District News
As winter weather nears, please familiarize yourself with the district's procedures for weather-related disruptions.
Read more about Spring into Kindergarten, various student recognitions, CTE month, SEF classroom grants, and more.
Do you have a child who will be new to the Snohomish School District during the 2025–2026 school year? Or, have you recently moved to the area? Will your child be able to enroll in kindergarten or a preschool program next year? We can’t wait for you to join us!
Register now at the Snohomish elementary, middle, or high school your child will attend or visit www.sno.wednet.edu/enroll.
Mark your calendars for our Spring Into Kindergarten event. All 2025-2026 kindergarten families and students are highly encouraged to attend and register on this day. Spring Into Kindergarten will be held on Thursday, March 6, from 4-6:30 p.m. at district elementary schools.
Snohomish School District students who will be in the 4th through 6th grade next year and are interested in participating in the district’s 4/5/6 Elementary Highly Capable Program can be referred from January 27 to March 6, 2025, for the 2025-2026 school year. The 4/5/6 Highly Capable Program provides a self-contained program offering learning opportunities around depth, complexity, and acceleration.
Read more about Students of the 2nd Quarter, Haiden Bowdre and Amanda Dobeck named Golden Apple Award recipients, DECA students headed to state competition, 4/5/6 Highly Capable Program March 6 forms deadline, and more.
For nearly four decades, the Snohomish Education Foundation (SEF) has been a source of support for the students, staff, and programs in the Snohomish School District.
The Snohomish Education Foundation (SEF) Local Scholarship Program (LSP) offers a variety of scholarships to graduating seniors in the Snohomish School District. This year's application window will be open February 3-March 3.
Read more about School Board Appreciation Month, the January 9 PLUSS meetings, elementary human growth and development and secondary sexual health family presentation, upcoming events and activities at the Snohomish Aquatic Center, and more.
We are excited to introduce our updated websites to our families and community. With a focus on enhancing user experience, we've thoughtfully redesigned our district and school sites.
Read more about Golden Apple Award nominations, MCJROTC does well at first competition, middle schoolers selected to honor band, winter School Views now available, and more.
Colorful communication boards across the district are fostering inclusive, supportive environments for all students.
Learn more about the Free ACT Testing opportunity for Snohomish School District juniors.
Read more about the proposed district cell phone policy and procedure, Elf the Musical production, 2024-2025 Kids in the Kitchen/Jr. Chef Competition, DECA programs looking for volunteers, and more.
Human Growth and Development is taught each year during 5th and 6th grade and Sexual Health will be taught in 7th, 8th and 9th grade. Recorded presentation, slides and audio recording from the November 19 presentations are now available to view.
Read more about musicians selected to bands and choirs, fall sports wrap up, Elf the Musical production, 2024-2025 Kids in the Kitchen/Jr. Chef Competition, and more.
Read more about Snohomish Kiwanis Students of the Quarter, 2023-2024 district Annual Report, high school theatre productions (Glacier Peak High School - Radium Girls and Snohomish High School - Elf), head lice prevention, upcoming elementary and secondary health presentations, and more.
4th-6th grade students are invited to submit recipes for the 2024-2025 Kids in the Kitchen/Jr. Chef Competition.
Read more about school Veterans Day assemblies, Snohomish Education Foundation Auction, childhood illness, Skykomish Valley Indian Education Snohomish Culture Night and Potluck, upcoming elementary and secondary health presentations, and more.
Glacier Peak High School Theatre Club proudly presents Radium Girls this November, and Snohomish High School Theatre Club proudly presents Elf the Musical this December!
The district Annual Report shares pertinent information with our community and aligns with our Strategic Plan.
Read more about Michael McGee and Meredith Spinner named Golden Apple Award recipients, Grizzlies named Commended Students, Great Washington ShakeOut, K-3 highly capable program information, and more.
Read more about 2024-2025 Student Advisory Council members, fall conference week (October 21-21), district lighting project, 2025-2026 Sno-Isle TECH Skills Center application, high school homecoming events/activities, and more.
Read more about working together with boosters and parent clubs/organizations, Skykomish Valley Indian Education, Grizzly Cubs/Panther Pals information, Golden Apple Award nominations, and more.
