- Snohomish High School
- School Closure - Weather Delays/Late Start
School Closure - Weather Delays/Late Start
If inclement weather conditions occur during the night, the district office will decide whether to:
- Hold school (regular hours)
- Hold school (delayed start) - All schools will start two hours late
- Close school
In the event that our schools are closed or are starting late:- Automated phone calls and emails are sent to all district families through the School Messenger system (the system is automatically populated with the primary phone numbers and email addresses available in the Skyward/Family Access system).
- A notice is posted on the district Facebook page - www.facebook.com/snohomishschooldistrict
- A notice is placed on the district website.
- Local television and radio stations are notified.
- Emails are sent through our listserv newsletter subscription system.
- A notice is sent to the statewide public emergency notification system - www.flashalert.net/id/SnohomishSchools
Because we know many are getting ready for school or leaving early, we try to get these notifications out to our school community between 5:15-5:45 a.m. If we are fully certain of the situation the evening in advance, we will let our families know at that time. If Snohomish is not mentioned during the newscasts, through School Messenger or on our website, you will know our schools are open and buses are operating on or near the normal schedule.
Limited transportation information
When weather conditions dictate that certain roads are not safely passable, the district will announce it is providing limited transportation (inclement weather & snow) routes. Please see the listing of limited transportation routes and schedules by clicking here. Each school office has a list of the roads/areas that our buses will not travel on when limited transportation is in effect.- The times and locations on the limited transportation (inclement weather & snow) pdfs reflect normal pick-up times - please add two hours if there is a two-hour school delay.
- If routes operate on limited transportation (snow), those routes will be in effect for both the morning and afternoon, even if roads have been cleared during the day.
- There may be a situation in which there is no two-hour delay and buses are operating on limited transportation routes. In these cases, schools will start at normal times.
- It is our district’s practice that kindergartners will not be let off the bus unless the student’s parent/guardian (or designated adult) is at the bus stop at the time of student drop-off. Kindergartners whose parents/guardians are not at the bus stop will be returned to the student’s elementary school where the parent/guardian (or emergency contact) will be called for student pick-up.
Two-hour (2) delay
If there is a two-hour (2) delayed start, the following will apply:- All regular full-day classes including all-day ECEAP will be held two hours later than normal schedules (please contact individual schools for adjusted bell times).The school day will release at normal afternoon release times.
- No a.m. and/or p.m. half-day special education preschool, or half-day ECEAP.
- AIM High School’s morning session will be held from 10 a.m. to noon and the afternoon session from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
- No morning elementary band.
- No zero-hour classes.
- No morning Sno-Isle TECH Skills Center.
- No out-of-district transportation.
- Buses may be on normal routes or limited transportation routes (the decision will remain in effect for the entire day).
- Note: If there is inclement weather on any Friday and a two-hour delayed start is decided, please note the following:
- Schools will start two hours after usual starting times.
- Schools will dismiss at their regular (Monday through Thursday) dismissal times and not the regular Friday two-hour early release times.
If school has been closed for the day, there will be no district busing or transportation available. All evening meetings or functions scheduled to take place in district facilities will be canceled. A decision will be made by noon on the impacted day regarding the possibility of afternoon district- and school-sponsored activities and practices.
Early closure
If school is in session and the weather worsens during the day, the district office will make the decision whether or not to close school and will notify the schools. This will occur only if there is an emergency, such as a localized disaster or widespread extreme weather conditions. If a school closure occurs in the middle of the day, secondary schools will dismiss students so that most will arrive home before elementary students. Elementary students will be dismissed at the regular time. Parents need to have an alternate plan for their child(ren). Make certain they know what they are to do and/or where they should go if parents/guardians cannot get home due to weather conditions.Important links
- District weather info - www.sno.wednet.edu/weather
- Limited transportation (snow) bus routes & schedules - www.sno.wednet.edu/snowroutes
- FlashAlert - www.flashalert.net/id/SnohomishSchools
- Puget Sound Energy outage map - www.pse.com/outage/outage-map
- Snohomish County PUD outage map - https://outagemap.snopud.com/
- Snohomish County road closure information - https://snohomishcountywa.gov/518/Road-Closures
- Snohomish County snow and ice response - https://snohomishcountywa.gov/2113/Snow-and-Ice-Response