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District News

Elementary students in classroom

Snohomish School District students who will be in the 4th through 6th grade next year and are interested in participating in the district’s 4/5/6 Elementary Highly Capable Program can be referred from January 27 to March 6, 2025, for the 2025-2026 school year. The 4/5/6 Highly Capable Program provides a self-contained program offering learning opportunities around depth, complexity, and acceleration.

Read More about 4/5/6 Highly Capable Program - Packets now available and March 6 forms deadline
Thank you district technology, custodial, facilities, operations, and maintenance teams!

Over the summer, the Snohomish School District's technology, custodial, facilities, and maintenance teams worked tirelessly on upgrades, including device preparations, facility improvements, and essential repairs, ensuring schools are ready for the 2024-2025 upcoming year. These efforts were made possible by the 2022 Replacement Levy for Technology, Safety, and Facility Improvements.

Read More about Thank you district technology, custodial, facilities, operations, and maintenance teams!
 Gaining valuable skills for life outside the classroom

District middle school students are practicing real-life skills and are gaining an understanding of many of the engineering and trade skills necessary for life outside the classroom.  The engineering and computer-aided design (CAD) classes taught at Centennial Middle School and Valley View Middle School are part of the district’s career and technical education (CTE) program. 

Read More about Gaining valuable skills for life outside the classroom