee will develop and recommend to the Board a fee schedule applicable for use of school facilities. The fee schedule will be evaluated periodically.
- All groups or organizations using facilities are responsible for set-up or clean-up costs incurred during facility use. The district reserves the right to assign properly trained district staff to supervise and clean the facility in accordance with district standards.
- Large events may require a meeting with the facilities department and the principal to determine the appropriate staffing and fees for the event.
- The district may require that the full facility use fee be paid two weeks in advance of the use. In some cases, facility users will be billed after the event. Payment is due upon receipt of the invoice.
- Agreements will be cancelled for lack of timely payment and outstanding unpaid invoices will impact approval of future facility use requests.
Responsibilities of User
- All groups or organizations using district facilities must provide sufficient, competent adult and/or special supervision (age 21 or over), and the amount of adequate supervision will be agreed upon at the time of authorization is issued. Persons will not be admitted to the facility until the adult supervisor arrives. The adult supervisor(s) must remain with the group during use of the facilities and will be responsible for the group’s compliance with all appropriate laws, rules and regulations.
- The user named on the Agreement and the group in whose name the Agreement is used must accept responsibility for any damage to district property. The user and all members of the group occupying school facilities are responsible for reasonable and proper care of the facility used and any material or equipment found therein. Any loss or damage resulting from activities of the group, or activities of any person present because of the activity scheduled, will be billed to the user. If there is damage, the user will accept the district’s estimate of the cost for repair or replacement and will make payment promptly to the district. Failure to comply with this regulation and to pay any damage charges which may be assessed will result in denial of further privilege of use of school facilities and may result in legal action.
- Because of the value of the district’s playing fields to the community’s total recreational opportunity, the fields may be used by all residents. The use must be appropriate and compatible with each play field and its surrounding area. Such use must not result in destruction, damages, or undue wear or pose a hazard to children or others. Activities which endanger others or cause damage to fields and lawn are restricted. Should damage to fields and lawns occur, the Superintendent or designee will made reasonable efforts to obtain restitution for the damage.
- The group or organization using district facilities is responsible for the conduct of all persons in attendance. The use of the facilities must be completed and the premises completely vacant by the end time that is listed on the Agreement.
- User must not tamper with or make adjustments to the heating, lighting, furnishings or equipment in the facility. Users are responsible for their own set-up and clean-up. All users must leave school facilities in a clean and orderly condition, with all furniture in the same location that it was found.
- Users will be charged if custodial or other labor is required to set-up or clean a facility.
- Non-street gym shoes are required for all gym floors and elsewhere for activity-type games such as basketball, volleyball or badminton.
- No decorations or application of material to walls or floors will be allowed without the permission of the building administrator.
- Any promotional activities in conjunction with non-district sponsored events must clearly state that event is not sponsored or endorsed by Snohomish School District.
- School fields (playgrounds, practice fields, baseball diamonds, soccer/football, tennis courts, and tracks) may be used in accordance with the following conditions:
- Use that subjects the grounds to undue damage or wear or which creates a hazard or unreasonable restriction of use by others will not be allowed. Continued use of a field by an organization will be dependent of said organization leaving a field clean and in good order when they have completed the activity.
- All markings and pre-game preparations will be the responsibility of the organization scheduled for use. Field lining and marking must be pre-approved by the school’s athletic office.
- The use of baseball diamonds, track, or other athletic fields for golf practice, flying motorized airplanes, drones, operating vehicles, skateboards, motorized scooters or exercising animals is prohibited.
- There will be no access to a building by persons using the fields unless special arrangements have been made to use the building facilities. An additional charge may be assessed if access to a building is needed.
Cancellation/Changes by the User
In the event a group wishes to cancel the use of a facility, it must notify the Facility Use Office at least two working days in advance. Failure to do so will result in charges and/or cancellation of the remaining dates on the Agreement. Date or time changes must be approved by the Facility Use Office at least two working days in advance. Failure to do so will result in charges for the time scheduled or actual hours used, whichever is greater. An additional fee may be charged for multiple changes to an Agreement as outlined in the fee schedule.
Large/Special Events
Large events may require a meeting with the facilities department and the building administrator to determine the appropriate staffing and fees for the event.
When large crowds are anticipated, it will be the responsibility of the user to notify police and fire for aid in providing security and fire protection and, when applicable, to obtain an events permit. The user is responsible for notifying the Facility Use Office in writing as to what fire and security arrangements have been made and to provide a copy of the event permit. Any additional costs related to these requirements will be borne by the user.
Permits – The user may be required to obtain an event permit from the City of Snohomish if the event is located within city limits. It is the responsibility of the user to check with the City of Snohomish to determine if an event permit is necessary. The district may require a copy of the permit or a letter indicating that the permit is not necessary.
Traffic – The user may be required to provide an off-duty law enforcement officer if the district anticipates traffic congestion as a result of an event.
Parking – The user may be required to provide an off-duty law enforcement officer; to hire district security person(s) and/or to organize and provide adult parking supervisors if the district anticipates parking problems as a result of an event. Users may not charge parking fees for district lots without written district approval.
Fire – The user is required to follow all precautions for fire safety, to comply with all applicable fire safety rules and regulations, and to obey the fire marshal’s edicts. This will include but not be limited to maximum occupancy loads and ensuring that all fire lanes and exits remain clear.
Security – The user may be required to hire district security personnel and/or to provide an offduty law enforcement officer if the district anticipates security problems, either as a result of an event’s size, inherently dangerous activities by attendees, or that present a reasonably foreseeable risk of substantial disruption of or material interference with school activities or operations.
Equipment Usage
If kitchen facilities are to be used to prepare a meal (using cooking and dish washing equipment, ranges, etc.), a district food service employee must be in attendance. This employee will be considered the supervisor in the kitchen if volunteers are used in assisting with the preparation of food. An additional fee is assessed as per the fee schedule for use of the kitchen equipment and the food service employee wages. The district is not required to make district-owned computers, audiovisual, technical, or other special equipment available. Such equipment may be made available at the discretion of the principal or designee base on demonstrated need and educational benefit to the school and students or community. In the event that use of such equipment is authorized, the user must comply with all district requirements relative to providing a knowledgeable district-approved operator be present. Any damage to the equipment will be repaired at the user’s cost. A district approved operator/technician may be assigned at the discretion of the district, and the cost will be charged to the user. Facility users cannot use district-owned expendable supplies other than restroom facility supplies.
