Early Learning Programs

  • The Snohomish School District recognizes that equity starts at birth and that effective early learning provides a high leverage opportunity to build an empowering foundation for parent/guardian and school partnerships formed around readiness, safety, inclusivity, and creativity.

    Transition to Kindergarten Pre-K

    • Serves 4- to 5-year-old students
    • Monday through Friday full-day Transition to Kindergarten pre-K program
    • Serves children and families who demonstrate a need through the Transition to Kindergarten pre-K application and screening process
    • Please fill out the district Preschool Inquiry Form at www.sno.wednet.edu/preschoolform
    • Contact Teaching and Learning Services at 360-563-7257 or TLS@sno.wednet.edu

    ECEAP Preschool

    • Serves children who are ages 3 or 4 by August 31
    • Monday through Thursday half-day or full-day program
    • Serves families who qualify due to income or housing needs, kinship or foster status, exiting from birth-3 services, and/or IEP status
    • Family education, family fun events, meals, and targeted resources included
    • Please fill out the district Preschool Inquiry Form at www.sno.wednet.edu/preschoolform
    • Contact the ECEAP office at 360-563-4641 or britta.grass@sno.wednet.edu

    Developmental Preschool

    Click here to download a handout.