Read more about the 2024-2025 school year, My Ride K-12, September 13 Grizzly/Panther football game, summer Kids' Cafe program feeds nearly 13,000 meals, and more.
Over the summer, the Snohomish School District's technology, custodial, facilities, and maintenance teams worked tirelessly on upgrades, including device preparations, facility improvements, and essential repairs, ensuring schools are ready for the 2024-2025 upcoming year. These efforts were made possible by the 2022 Replacement Levy for Technology, Safety, and Facility Improvements.
Read more about the new district educators, summer custodial/maintenance and capital projects, ParentSquare, Golden Apple Award nominations, student summer fair participation, and more.
Five Snohomish School District schools were honored by the Washington School Recognition Program for closing opportunity gaps and demonstrating student growth during the 2021–2023 school years, joining 571 schools statewide in this achievement.
Cathcart Elementary students create recycled art with heart and purpose.
Recently, you may have heard about other districts throughout the region and state having to take drastic measures due to budgetary concerns. Snohomish School District is not facing the same challenges. Read more about the district’s financial health.
Coming in the 2024-2025 school year! The ParentSquare communication platform is designed to streamline school district and school communication, keep families informed, and encourage greater engagement and connection with our schools and district.
The Washington Association of School Administrators (WASA) – Sno-Isle Region 109 recently recognized individuals for their unique contributions to the Snohomish School District. Congratulations to retired teacher, Judy Dahlberg and GPHS student, Emily Lin!
Retired VVMS teacher Judy Dahlberg fosters environmental stewardship through habitat restoration projects and the Valley View Habitat Restoration Club, engaging students and the community in hands-on ecosystem education.
Game clubs foster a sense of belonging in Snohomish middle and high schools.
The IDEA Project recently visited Cascade View Elementary to give students a unique, hands-on journey into the world of differences and abilities.
We are excited to share this year’s regional award recipients of the 2024 Scholastic Art and Writing Awards!
The Snohomish School District prioritizes safety with the "I Love U Guys" crisis response protocols: Hold, Secure, Lockdown, Evacuate, and Shelter.
Who remembers the Chia Pet? Centennial Middle School art students at Centennial Middle School recreated the iconic 1980s figurines.
Coming into focus: Lions Club partners with district to improve student well-being with annual vision screenings in our schools.
District middle school students are practicing real-life skills and are gaining an understanding of many of the engineering and trade skills necessary for life outside the classroom. The engineering and computer-aided design (CAD) classes taught at Centennial Middle School and Valley View Middle School are part of the district’s career and technical education (CTE) program.
Join us in a huge shout out to our capital, maintenance, and custodial teams who were incredibly busy this summer!
Area high schools come together to train in leadership to promote inclusivity and increase student involvement.
The Snohomish School District’s Strategic Plan provides a five-year roadmap to guide its mission, vision, and priorities in teaching excellence, community engagement, well-being, and resource management.
A group of district elementary students recently had a unique opportunity to share their hopes and dreams about what they wanted their future community to include.
District helps prepare students to be future ready by moving to 1:1 devices.
Thanks to the generosity of a local civic organization, district elementary students will soon have a fun incentive to encourage summer literacy and learning!
Centennial Middle School … oh how does your garden grow? To get the answer to this question, just ask teacher Jamie Mesman-Davis and her Family Consumer Science students!
Did you know Snohomish High School is one of Washington state’s oldest and longest continuously operating high schools?
Centennial Middle School and Machias Elementary teachers and students team up for a monster of a project!
Glacier Peak High School students make connections with delegates from around the globe.
Color Me Important works to engage students by celebrating and recognizing diversity
District remembers and recognizes veterans, named a Purple Heart District
Snohomish High School teacher Kathy Purviance-Snow receives a national award!
Thank you Snohomish community!
Snohomish students have returned to learning on campus, but the pandemic is not over. School nurses are on the front lines of keeping students healthy and safe.
Support from paraeducators and online access is vital for quarantined students to catch up and keep up on studies.
Learning assistants (paraeducators) provide individualized instruction and support to students.
For the second year in a row, Snohomish school leaders saved local taxpayers money by refinancing an existing school construction bond.
The Snohomish School District is now the owner of an electric school bus!