Chairs, tables or other equipment must be arranged for prior to the event through the building administrator and be requested/listed on the facility use application form.
Athletic equipment, such as volleyball nets, balls, etc., is not included with gym rentals. Special arrangements may be made at the discretion of the building administrator for use of said equipment based on demonstrated need, risk of damage, and participation of district students, and additional fees may be applicable.
An additional fee for equipment use may be assessed.
Damages, Defacement and Loss
Should any damage to school district premises and/or equipment occur, the user will be responsible for the cost of any repairs or replacement necessary to restore the premises/equipment to their original condition as determined by the district.
The school district assumes no responsibility for any personal property brought on district premises by the user, and the school district is not liable for any loss, damage or destruction to such personal property that may be sustained by the user in connection with any service to be carried out under the terms of the agreement.
Security/Facility Use Attendants/Custodial Services
A district employee, or in some cases an-authorized person (facility use attendant), will be in attendance at all facility usage occurring during after school hours. The user (the individual signing the facility use agreement), their alternate, district employee, or district-approved facility use attendant will be on-site at all times during after school hours facility use. The district also reserves the right to require additional paid district employees at its discretion based on event size, inherently dangerous activities by attendees, or reasonably foreseeable risk of substantial disruption of material interference with school activities or operations. The user will be responsible for the cost of any paid employee’s based upon the fee schedule.
The respective building administrators control keys to the individual schools. Building keys will not be issued or loaned on any occasion to anyone other than a district employee or district approved facility use attendant.
The district employee or facility use attendant must not let building keys out of their possession, nor give security codes to any other person. The district employee and/or facility use attendant is responsible for familiarizing themselves with the light controls, security systems, equipment, and the building use regulations for the facility being used.
Facilities used will be limited to those specified on the application. Neither the district employee or facility use attendants have the authority to permit use of facilities or equipment not indicated on the application.
The district employee and/or facility use attendant is responsible to ensure that the organization is following the district policies for proper conduct. The district employee must personally check to see that the building is properly secured after each use, including, but not limited to, doors locked, windows secured, and the security system armed. The district employee and/or facility use attendant must report to the building administrator the next normal working day all damage and infractions of the building use regulations. It is the intention of the district to have all facilities clean and in good order for the start of the next school day; therefore, custodial service may be required for certain usage times and activities at the discretion of the district. The user is responsible for the cost of the custodian services as per the fee schedule.
Adoption Date: December 7, 2005
Revised Date: June 9, 2010, December 9, 2020
Procedure 4260P1- Use of School Facilities Procedures
Building, Fields PAC Use Facility Fees 4260P1
Use of School Facilities Use of Office Equipment- 4260P2
The Snohomish School District will permit, limit or deny usage of its office equipment, supplies and materials consistent with the following:
- PTA/PTO and other non-profit school-based groups within the district are authorized to use school office equipment, provided that they supply their own paper for copying and pay a per copy fee as determined by the district. The fee will be based upon the direct per copy cost incurred by the district for the copier utilized.
- PTA/PTO and other non-profit school-based groups, must obtain approval to use district (RSC) office equipment, (contact Business Services at the Resource Service Center ); provided, once approved, they supply their own paper and pay a per copy fee as determined by the district. The fee will be based upon the direct per copy cost incurred by the district for the copier utilized. Such use will be subject to availability of equipment and priority needs of the district.
- Non-profit community-based groups, (e.g., Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, etc.) are not authorized to use school or district (RSC) office equipment.
- Public agencies are authorized to use school and/or district (RSC) office equipment pursuant to an appropriately executed agreement such as an interlocal cooperative agreement.
- For-profit, religious and political groups are not authorized to use school or district (RSC) office equipment.
Adoption Date: October 22, 1997
Revised Date: May 14, 2008, October 14, 2020, December 9, 2020
Procedure 4260P2- Use of School Facilities Use of Office Equipment
Use of School Facilities Building Use Permit- 4260F1
Use of Facility Fields Application Agreement- 4260F2
Use of Facility Performing Arts Centers Application Agreement- 4260F3
Relations with Law Enforcement/Child Protective Agencies- 4310
District staff bear the primary responsibility for maintaining proper order and conduct in the schools. Staff will be responsible for holding students accountable for infractions of school rules, which may include minor violations of the law occurring during school hours or at school activities.
In cases where staff reasonably believe a crime has been committed or where there is substantial threat to the health and safety of students or others such as in the case of bomb threats, mass demonstrations with threat of violence, individual threats of substantial bodily harm, trafficking in prohibited drugs (including marijuana/cannabis), or the scheduling of events where large crowds may be difficult to handle, law enforcement, child protective services, or county health department should be called upon for assistance. Information regarding major violations of the law will be communicated to the appropriate agency.
The district will strive to develop and maintain cooperative working relationships with law enforcement, child protective services and county health department. The superintendent will meet with law enforcement, child protective services and county health department officials to establish agreed-upon procedures for cooperation. Such procedures should address the handling of child abuse and neglect, bomb threats, life-threatening verbal or physical threats, arrests by law enforcement officers on school premises, the availability of law enforcement personnel for crowd control purposes, the shared responsibility for investigating possible criminal activity involving students, reporting of communicable disease cases and investigations, and other matters that affect school, law enforcement, child protective services, and county health department cooperation. Such procedures shall be made available to affected staff and periodically revised.
As used in policies and procedures of the District, child protective services or agencies and law enforcement are defined as stated in RCW 26.44.020; and county health department means a local entity defined in RCW 70.05.010.
Cross References:
- Policy No. 3226 Interviews and Interrogations of Students on School Premises
- Policy No, 3421 Child Abuse and Neglect
- Policy No. 3430 Emergency/Disaster
- Policy No. 3414 Communicable Diseases
- Policy No. 3600 Student Records
Legal References:
- RCW 28A.635.020 Willfully disobeying school administrative personnel or refusing to leave public property violations, when—Penalty
- RCW 26.44.020 Definitions
- RCW 26.44.050 Taking child into custody without court order
- RCW 26.44.110 Written statement required
- RCW 26.44.115 Notice required
- RCW 70.05.010 Definitions
- RCW 26.44.030 Interviews of Children
- 20 U.S. C 1232g Family Education Rights and Privacy Acts
Adoption Date: November 18, 1992
Revision Dates: June 24, 1998, April 26, 2017
Policy 4310- Relations with Law Enforcement/Child Protective Agencies
Relations with Law Enforcement/Child Protective Agencies Procedures- 4310P
As used in policies and procedures of the District, child protective services or agencies and law enforcement are defined as stated in RCW 26.44.020; and county health department means a local entity defined in RCW 70.05.010.
