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New students encouraged to register for 2024-2025 school year
New district students
Do you have a student entering kindergarten and you were unable to register at our annual Spring into Kindergarten event? Have you recently moved to the area? Or, do you have a child who will be new to the Snohomish School District during the 2024–2025 school year? We can’t wait for you to join us! Register today at the Snohomish School District elementary, middle, or high school your child will attend or visit www.sno.wednet.edu/register.
Variances/Choice Transfers
The Snohomish School District is currently reviewing variance/Choice Transfer requests for those families interested in their child(ren) attending a school that is not their neighborhood school for the 2024-2025 school year. If a family wishes for their child(ren) to attend a Snohomish School District school that does not serve the area of his/her residence, parents/guardians must request a variance. Variances are granted for one full school year, or until the end of the current school year. Families wishing to remain at their non-residential school must remember to apply for a variance each year. For more information on variance/Choice Transfer requests, please visit www.sno.wednet.edu/variance.
Transition to Kindergarten
Do you have a preschool-age child who will be eligible for kindergarten after September 2025 (Note: To enter kindergarten, a child must be 5-years-old on or before August 31)? Has it been a challenge for you to access a preschool program for your child? If so, the Snohomish School District’s Transition to Kindergarten pre-K program may be the place for your child to learn and grow! Our Transition to Kindergarten program:
- Serves 4- to 5-year-old students
- Is a state-funded, free Monday through Friday full-day preschool program
- Serves children and families who demonstrate a need through the Transition to Kindergarten pre-K application and screening process
To learn more about Transition to Kindergarten, please fill out the district Preschool Inquiry Form at www.sno.wednet.edu/preschoolform. Upon completion of the form, a district enrollment specialist will be in touch! Screenings and placements typically will occur in March, June, and August. Learn more about all of the district’s early learning programs at www.sno.wednet.edu/pre-k.
ECEAP and Developmental Preschool
In addition to Transition to Kindergarten, we offer other early learning programs including Developmental Preschool and Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP). Developmental Preschool serves 3- to 5-year-old students who meet eligibility requirements for special education services. ECEAP is a state-funded, free preschool for limited-income families.
To learn more about ECEAP and Developmental Preschool, please fill out the district Preschool Inquiry Form at www.sno.wednet.edu/preschoolform. Learn more about all of the district’s early learning programs at www.sno.wednet.edu/earlylearningprograms.