Learning Development Tools to Practice With Your Child
Give Me a Chance To....
Literacy & Language Development
Give me a chance to...
Identify and Name Some Letters
- Sing the ABC song
- Play with letter magnets or puzzles
- Look for letters in children's books
Start to Write
- Recognize and write my name
- Pretend to write a list, note, card, etc.
- Learn a rhyming song i.e. Jack and Jill, Hickory Dickory
Dock, Itsy Bitsy Spider - Listen to rhyming books i.e. Dr. Seuss, Brown Bear,
Pete the Cat
Treat and Use Books Correctly
- Hold a book and turn pages from left to right
- Pretend to read the book and/or read the pictures
- Talk about and ask questions about a book
- Visit the library (school or public library, story time
Communicate with Others
- Greet others appropriately
- Have a back and forth conversation
- Follow verbal directions with two or three steps
- Express
Mathematics Development
Give me a chance to...
1-1 Correspondence up to 10
- Count out loud
- Touch and count objects
Basic Shapes and Colors Identification
- Name a circle, square, triangle and rectangle
- Find a circle, square, triangle and rectangle
- Name the colors: red, orange, yellow, blue, green, purple, black, white, brown
- Find the colors: red, orange, yellow, blue, green, purple, black, white, brown
Sorting Collections by Attributes (Color, Shape, Size Purpose) and Number Attributes
- Sort familiar objects (toys, balls, blocks, Legos, dishes, etc.) by color and size
- Show you small groups of up to six items
- Roll a dice and hand you that number of items
Physical Development
Give me a chance to...
Daily Living Skills
- Dress myself
- Open snacks and serve myself
- Use the bathroom independently
- Blow my nose and wash my hands
Fine Motor and Hand Strength
- Use school tools like pencils, crayons, scissors, glue and tape
- Pull, push, grab, kneed, pound, stretch, pinch, and squish
Gross Motor/Body Strength and Balance
- Climb, run, jump, crawl, swing, throw, kick and bounce
- Build and dig
Social Emotional Development
Give me a chance to...
Display Independence
- Follow daily routines and expectations
- Try new and challenging things
- Ask for help
- Make mistakes and get messy
Express Feelings
- Feel and name my feelings
- Struggle
- Talk about feelings (yours, mine, and others
- Break, take a break and move forward when I have strong feelings
Build Relationships
- Meet people my own age
- Trust other adults
- Solve problems with others (with support as needed)
Build Flexible Thinking
- Hear "no" and not get what I want
- Problem solve
- Share my ideas
Give me a chance to...
Sustain Focus and Interest in Lessons and Activities
- Listen to a story and ask questions
- Clean up my own messes
- Complete a task from start to finish
- Talk about how the world works
Try More Thank One Way to Solve a Problem
- Make mistakes and fix them
- Express what I need
- Share my ideas, and accept others' ideas
- Wait and take turns
Role Play Live Experiences Through Dramatic Play, Art and Construction Projects
- Dress up and pretend to be something/someone else
- Build my own creations
- Draw, color, cut and create