Relations with Law Enforcement
A. A law enforcement officer will contact the principal or assistant principal upon entering a school building. In the absence of the principal or assistant principal, the employee incharge will immediately notify another district administrator who will oversee the application of these procedures.
B. An officer may request and be granted, after providing satisfactory identification, such student information as address, telephone number, parents’ names, date of birth, dates of enrollment, and other directory information to the extent permitted by law, if the parent or student over 18 years of age has not filed a written objection to the release of directory information. Student records protected by the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act may only be examined or released following the written permission of a minor student’s parent or an adult student, pursuant to a court order or subpoena, in response to a health or safety emergency, or in order to better serve the student in the juvenile justice system prior to adjudication.
C. It is generally preferred that detention and questioning of students take place off school premises. The principal or other authorized administrator will, however, permit a law enforcement officer to conduct any necessary questioning on school property. Questioning of any student must be coordinated in advance with the appropriate administrator. (For documentation: Use district form No. 3421F.1, page 2 of 2) The officer will advise and afford a student the same legal rights as an adult, as well as the right to have a parent present during questioning if the student is twelve (12) years or younger. The student’s parent(s) or guardian(s) should be notified of the interview at the earliest possible point in the investigation that will not jeopardize the safety or protection of the child or the course of the investigation.
D. It is district policy that no child will be removed from school grounds during school hours, except by a person so authorized by a parent or legal guardian having legal custody thereof. Notwithstanding this policy, law enforcement officers may take custody of students and remove them from school premises pursuant to court order or lawfully issued subpoena. (For documentation: Use district form No. 3421F.1, page 2 of 2)
In addition, law enforcement officers may take custody of students and remove them from school premises without a warrant or other court order in a variety of circumstances, including when:
1. There is probable cause to believe that the student is abused or neglected and that the student would be injured or could not be taken into custody if it were necessary to first obtain a court order;
2. The officer has probable cause to believe that the student has committed or is committing a felony;
3. The student has committed a misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor in the presence of the officer;
4. The officer has probable cause to believe that the student has committed a misdemeanor or gross misdemeanor involving physical harm or threat of harm to any person or property, the unlawful taking of property or for crimes involving the use or possession of cannabis, or consumption of alcohol by a person under the age of twenty-one years; or
5. The officer has probable cause to believe that the student illegally possesses or illegally has possessed a firearm or other dangerous weapon on school premises.
The ultimate decision to detain for questioning, to take into custody, or to arrest a student should be left to the law enforcement officer.
A law enforcement officer is not required to have a warrant in order for the school to release the student into custody. In the event a student is taken into custody, the school will immediately notify the parent(s) or guardian(s), unless directed otherwise by the officer.
E. If a court has released a student on conditions related to school, including attendance, behavior or progress, the administration will encourage the court to include as a condition of release the written permission of the adult student or parent of a minor student to release the student’s records to the court or its designee.
Relations with Child Protective Services
A. A child protective services worker will contact the principal or assistant principal upon entering a school building.
B. A child protective worker may request and be granted, after providing satisfactory identification, such information as address, telephone number, parents’ names, date of birth, dates of enrollment, and other directory information to the extent permitted by law, if the parent or student over 18 years of age has not filed a written objection to the release of directory information. Information contained in the student’s cumulative folder and any supplementary records will be available for inspection on evidence that a student is a ward of the state. Student records protected by the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act may only be examined or released following the written permission of a minor student’s parent or an adult student, pursuant to a court order or subpoena, in response to a health or safety emergency, or in order to better serve the student in the juvenile justice system prior to adjudication.
C. It is generally preferred that detention and questioning of students take place off school premises. The principal or other authorized administrator will, however, permit a child protective worker to conduct any questioning on school property outside of the presence of parents when child abuse or neglect is involved. Questioning of any student must be coordinated in advance with the appropriate administrator, who should take reasonable measures to verify the authority of the person who desires to do the questioning and to obtain a clear statement of the reasons that the person wishes to question the student. Parental notification of the interview will occur at the earliest possible point in the investigation that will not jeopardize the safety or protection of the child or the course of the investigation. Prior to commencing the interview, the child protective services will determine whether the child wishes a third party to be present for the interview and, if so, will make reasonable efforts to accommodate the child’s wishes. Unless the child objects, the child protective services will make reasonable efforts to include a third party in any interview so long as the presence of the third party will not jeopardize the course of the investigation.
D. A child protective worker is required to have a warrant in order for the school to release custody of the student. However, if the child protective worker is accompanied by a law enforcement officer, no warrant will be required. (For documentation: Use district form No. 3421F.1) In the event a student is taken into custody, the school will duly notify the parent or guardian, unless directed otherwise by the law enforcement officer.
Relations with the Health Department
A. A health department official will contact the principal or assistant principal on entering a school building.
B. A health department official may request and be granted, after providing satisfactory identification, such information as address and date of birth if the parent or student over 18 years of age has not filed a written objection to the release of directory information. Information contained in a student’s cumulative folder and any supplementary records will be available only with prior written consent of the parent or adult student, pursuant a court order or subpoena, in response to a health or safety emergency, or in order to better serve the student in the juvenile justice system prior to adjudication.
C. It is generally preferred that detention and questioning of students take place off school premises. The principal or other authorized administrator will permit a health official to conduct a confidential interview with a student suspected of being in contact with an individual infected with a communicable disease when the interview is to be held during school hours, and the authorized administrator chooses not to release the student to travel to the health department. The questioning of any student must be coordinated in advance with the appropriate administrator, who should take reasonable measures to verify the authority of the person who desires to do the questioning and to obtain a clear statement of the reasons that the person wishes to question the student.
Revision Dates: November 18, 1992, January 12, 1994, April 13, 1994, June 24, 1998, April 26, 2017
Procedure 4310- Relations with Law Enforcement/Child Protective Agencies Procedures
School Resource Officer- 4311
Purpose, Mission, and Role
A School Resource Officer (SRO) is a commissioned law enforcement officer in the state of Washington and assigned by the employing police department or sheriff’s office to work in schools.
