Elementary K-3 Highly Capable Program
Snohomish School District's K-3 highly capable services are provided in the general education classroom with learning opportunities around depth, complexity and acceleration. Students are referred on for testing through each school's child study team.
Indicators may come from classroom-based assessments, CogAT scores along with parent and/or teacher observations. Students who may be a candidate for highly capable services are those who exhibit some of the following characteristics:
- Learns more rapidly and easily than their peers
- Offers original and imaginative responses
- Has extensive vocabulary
- Asks many questions
- Has a sophisticated sense of humor
Brianne Loomis
Highly Capable Specialist
Phone: 360-563-7296
Belinda Kelly
Phone: 360-563-7258
Quick Links
Referrals are closed at this time.
NOTE: Print all forms single-sided, not front and back.
Kindergarten-3rd grade Hi-Cap referral packet- English
Kindergarten-3rd grade Hi-Cap referral packet- Spanish