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Elementary 4/5/6 Highly Capable Program


Beginning in the 4th grade, those students who apply and qualify are placed in the 4/5/6 Highly Capable Program. This program is offered at each elementary school and is a multi-age, full-time class that emphasizes abstract thinking, complexity and depth. Differentiated instruction within each classroom may include one or more of the following strategies: pre-assessment and tiered lessons, open-ended questioning strategies and higher-level thinking skills. There are opportunities for students to make independent choices when appropriate in content, process and product.  

Indicators may come from classroom-based assessments, CogAT scores along with parent, student, and/or teacher observations. Students who may be a candidate for highly capable services are those who exhibit some of the following characteristics: 

  • Learns more rapidly and easily than their peers 
  • Offers original and imaginative responses 
  • Has extensive vocabulary 
  • Asks many questions 
  • Has a sophisticated sense of humor 


Brianne Loomis
Highly Capable Program Specialist
Phone: 360-563-7296

Belinda Kelly
Administrative Assistant
Phone: 360-563-7258

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