The mission of the Snohomish School District SRO program is to improve school safety and the educational climate at the school. The role of the SRO on campus is an educator, informal counselor, and law enforcer. A trained SRO knows when to informally interact with students to reinforce school rules and when to enforce the law. The focus of any SRO working in the district is to keep students out of the criminal justice system when possible. The District will integrate the SRO into the school community through participation in faculty and student meetings and assemblies as appropriate. SROs will support a positive school climate by developing positive relationships with students, parents, and staff, and by helping to promote a safe, inclusive, and positive learning environment. The SRO is a valuable team member of School Based Threat Assessment Teams, which are intended to be preventative. The SRO is encouraged to participate consistent with Policy and Procedure 3225 and 3225P – School Based Threat Assessment.
The primary responsibility for maintaining proper order and conduct in the schools resides with school principals or other school administrators, with the support of other school staff. This may include minor violations of the law occurring during school hours or at school activities. The SRO program does not diminish the district’s authority and will not be used to attempt to impose criminal sanctions in matters that are more appropriately handled within the district. Principals or other school administrators are responsible for handling all student discipline matters consistent with Student Discipline Policy 3241 and Procedure 3241P. SROs may interact with students informally to reinforce school rules but are prohibited from being involved in formal school discipline situations that are the responsibility of school administrators.
Teachers and school administrators may ask an SRO to intervene if a student’s presence poses an immediate and continuing danger to others or an immediate and continuing threat of material and substantial disruption of the educational process or in other emergency circumstances consistent with Policy 3432 and Procedure 3432P – Emergencies. SROs do not need to be asked before intervening in emergencies.
As a general rule, law enforcement activity should take place at a location other than school premises. However, there are circumstances where formal law enforcement intervention/activity at school is warranted and may be conducted by an SRO. These law enforcement activities may include interviews and interrogations consistent with Policy 3226 – Interview and Interrogations of Students on School Premises; search of a student’s person, possessions, or locker consistent with Policy 3230 and Procedure 3230P – Student Privacy and Searches of Students and Personal Property; and citations, filing of delinquency petitions, referrals to a probation officer, arrests, and other referrals to the juvenile justice system, consistent with the law.
The SRO duties do not extend to immigration enforcement. The SRO may not: (1) inquire into or collect information about an individual’s immigration or citizenship status, or place of birth or (2) provide information pursuant to notification requests from federal immigration authorities for the purposes of civil immigration enforcement, except as required by law.
Agreement, Training, and Program Review
The district will annually review an agreement with the local law enforcement agency and using a process that involves parents, students and community members. Law enforcement agencies are responsible for training their employees, including SROs. The law enforcement agency will confirm in the agreement that SROs have been trained in all the topics required by law. Additionally, the agreement will include: (1) a clear statement regarding SRO duties and responsibilities related to student behavior and discipline; (2) district policy for teachers that clarifies the circumstances under which teachers and school administrators may ask an SRO to intervene with a student; (3) a process for families to file complaints with the district and law enforcement agency related to the SROs assigned to the district and a process for investigating and responding to complaints; and (4) and annual collection and reporting of data of community and school interactions, as well as regarding calls for law enforcement service and the outcome of each call, including student arrest and referral for prosecution, disaggregated by school, offense type, race, gender, age, and students with IEPs or 504 Plans. In addition, the agreement will also incorporate the SRO’s duties and the limitations thereof consistent with this policy, other related governing policies, and the governing regulations.
Cross References:
- Policy 2121 Substance Abuse Program
- Policy 2145 Suicide Prevention
- Policy 2161 Special Education and Related Services for Eligible Students
- Policy 2162 Education of Students with Disabilities Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- Policy 3143 District Notification of Juvenile Offenders
- Policy 3144 Release of Information Concerning Student Sexual and Kidnapping Offenders
- Policy 3225 School-Based Threat Assessment
- Policy 3226 Interviews and Interrogations of Students on School Premises
- Policy 3230 Student Privacy and Searches
- Policy 3421 Child Abuse and Neglect
- Policy 3432 Emergencies
- Policy 3241 Student Discipline
- Policy 3246 Restraint, Isolation and Other Uses of Reasonable Force
- Policy 4210 Regulation of Dangerous Weapons on School Premises
- Policy 4310 District Relationships with Law Enforcement and other Government Agencies
- Policy 4314 Notification of Threats of Violence or Harm
Legal References:
- RCW 10.93.160 Immigration and Citizenship Status – Law enforcement agency restrictions
- RCW 26.44.030 Interviews of Children
- RCW 26.44.050 Abuse or neglect of a child - Duty of law enforcement agency or department of social and health services – Taking child into custody without court order
- RCW 26.44.110 Information about rights – Custody without court order – Written statement required – Contents
- RCW 26.44.115 Child taken into custody under court order – information to parents
- RCW 28A.300.640 School based threat assessment program
- RCW 28A.300.645 Monitoring and data collection – Comprehensive safe school plans, student distress, and school-based threat assessment programs
- RCW 28A.320.124 School resource officer program
- 20 U.S.C. 1232g Family Education Rights and Privacy Act
Classification: Essential
Adoption Date: April 28, 2021
Policy 4311- School Resource Officers
School Resource Officers Procedures- 4311P
SRO Role
The role of the SRO is as an educator, informal counselor, and law enforcement officer. A trained SRO knows when to informally interact with students to reinforce school rules and when to enforce the law. The focus of any SRO working in the District is to keep students out of the criminal justice system when possible. The District will integrate the SRO into the school community through participation in faculty and student meetings and assemblies as appropriate. SROs will support a positive school climate by developing positive relationships with students, parents, and staff, and by helping to promote a safe, inclusive, and positive learning environment.
Hiring Process
The SRO candidate must meet the law enforcement agency’s prerequisites for SRO assignment concerning performance, experience, training and required skills. The law enforcement agency will screen interested candidates through the agency’s internal processes. The agency will advance candidates that meet the screening requirements to the oral boards or interview step. The district will participate in the interview as a voting member of the interview panel. The district may provide questions for the interview. The district representation will assist in the scoring and ranking of candidates and advise of the preferred candidate. If there is only one SRO candidate for consideration, the law enforcement agency will provide the candidate for interview by the district representatives noted above. The district has the option to decline the candidate if the district deems the SRO candidate would not be the right fit for the high school proposed.
