- Totem Falls Elementary
- Elementary Curriculum Overview
6th Grade
Math: Big Ideas Math
In sixth grade students will extend their understand of the number system to divide fractions by fractions and find common factors and multiples. They will develop an understanding of ratios and proportional relationships to solve problems, begin to solve problems with one variable, and learn about statistical variability. Students will learn how to solve story problems involving area, surface area, and volume. Common Core Math Standards
Reading: Fountas and Pinnell Classroom
In sixth grade, students have mastered the fundamentals of learning to read, and are now challenging their abilities to sustain attention, remember information, and connect ideas over many days of reading. Throughout the middle grades, students encounter highly sophisticated texts such as fantasies, myths, and epics which require them to analyze the struggle between good and evil. Students might also read books of their choice representing more mature topics such as poverty or war. Authors may use a variety of sophisticated literacy devices such as contradiction, paradox and allusion to carry out complex themes. The teacher provides an increasing amount of nonfiction texts and continues to rely on interactive read alouds, book clubs and independent reading in both whole class and small group discussions. Common Core ELA Standards
Writing: Being a Writer
Sixth grade students continue to practice and improve upon the fundamental writing skills introduced in previous grades. In sixth grade, argumentative writing is introduced. Students learn how to research a certain topic, state a claim about the topic and write an essay arguing in favor of that claim. They also learn to back their claim with evidence and address counterclaims writing in a formal style. Common Core ELA Standards
Science: FOSS (Full Options Science System)
Students learn about science and engineering through hands-on, collaborative units rooted in inquiry and discovery. Teachers refer to Next Generation Science Standards and use FOSS Science kits to create student-centered learning opportunities that help children learn to problem-solve, communicate and collaborate while learning important scientific concepts. Next Generation Science Standards
Social Studies: History Alive!
Students learn about world geography and world history in sixth grade. Teachers use History Alive! The Ancient World to support the Washington State Social Studies Standards.
Health Education: Health Education Resources
Sixth grade students learn about anatomy, reproduction, and pregnancy, puberty and development, HIV prevention.
Social-Emotional: Second Step
Children learn social-emotional skills in a variety of ways, including the behavior they see modeled by the adults in their lives. Social-emotional skills and concepts are also taught explicitly in the classroom, in much the same way math or reading is taught. Second Step provides whole class lessons in mindsets and goals; recognizing bullying and harassment; thoughts, emotions, and decisions; and managing relationships and social conflict.
Music: Spotlight on Music
Our music teachers use Spotlight on Music curriculum to deliver high quality spiraling curriculum. Students learn about, listen to, and perform authentic music while building music and literacy skills. Music Standards
Physical Education:
Our elementary students continue to practice the five components of fitness, which include cardio-respiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. They also practice The Skill-Related Components of Fitness: Agility, Reaction Time, Balance, and Coordination. Physical Education Standards