
  • Dave Sage
    Executive Director 
    Phone: 360-563-7230

    Heidi Chaffee
    Administrative Assistant
    Phone: 360-563-3532

    Capital Projects
    Phone: 360-563-7230

    Custodial Services
    Phone: 360-563-3533

    Facility Use & Rentals
    Phone: 360-563-7332

    Maintenance & Grounds
    Phone: 360-563-3534

    Resource Conservation
    Phone: 360-563-7261

    Phone: 360-563-7291


Welcome to Operations (Capital Projects, Custodial Services, Facility Use, Maintenance & Safety)

  • Dear students, families and staff,

    I am pleased to introduce the Operations Department, which simply put, is focused on serving our school district and community through our facilities. Operations is comprised of the following teams:

    • Capital improvements program – major and minor construction projects
    • Custodial services
    • Facility use and rentals
    • Maintenance services
    • Resource conservation management – conserving our resources and saving dollars
    • Safety and security champion

    Currently, our custodial and maintenance staff include 39 full-time custodians for our 20 schools and support facilities, as well as 13 maintenance technicians which includes three fulltime grounds crew members.

    We work hard to serve and support our schools and facilities so that instruction and learning happen in a positive, healthy environment. We take pride in our work and live our values:

    • Respecting our coworkers, those we serve and our facilities
    • Providing quality workmanship
    • Maintaining professionalism
    • Serving students, staff and the community
    • Being fiscally responsible
    • Providing a safe working environment

    Our resource conservation management program has been highly successful in saving money through PUD incentive projects and utility bill cost avoidance. In just four years, we have created savings in utility bills more than $800,000 and the district has received more than $200,000 in PUD incentive funds for capital projects and incentive awards. We've been able to leverage these savings towards student learning.

    Operations takes pride in being a part of a great community, and Snohomish is a great place to live and work. We recognize we are stewards of the community schools.

    Please feel free to contact me regarding any questions or concerns you may have. I would be happy to talk with you and receive any input you may provide. 


    Dave Sage

    Dave Sage
    Executive Director, Operations