Mental Health
The SRO program is not a stand-alone program. Rather, the SRO is part of a team of professionals that work together to meet the mental well-being and behavioral needs of our students. The SROs are part of a district-wide program that will be under the direction of the Director of Equity and Inclusion. Each SRO is then under the direct supervision of their high school principal. The goal of this team is to create a comprehensive program that is embedded into our systems, yet flexible to meet the ever-evolving needs within our district.
Annual Evaluation
The district will annually review an agreement with local law enforcement agency. The process will include staff, families, students, and community members and will consist of a diverse representation of our District. The goal is of this evaluation is to provide a time to review, reflect, and adjust if necessary, the role of the SRO. Student Discipline The principals and other school administrators are responsible for handling all discipline manners consistent with
Student Discipline
Policy 3241 and Procedure 3241P. The SRO may interact with students informally to reinforce school rules but are prohibited from being involved in formal school discipline situations that are the responsibility of the school administrator.
Requests for Intervention
Teachers and school administrators may ask an SRO to intervene if a student’s presence poses an immediate and continuing danger to others or an immediate and continuing threat of material and substantial disruption of the educational process or in other emergency circumstances consistent with Policy 3432 and Procedure 3432P – Emergencies. SROs do not need to be asked before intervening in emergencies. • Staff will be trained on when it is appropriate to ask an SRO to intervene.
Training will be required through both the Snohomish School District and the Law Enforcement Agency.
Snohomish School District will provide training, supervision, and mentorship to ensure the opportunity for the SROs to understand expectations and become immersed in the school and district culture. This will be achieved through the following intentional actions:
- Formal trainings are, but not limited to, district level workshops for new employees, school level preparation training and applicable Safe School training for educators.
- Informal trainings are, but not limited to, district level staff meetings, school assemblies, staff meetings and school specific training.
- Principals will meet formally with the SRO at least bi-weekly and informally, at a minimum, weekly. These meetings will provide the opportunity for the principal to mentor and lead the SRO, to provide a time for communication, discuss upcoming situations and debrief on past interactions with staff and students.
The Law Enforcement Agency retains the authority and responsibility for training the SROs. The Law Enforcement Agency confirms that every SROs assigned to the District has received training on all the topics required by RCW 28A.320.124(1), including:
1. Constitutional and civil rights of children is schools, including state law governing search and interrogation of youth in schools;
2. Child and adolescent development;
3. Trauma-informed approaches to working with youth;
4. Recognizing and responding to youth mental health issues;
5. Educational rights of students with disabilities, the relationship of disability to behavior, and best practices for interacting with students with disabilities;
6. Collateral consequences of arrest, referral for prosecution, and court involvement;
7. Resources available in the community that serve as alternatives to arrest and prosecution and pathways for youth to access services without court or criminal justice involvement;
8. Local and national disparities in the use of force and arrest of children;
9. De-escalation techniques when working with youth or groups of youth;
10. State law regarding restraint and isolation in schools, including RCW 28A.600.485
11. Bias free policing and cultural competency, including best practices for interacting with students form particular backgrounds, including English learners, Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ), and immigrants; and
12. The federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. Sec. 1232g) requirements, including limits on access to and dissemination of student records for non-educational purposes.
In addition, the Law Enforcement Agency provides training to its officers on Crisis Intervention, Biased Based Policing, Procedural Justice, Annual Discriminatory Harassment Training, Biannual First Aid / CPR Training, and for new SROs training through the National Association of SRO Training. The District will also have the SRO participate in trainings, meetings, and workshops to become immersed in the school and district culture.
Data Collection
As a district, data collection will focus on the mission of the SRO, which is, school safety, keeping students out of the criminal justice system and supporting a positive climate through building relationships with students, staff, and families. Through the informal and formal meetings with the principals, documentation will be provided on interactions with students, staff, and families.
The data required per the policy, regarding calls for law enforcement service and the outcome of that call will be entered into the district’s Skyward system so that data can be pulled to disaggregate school, offense type, race, gender, age and students with IEPs or 504 plans. This section of Skyward that has this access will be kept confidential. Complaint Resolution A complaint resolution procedure is required per Policy 4311 for individuals to file complaints with the district and law enforcement agencies regarding School Resource Officers (SROs) assigned to the district and a process for investigation and responding to the complaint. The following is the process:
1. Initiator of the complaint will complete 4311F2 found on the school district website at or it could also be provided by the school. Another option is to report a complaint on the district Anonymous Tip Line (SafeSchools Alert) by:
- Visiting the website
- Send an email to
- Call to report at 360-217-0587
- Text to report at 360-217-0587
2. The completed form will be returned to the school office or electronically submitted to the principal or designee within 10 days of the incident. Or if submitted through the tip line will be reported to the principal or designee.
3. Upon receipt, the principal or designee will conduct an investigation of the incident and contact the law enforcement agency and inform them of the complaint.
4. The principal or designee will issue a written determination of the investigation of the complaint within 20 school days of receiving the complaint.
5. If either party is dissatisfied with the determination, they may appeal the decision to the Superintendent. The Superintendent or designee will issue a written response within 30 school days of receiving the appeal. If an extension is needed, the school district will notify the party in writing of the reasons for the extension and the anticipated response date.
Adoption Date: April 28, 2021
Procedure 4311P- School Resource Officers Procedures
School Resource Officers Complaint Form- 4311F2
Visits to Schools- 4312
The Snohomish School District Board of Directors is responsible for the organization, management, and orderly conduct of the total educational process. The board recognizes the rights of non-students to be aware of the district's goals, purposes and educational programs through observation of the operations and/or management of schools. The board welcomes visits to schools or district facilities by parents/guardians, community members and students. Visitors are required to make arrangements with the principal or designee to assure uninterrupted disruptions during the school day.
Procedures are to be followed concerning the authorization of non-students to exercise visitation rights.
The Superintendent or staff member in charge will direct a person to leave immediately if any person is:
A. Under the influence of controlled substances, including marijuana (cannabis) or alcohol; or
B. Is disrupting or obstructing any school program, activity, or meeting; or
C. Threatens to imminently disrupt any school program, activity or meeting; or
D. Inciting another to imminently commit any act which would disturb or interfere with or obstruct any lawful task, function, process or procedure (of any student, official, classified or certificated staff member or invitee) of the school district.
If such a person refuses to leave, the Superintendent or staff member will immediately call for the assistance of a law enforcement officer.
