- Riverview Elementary
- Elementary Curriculum Overview
4th Grade
Math: Bridges in Mathematics
In fourth grade, children will solidify their understanding of the four operations to solve equations with whole numbers. They will become familiar with factors and multiples as they continue to explore patterns with numbers and use place values to perform multi-digit arithmetic. Students will deepen their understanding of fractions and learn decimal notations for fractions. They will identify angles and lines and classify geometric shapes by their properties. The curriculum provides lots of hands-on practice, and opportunities to play math games to help children engage in playful learning. The Math Learning Center has a wide variety of resources for families to engage in fun math activities at home. Common Core Math Standards
Reading: Fountas and Pinnell Classroom
Fourth graders will build on the foundational skills developed in the earlier years to explore books that open the doors to new learning, think deeply about new ideas, and expand their horizons. In fourth grade, they will continue to be read to. They will read books with characters who represent a variety of perspectives and experiences. They will learn how to analyze ideas and topics beyond their own experiences and use inference to determine the theme of a text. Teachers will support students’ building of background knowledge to understand text through reading and thinking aloud, and opportunities for discussion. Common Core ELA Standards
Writing: Being a Writer
In fourth grade, students continue to write a variety of genres, including personal narrative, fiction, nonfiction, opinion, and poetry. They learn how to incorporate descriptive details such as transitional words and phrases and write satisfying endings to bring a story's events to a close. In nonfiction writing, students learn research skills such as taking notes, categorizing information, and conducting internet searches to include facts and details in their writing. Students learn to edit their writing for spelling, grammar, paragraphing, and run-on sentences. They also write throughout the day to take notes, record learning, and respond to reading. Common Core ELA Standards
Science: FOSS (Full Options Science System)
Students learn about science and engineering through hands-on, collaborative units rooted in inquiry and discovery. Teachers refer to Next Generation Science Standards and use FOSS Science kits to create student-centered learning opportunities that help children learn to problem-solve, communicate and collaborate while learning important scientific concepts. Next Generation Science Standards
Social Studies: Students learn about Washington State history, including local tribal history. Teachers use supplemental materials to support the Washington State Social Studies Standards.
Social-Emotional: Second Step
Children learn social-emotional skills in a variety of ways, including the behavior they see modeled by the adults in their lives. Social-emotional skills and concepts are also taught explicitly in the classroom, in much the same way math or reading is taught. Second Step provides whole class lessons in growth mindset and goal setting, emotion management, empathy and kindness, and problem-solving.
Music: Spotlight on Music
Our music teachers use Spotlight on Music curriculum to deliver high quality spiraling curriculum. Students learn about, listen to, and perform authentic music while building music and literacy skills. Music Standards
Physical Education: Five for Life Basic PE Curriculum
Our elementary students learn about and practice the five components of fitness, which include cardio-respiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. They also practice The Skill-Related Components of Fitness: Agility, Reaction Time, Balance, and Coordination. Physical Education Standards