Legal References:
- RCW 28A.605.020 Parents' access to classroom or school-sponsored activities - Limitation
- RCW 28A.635.020 Willfully disobeying school administrative personnel or refusing to leave public property, violations, when - Penalty
- RCW 28A.635.030 Disturbing school, school activities, or meetings - Penalty
- RCW 28A.635.090 Interfering by force or violence - Penalty
- RCW 28A.635.100 Intimidating any administrator, teacher, classified employee, or student by threat of force or violence unlawful - Penalty
- 20 U.S.C. § 7908 No Child Left Behind Act, Military Recruiter Provision
Adoption Date: November 18, 1992
Revised: March 22, 2017
Policy 4312- Visits to Schools
Visits to School Procedures- 4312P
Visits to Schools and District Facilities
A. Non-Student Visitation
1. Non-students shall request permission to visit any aspect of an educational program or operation from the administrator with immediate management authority.
2. The non-student shall state the specific educational process they desire to visit and the reason for their visitation.
3. The administrator shall grant permission for non-student visitation except in instances that would violate the rights of others to privacy, endanger the health and safety of students or employees, create a disruption to the operation and/or management of the program, or violate a properly served court order.
4. The principal may withhold approval if, in his/her perception, the on-site visit interferes with the educational process. Similarly, if a visitors’ presence becomes disruptive, the principal may withdraw approval. In either case, the principal shall give reasons for the action.
5. The principal or designee can determine that a visitor should be ordered to leave the facility immediately. The principal or designee can determine if his/her future access will be restricted, and shall attempt to communicate that information to the visitor in person or by telephone. Additionally, the principal or designee may issue a trespass notice in written form. A copy of the notice should be provided to the Superintendent or designee within 24 hours of its issuance.
6. In the event that a non-student is denied the right to visit the operation and/or management of a school program, they may request a hearing within five business days with the district Superintendent for the purpose of resolving the grievance. The Superintendent will schedule a hearing within five business days. The Superintendent or his/her designee will examine all relative information and render a decision at the close of the hearings.
7. If the grievance is not resolved at step 6, the individual requesting visitation rights may petition the board of directors. The board will examine all relevant information and render a decision at the next regular board meeting following the request.
8. All visitors must register at the office upon their arrival at school. A visitor’s badge will be worn conspicuously.
9. Non-students are not allowed to be on the grounds to utilize fields, tracks and other facilities without permission of the school administrator during school hours.
10. No one shall solicit funds or conduct private business on school grounds, during school hours, including one-half hour before staff time and one-half hour after staff time, unless approved by the principal or his/her designee.
Revised: November 18, 1992, April 22, 1998, March 22, 2017
Procedure 4312P- Visits to Schools Procedures
Notification of Threats of Violence or Harm- 4314
Students and school employees who are subjects of threats of violence or harm will be notified of the threats in a timely manner. Parents will be included in notifications to students who are subjects of threats of violence or harm. If there is a specific and significant threat to the health or safety of a student or other individuals, the district may disclose information from education records to appropriate parties whose knowledge of the information is necessary. Timing and details of the notice will be consistent with the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and other applicable laws.
”Threats of violence or harm” means direct or indirect communications by any means of the intent to inflict physical harm upon a specific individual or individuals or that place a person in fear of the imminent likelihood of serious harm.
The district will assess and address potential threats of violence or harm in a manner consistent with the district’s threat assessment policy, other safety policies and comprehensive safe school plans.
If the district determines a person poses a threat of violence or harm to district property, students, employees, volunteers, community members or visitors, the district may administer relevant district discipline policies and procedures and may refer to appropriate community agencies, including law enforcement and mental health services. District staff will work with indistrict and community-based professionals and services in all relevant areas of expertise to address threats of violence or harm, those threatened and those making the threats. Necessary information about the person making the threat will be communicated by the principal to teachers and staff, including security personnel.
State law provides the district administrators and district staff with immunity from liability for providing notice of threats in good faith. Persons who make a knowingly false notification of a threat are subject to appropriate district discipline and may be referred for prosecution. The Superintendent or designee is directed to develop and implement procedures consistent with this policy.
Cross References:
- Policy No. 2161 Special Education and Related Services for Eligible Students
- Policy No. 2162 Education of Students with Disabilities Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- Policy No. 3143 District Notification of Juvenile Offenders
- Policy No. 3207 Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
- Policy No. 3241 Student Discipline
- Policy No. 3225 Threat Assessment
- Policy No. 5281 Disciplinary Action or Discharge
- Policy No. 6513 Workplace Violence Prevention
Legal References:
- RCW 28A.320.128 Notice and disclosure policies-Threats of violence student conduct-Immunity for good faith notice-Penalty
- WAC 392-400 Pupils
- 20 U.S.C. § 1232g Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
- 34 C.F.R. Part 99 FERPA Regulations
- 34 C.F.R. § 99.36 Disclosure of Information for Health/Safety Reasons
Classification: Essential
Adoption Date: February 8, 2012
Revision Date: June 25, 2014, August 22, 2018, August 26, 2020
Policy 4314- Notification of Threats of Violence or Harm
Notification of Violence or Harm Procedures- 4314P
Staff, students, volunteers, and others involved in school activities have the responsibility to report to school officials any threats of violence or harm. Based on the significance and credibility of the threat, it may also be reported to law enforcement. As appropriate, the principal may involve a multi-disciplinary team of professionals in evaluating the threat and the needs of the person making the threat. Consultation with or referrals to community-based professionals and services will be directed where deemed appropriate by the principal after consultation with district administration.
Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the district may release student records only with permission from the parent or the adult student (a student who is over the age of 18) unless it is a health or safety emergency. For that reason, the district will identify students who have made threats of violence or harm when notifying the subjects of the threats, under the following conditions:
A. The parent or adult student has given permission to disclose the student’s identity or other information to the subject of the student’s threat;
B. The identity of the student and the details of the threat are being disclosed to relevant district staff who have been determined to have legitimate educational interest in the information;
C. The identity of the student or the details of the threat are being released because the release of the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals. In making this determination, school officials will use their best judgment, and may take into account the “totality of the circumstances” pertaining to the safety or health of a student or other individuals; or
D. The district is responding to a court order or subpoena. The district must make a reasonable effort to notify the parents of the student or adult student of the subpoena in advance of complying, so that the family can seek protective action, unless the court order or subpoena expressly forbids such notification.
Relevant information about the threat will be provided to the subject of the threat. The subject will be advised that, if law enforcement has been involved in the matter, the law enforcement agency may have more information that can be shared with the subject.
To promote the safety of all concerned, the principal will consider determine the extent of information to be shared., Subject to the confidentiality provisions cited above, principals will determine if classroom teachers, school staff, school security, and others working with the student(s) involved in the threat circumstance, should be notified. Principals must provide information received about the student’s conviction, adjudication, or diversion agreement to every teacher of the student for the offenses listed in Policy 3143 - District Notification of Juvenile Offenders.
When considering the appropriate response to a student’s threat of violence or harm, the student’s individual circumstances will be taken into account. Emergency expulsion may be considered, if the district has sufficient cause to believe that the student’s presence poses an immediate and continuing danger to other students or school personnel or an immediate and continuing threat of material and substantial disruption of the educational process.
Discipline of students for making threats of violence or harm will be consistent with district policy and procedure regarding student discipline (see Policy 3241 and Procedure 3241P - Student Discipline) and state laws and regulations. Discipline of students eligible for special education services or with disabilities will be consistent with district policy and procedures (see Policy 2161 – Special Education and Related Services for Eligible Student and Policy 2162 Education of Students with Disabilities under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973) and the associated legal requirements.
Discipline of district staff for making threats of violence or harm will be consistent with district policy and procedure regarding staff discipline (see Policy 5281 – Disciplinary Action and Discharge), and any relevant collective bargaining requirements.
Adoption Date: February 8, 2012
Revision Date: June 25, 2014, August 22, 2018, August 26, 2020
Procedure 4314P- Notification of Threats of Violence or Harm Procedures
Release of Information Information Concerning Sex and Kidnapping Offenders- 4315
Release of Information Concerning Sex and Kidnapping Offenders
Law enforcement agencies receive relevant information about the release of sex and kidnapping offenders into communities. Law enforcement agencies decide when such information needs to be released to the public. The school district has a public safety role to play in the dissemination of such information to staff, parents, students, and the community, and will disseminate such information under the following conditions:
1. Receipt of a specific request from a law enforcement agency that information be disseminated to staff and/or students and parents. In every case where students are notified, parents will be notified as soon as possible.
2. Receipt of the actual sex offender documents to be distributed. The District may duplicate the sex offender documents, but they will be distributed in the form received from the law enforcement agency.
Cross References:
- Policy No. 3143 District Notification of Juvenile Offenders
- Policy No. 3144 Release of Information Concerning Student Sex and Kidnapping Offenders
Legal Reference:
- RCW 4.24.550 Sex offenders and kidnapping offenders - Release of information to public - Web site
Classification: Priority
Adoption Date: August 9, 1995
Revised: June 17, 1998, December 10, 2003, August 12, 2020
Policy 4315- Release of Information Concerning Sex and Kidnapping Offenders
Independent Schools- 4320
Cooperative Programs with Other Districts, Public Agencies, Private Schools and Daycare Agencies
Cooperative agreements with other units of local government will comply with the requirements of the Interlocal Cooperation Act, with assurances that all parties to the agreement have the legal authority to engage in the activities contemplated by the agreement.
Private and Parochial Schools and Daycare Agencies
The district will cooperate with private and parochial schools, including day care agencies, both in federally assisted programs and in other aspects of district operations in ways that are permitted by law. The primary obligation of the district will be to its students, and such cooperation will not interfere with or diminish the quality of services offered to its students.
Legal Reference:
- RCW 28A.150.350 Part-time students - Defined - Enrollment authorized - Reimbursement for costs - Funding authority recognition - Rules, regulations
- RCW 28A.160.120 Agreements with other governmental entities for transportation of public or other noncommon school purposes – Limitations
- RCW 28A.225.250 Cooperative programs among school districts - Rules
- RCW 28A.235.120 Meal programs – Establishment and operation – Personnel - Agreements
- Chapter 28A.205 RCW Education Centers
- Chapter 39.34 RCW Interlocal Cooperation Act
- Chapter 48.62 RCW Local government insurance transactions
- Chapter 392-135 WAC Finance – Interdistrict cooperation programs
Classification: Discretionary
Adoption Date: November 18, 1992
Revised Date: June 14, 2023
Policy 4320- Independent Schools
Contests, Advertising and Promotions- 4321
Contests, Advertising and Promotions
Any community club, association or other organization must have the superintendent's prior approval for students' participation in any contest, advertising campaign or promotion. Applications made to the superintendent must include an indication as to whether the club is profit or nonprofit, specifically the nature of the contest, advertising campaign or promotion, for whom it is intended, and how it will be distributed.
Cross Reference:
- Board Policy 3222 Distribution of Materials
Legal Reference:
- AGO 1995, No. 3
Adoption Date: November 18, 1992
Revised: August 28, 1996, May 14, 2008
Policy 4321- Contests, Advertising and Promotions
Contests, Advertising and Promotions Procedures- 4321P
Contests, Advertising and Promotions
Criteria to be used for nonprofit organizations:
1. The objectives of the contest, campaign, or promotion shall be consistent with the district’s goals and policies;
2. The proposed activity shall have educational value to the participants and be free of objectionable advancement of the name, product or special interest of the sponsoring group; and 3. Participation by a student would not interfere with his/her program of curricular or cocurricular activities.
Adoption Date: November 18, 1992
Revised: August 28, 1996
Procedure 4321P- Contests, Advertising and Promotions Procedures
Senior Citizen Recognition- 4331
The School Board recognizes and appreciates the contributions senior citizens have made to the community and its schools throughout their lifetime. In recognition of this, the District will provide a pass for Snohomish School District residents age 65 and above admitting them to drama productions and regular-season home athletic events at no cost.
Legal References:
- RCW 28A.325.010 Fees for optional noncredit extracurricular events - Disposition
Adoption Date: November 18, 1992
Revision Date: May 11, 2016
Policy 4331- Senior Citizen Recognition
Election Activities- 4400
The district, as part of its mission to educate and instill civic responsibility, will assure that the community is appropriately informed about district and education related ballot measures through objective and fair presentations of the facts related to those measures. However, public facilities will not be used to assist in any candidate’s campaign or to support or oppose any ballot measure.
The Board will consider adopting resolutions expressing the Board’s collective opinion on ballot measures (state and local, including district levy and bond measures) that impact the effective operation of the schools. Such a resolution will be considered at a Board meeting, the short title and proposition number of the ballot measure will be included in the meeting notice, and an equal opportunity will be provided for views on both sides of the issue to be expressed.
Prior to an election on a district ballot measure, the district will publish to the entire community an objective and fair presentation of the facts relevant to the ballot measure. Normal and regular publications of the district will also continue to be published during election cycles and may contain fair, objective and relevant discussions of the facts of pending election issues.
The district will follow the guidelines provided by the Public Disclosure Commission at
Cross References:
- Policy No. 5252 Staff Participation in Political Activities
- Policy No. 4260 Use of School Facilities
- Policy No. 2022 Electronic Resources
- Policy No. 1110 Election
Legal References:
- RCW 28A.320.090 Preparing and distributing information on the district’s instructional program, operation and maintenance - Limitation
- RCW 42.17A.555 Use of public office or agency facilities in campaigns – Prohibitions - Exceptions
- WAC 390-05-271 General application of RCW 42.17A.555 WAC 390-05-273 Definition of normal and regular conduct
Classification: Essential
Adoption Date: September 9, 2020
Policy 4400- Election Activities
Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Model Airplanes- 4500
Unmanned Aircraft System and Model Aircraft
Student and staff safety are a priority for the Snohomish School District Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is also committed to providing all students and staff with technology-based learning opportunities. The use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) or drones is a privilege which comes with responsibilities that must be adhered to.
An unmanned aircraft (UA) is an aircraft that is operated without the possibility of direct human intervention from within or on the aircraft. An Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) or “drone” is an unmanned aircraft (UA) and associated elements (including communication links and the components that control the unmanned aircraft) that are required for the operator to operate the unmanned aircraft safely and efficiently.
Approval Process
Authorized use of drones may be approved as a component of science, computer science, technology, and aviation-related educational curricula relating to flight, aerodynamics, and airplane design and construction, or for course work in other areas such as television, film production, photography or the arts. Any staff member who wishes to use drones and/or UAS in their curricular program must provide specific educational objectives and obtain prior written approval from the Superintendent or designee.
Drones and Unmanned Aircraft Systems, and other like vehicles, which are not operated for the purposes of district programs or activities may not be operated on or above district property during school hours, school activities, or any other school function, or any organized function of a third-party user group without the prior written permission of the Superintendent or designee.
Any individual or entity who receives pre–approval to use or possess a UAS or model aircraft on district property or at a district-sponsored event must abide by district policies and procedures, any special restrictions put in place by the person granting pre–approval, the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 and its implementing regulations, and any laws and regulations adopted by state and local authorities.
The Superintendent or designee may require those using or possessing a UAS or model aircraft to: (a) provide proof of insurance; (b) enter into an agreement which holds the district harmless from any resultant claims or harms to individuals and damage to property; and (c) any additional requirements as determined appropriate by the district.
The Superintendent or designee will establish procedures governing the use of drones and UAS in any of the educational offerings, programs, or activities in the Snohomish School District.
Cross References:
- 4200 Safe and Orderly Learning Environment
- 4260 Use of School Facilities
- 4310 District Relationships with Law Enforcement and other Government Agencies
- 5281 Disciplinary Action and Discharge
Legal References:
- FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018, Pub. L. No. 115-254, Sections 341, 345, 349 (49 U.S.C. § 44809)
- Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 107
Adopted: August 14, 2019
Policy 4500- Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Model Airplanes
Unmanned Aircraft System and Model Aircraft Procedures Procedures- 4500P
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Washington Interscholastic Athletic Association, and the district’s insurance pool have restrictions and requirements that must be complied with before anyone is able to legally operate an Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) or “drone.” The following requirements and restrictions apply to the use and operation of a UAS/drone as part of a district educational curriculum, program, or activity:
1. Staff members who wish to use drones/UAS in their curricular coursework and activities must provide specific educational objectives and obtain prior written approval from the Superintendent or designee.
2. Students may not operate drones/UAS without the presence of a supervising staff member.
3. A UAS/drone may not be flown more than 400 feet above ground level, must remain clear of surrounding obstacles, and must comply with all airspace restrictions and prohibitions.
4. The UAS/drone must be flown within the visual line of sight of the person operating the aircraft or a visual observer co-located and in direct communication with the operator.
5. The UAS/drone must be operated in a manner that does not interfere with and gives way to any manned aircraft operations.
6. The UAS/drone may not be flown within five (5) miles of an airport without prior authorization from airport authorities. Written documentation of the authorization must be logged and kept on file by the responsible staff member.
7. Staff and students may not operate a UAS/drone over groups of people, public events, bleachers, sporting events, stadiums, or vehicles without prior approval from the Superintendent or designee.
8. The UAS/drone must weigh less than 30 pounds.
9. The UAS/drone must be registered with the FAA.
10. Staff and students may not operate a UAS/drone before sunrise or after sunset or in adverse weather conditions.
11. If the UAS/drone is flown/blown onto a building roof, off-campus location, or another restricted area, the staff member must report it immediately to the school administration and appropriate support staff (i.e., custodial staff, or technology). Students may not be used to retrieve the drone under any such circumstances. Any 4500P Page 2 of 2 damage to private or public property must be reported to the building administration immediately.
12. District funds may not be used to purchase a UAS/drone without permission of the Superintendent or designee.
13. Staff and students may not operate a UAS/drone to broadcast or record images of people or property where a reasonable expectation of privacy exists or over areas that are normally deemed private, such as restrooms, locker rooms, or private property.
14. Use of a UAS/drone without permission or supervision may result in disciplinary action.
15. Use of a UAS/drone that does not comply with district policies and procedures, as well as federal and state laws and regulations, may result in disciplinary action.
16. Use of a UAS/drone is limited to instructional and educational purposes only and cannot be for commercial purposes.
Adopted: August 14, 2019
Procedure 4500P- Unmanned Aircraft System and Model Aircraft Procedures
Authorization use of drones application- 4500F1
Drone Teacher Agreement- 4500F2
Drone Safety Agreement- 4500F3
Relations with Non-Public and Other Educational Organizations/Schools- 4520
Relations with non-public and other educational organizations and the school's efforts will be made to maintain the best possible relations with non-public educational institutions for the best education of children.
Legal References:
- RCW 28A.225.250 Voluntary, tuition-free attendance programs among school districts, scope - Rules and regulations
- 39.34 Interlocal Cooperation Act
- WAC 392-135 Finance - Interdistrict Cooperation Programs.
Adoption Date: November 18, 1992
Policy 4520- Relations with Non-Public and Other Educational Organizations/Schools